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My $HOME managed by chezmoi.

Setup Aeon from scratch

  1. Run distrobox enter
  2. Run sh -c “$(curl -fsLS” – init –apply favetelinguis
  3. Build and create the distrobox I want and enter the new box.
  4. Run gh auth login select the SSH option.
  5. Step two is setup with https might want to edit the project .git/config to be ssh once that is setup.
  6. Now run whatever command from bb.ed in chezmoi root, for example install Doom Emacs.
  7. Add . ~/distroboxes/ in .profile for the container i want to use

TODO I rely on tmux tpm and that need to be installed before using tmux git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

Rebuiling my devimage

  1. Run doom sync in new image since often that says it need to rebuild packages when i recreate image.
