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Restaurant Catalog App

Part of Dicoding Frontend Expert Path.


  • Vanilla Typescript
  • Lit Element
  • SCSS
  • Webpack 5
  • Zod
  • IndexedDB
  • Workbox
  • Playwright + Vitest

File Overview

  • Integration and unit tests are in their adjacent __test__ directory inside /src.
  • /src
    • /lib contains 3rd party codes.
    • /components contains lit elements.
    • /utils contains small utility functions
    • /pages contains pages for router
    • /router contains the History Router
    • /types contains typescript types and interface

Get Started

Please run npm run build before running development mode to process picture.

# Development mode
npm run start-dev

# Production mode
npm run start-prod

# Analyze bundle size 
npm run bundle-analyze

Unit test

# Run mode
npm run test

# Watch mode
npm run test:watch


# Headless mode
npm run e2e

# Debug mode 
npm run e2e:debug


  1. Using a simple home-made history router for routing. As there is no integrated backend server to serve HTML files on different route other than root, reloading will cause HTTP GET error.
  2. Additionally, testing with Lighthouse will lead to the same problem in PRODUCTION mode other than home page. Therefore, testing with lighthouse should be done in DEVELOPMENT mode as webpack can fallback to index.html.