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Excalibur v0.29.0 Release

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@eonarheim eonarheim released this 20 Feb 14:28
· 266 commits to main since this release

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This is a huge release v0.29.0, we have a lot of big features that bring us closer to v1!

Join the community on discord!

There are breaking changes in this release, please review the migration guide from v0.28.x to v0.29.0


  • Added new ex.Tilemap.getOnScreenTiles() method to help users access onscreen tiles for logic or other concerns.

  • Added ex.FontSource resource type

    const fontSource = new ex.FontSource('/my-font.ttf', 'My Font')
    game.start(loader).then(() => {
      const font = fontSource.toFont() // returns ex.Font

    Font options can be defined either at the source or at the toFont() call. If defined in both, toFont(options) will
    override the options in the FontSource.

    const fontSource = new ex.FontSource('/my-font.ttf', 'My Font', { 
      filtering: ex.ImageFiltering.Pixel,
      size: 16, // set a default size
    const font = fontSource.toFont({
      // override just the size
      size: 20,
  • Added fullscreen after load feature! You can optionally provide a fullscreenContainer with a string id or an instance of the HTMLElement

    new ex.Loader({
      fullscreenAfterLoad: true,
      fullscreenContainer: document.getElementById('container')
  • Added new ex.Debug static for more convenient debug drawing where you might not have a graphics context accessible to you. This works by batching up all the debug draw requests and flushing them during the debug draw step.

    • ex.Debug.drawRay(ray: Ray, options?: { distance?: number, color?: Color })
    • ex.Debug.drawBounds(boundingBox: BoundingBox, options?: { color?: Color })
    • ex.Debug.drawCircle(center: Vector, radius: number, options?: ...)
    • ex.Debug.drawPolygon(points: Vector[], options?: { color?: Color })
    • ex.Debug.drawText(text: string, pos: Vector)
    • ex.Debug.drawLine(start: Vector, end: Vector, options?: LineGraphicsOptions)
    • ex.Debug.drawLines(points: Vector[], options?: LineGraphicsOptions)
    • drawPoint(point: Vector, options?: PointGraphicsOptions)
  • Experimental ex.coroutine for running code that changes over time, useful for modeling complex animation code. Coroutines return a promise when they are complete. You can think of each yield as a frame.

    • The result of a yield is the current elapsed time
    • You can yield a number in milliseconds and it will wait that long before resuming
    • You can yield a promise and it will wait until it resolves before resuming
      const completePromise = coroutine(engine, function * () {
        let elapsed = 0;
        elapsed = yield 200; // frame 1 wait 200 ms before resuming
        elapsed = yield fetch('./some/data.json'); // frame 2
        elapsed = yield; // frame 3
  • Added additional options in rayCast options

    • ignoreCollisionGroupAll: boolean will ignore testing against anything with the CollisionGroup.All which is the default for all
    • filter: (hit: RayCastHit) => boolean will allow people to do arbitrary filtering on raycast results, this runs very last after all other collision group/collision mask decisions have been made
  • Added additional data side and lastContact to onCollisionEnd and collisionend events

  • Added configuration option to ex.PhysicsConfig to configure composite collider onCollisionStart/End behavior

  • Added configuration option to ex.TileMap({ meshingLookBehind: Infinity }) which allows users to configure how far the TileMap looks behind for matching colliders (default is 10).

  • Added Arcade Collision Solver bias to help mitigate seams in geometry that can cause problems for certain games.

    • ex.ContactSolveBias.None No bias, current default behavior collisions are solved in the default distance order
    • ex.ContactSolveBias.VerticalFirst Vertical collisions are solved first (useful for platformers with up/down gravity)
    • ex.ContactSolveBias.HorizontalFirst Horizontal collisions are solved first (useful for games with left/right predominant forces)
      const engine = new ex.Engine({
        physics: {
          solver: ex.SolverStrategy.Realistic,
          arcade: {
            contactSolveBias: ex.ContactSolveBias.VerticalFirst
  • Added Graphics opacity on the Actor constructor new ex.Actor({opacity: .5})

  • Added Graphics pixel offset on the Actor constructor new ex.Actor({offset: ex.vec(-15, -15)})

  • Added new new ex.Engine({uvPadding: .25}) option to allow users using texture atlases in their sprite sheets to configure this to avoid texture bleed. This can happen if you're sampling from images meant for pixel art

  • Added new antialias settings for pixel art! This allows for smooth subpixel rendering of pixel art without shimmer/fat-pixel artifacts.

    • Use new ex.Engine({pixelArt: true}) to opt in to all the right defaults to make this work!
  • Added new antialias configuration options to deeply configure how Excalibur does any antialiasing, or you can provide antialiasing: true/antialiasing: false to use the old defaults.

    • Example;
    const game = new ex.Engine({
       antialiasing: {
           pixelArtSampler: false,
           filtering: ex.ImageFiltering.Pixel,
           nativeContextAntialiasing: false,
           canvasImageRendering: 'pixelated'
  • Added new lineHeight property on SpriteFont and Font to manually adjust the line height when rendering text.

  • Added missing dual of ex.GraphicsComponent.add(), you can now ex.GraphicsComponent.remove(name);

  • Added additional options to ex.Animation.fromSpriteSheetCoordinates() you can now pass any valid ex.GraphicOptions to influence the sprite per frame

    const anim = ex.Animation.fromSpriteSheetCoordinates({
      spriteSheet: ss,
      frameCoordinates: [
        {x: 0, y: 0, duration: 100, options: { flipHorizontal: true }},
        {x: 1, y: 0, duration: 100, options: { flipVertical: true }},
        {x: 2, y: 0, duration: 100},
        {x: 3, y: 0, duration: 100}
      strategy: ex.AnimationStrategy.Freeze
  • Added additional options to ex.SpriteSheet.getSprite(..., options). You can pass any valid ex.GraphicOptions to modify a copy of the sprite from the spritesheet.

    const sprite = ss.getSprite(0, 0, {
      flipHorizontal: true,
      flipVertical: true,
      width: 200,
      height: 201,
      opacity: .5,
      scale: ex.vec(2, 2),
      origin: ex.vec(0, 1),
      tint: ex.Color.Red,
      rotation: 4
  • New simplified way to query entities ex.World.query([MyComponentA, MyComponentB])

  • New way to query for tags on entities ex.World.queryTags(['A', 'B'])

  • Systems can be added as a constructor to a world, if they are the world will construct and pass a world instance to them

    class MySystem extends System {
      query: Query;
      constructor(world: World) {
        this.query = world.query([MyComponent]);
  • Added RayCastHitas part of every raycast not just the physics world query!

    • Additionally added the ray distance and the contact normal for the surface
  • Added the ability to log a message once to all log levels

    • debugOnce
    • infoOnce
    • warnOnce
    • errorOnce
    • fatalOnce
  • Added ability to load additional images into ex.Materials!

    const noise = new ex.ImageSource('./noise.avif');
    var waterMaterial = game.graphicsContext.createMaterial({
      name: 'water',
      fragmentSource: waterFrag,
      color: ex.Color.fromRGB(55, 0, 200, .6),
      images: {
        u_noise: noise
  • Scene Transition & Loader API, this gives you the ability to have first class support for individual scene resource loading and scene transitions.

    • Add or remove scenes by constructor

    • Add loaders by constructor

    • New ex.DefaultLoader type that allows for easier custom loader creation

    • New ex.Transition type for building custom transitions

    • New scene lifecycle to allow scene specific resource loading

      • onTransition(direction: "in" | "out") {...}
      • onPreLoad(loader: DefaultLoader) {...}
    • New async goToScene() API that allows overriding loaders/transitions between scenes

    • Scenes now can have async onInitialize and async onActivate!

    • New scenes director API that allows upfront definition of scenes/transitions/loaders

    • Example:
      Defining scenes upfront

      const game = new ex.Engine({
        scenes: {
          scene1: {
            scene: scene1,
            transitions: {
              out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 1000, direction: 'out', color: ex.Color.Black}),
              in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 1000, direction: 'in'})
          scene2: {
            scene: scene2,
            loader: ex.DefaultLoader, // Constructor only option!
            transitions: {
              out: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 1000, direction: 'out'}),
              in: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 1000, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.Black })
        scene3: ex.Scene // Constructor only option!
      // Specify the boot loader & first scene transition from loader
        inTransition: new ex.FadeInOut({duration: 500, direction: 'in', color: ex.Color.ExcaliburBlue})
        loader: boot,
    • Scene specific input API so that you can add input handlers that only fire when a scene is active!
      class SceneWithInput extends ex.Scene {
        onInitialize(engine: ex.Engine<any>): void {
          this.input.pointers.on('down', () => {
            console.log('pointer down from scene1');
      class OtherSceneWithInput extends ex.Scene {
        onInitialize(engine: ex.Engine<any>): void {
          this.input.pointers.on('down', () => {
            console.log('pointer down from scene2');

Breaking Changes

  • ex.Engine.goToScene's second argument now takes GoToOptions instead of just scene activation data

       * Optionally supply scene activation data passed to Scene.onActivate
      sceneActivationData?: TActivationData,
       * Optionally supply destination scene "in" transition, this will override any previously defined transition
      destinationIn?: Transition,
       * Optionally supply source scene "out" transition, this will override any previously defined transition
      sourceOut?: Transition,
       * Optionally supply a different loader for the destination scene, this will override any previously defined loader
      loader?: DefaultLoader
  • ex.Physics static is marked as deprecated, configuring these setting will move to the ex.Engine({...}) constructor

    const engine = new ex.Engine({
      physics: {
        solver: ex.SolverStrategy.Realistic,
        gravity: ex.vec(0, 20),
        arcade: {
          contactSolveBias: ex.ContactSolveBias.VerticalFirst
  • Changed the Font default base align to Top this is more in line with user expectations. This does change the default rendering to the top left corner of the font instead of the bottom left.

  • Remove confusing Graphics Layering from ex.GraphicsComponent, recommend we use the ex.GraphicsGroup to manage this behavior

    • Update ex.GraphicsGroup to be consistent and use offset instead of pos for graphics relative positioning
  • ECS implementation has been updated to remove the "stringly" typed nature of components & systems

    • For average users of Excalibur folks shouldn't notice any difference
    • For folks leveraging the ECS, Systems/Components no longer have type parameters based on strings. The type itself is used to track changes.
    • class MySystem extends System<'ex.component'> becomes class MySystem extends System
    • class MyComponent extends Component<'ex.component'> becomes class MyComponent extends Component
    • ex.System.update(elapsedMs: number) is only passed an elapsed time
  • Prevent people from inadvertently overriding update() in ex.Scene and ex.Actor. This method can still be overridden with the //@ts-ignore pragma

  • ex.SpriteSheet.getSprite(...) will now throw on invalid sprite coordinates, this is likely always an error and a warning is inappropriate. This also has the side benefit that you will always get a definite type out of the method.


  • Performance improvement in ex.TileMap finding onscreen tiles is now BLAZINGLY FAST thanks to a suggestion from Kristen Maeyvn in the Discord.
    • TileMaps no longer need a quad tree, we can calculate the onscreen tiles with math by converting the screen into tilemap space 😎
  • Fixed bug where ex.TileMap.getTileByPoint() did not take into account the rotation/scale of the tilemap.
  • Fixes issue where mis-matched coordinate planes on parent/children caused bizarre issues. Now children are forced to inherit their parent's coordinate plane, it will always be the coordinate plane of the top most parent.
  • Fixed issue with Log ScreenAppender utility where it was not positioned correctly, you can now deeply configure it!
    export interface ScreenAppenderOptions {
      engine: Engine;
       * Optionally set the width of the overlay canvas
      width?: number;
       * Optionally set the height of the overlay canvas
      height?: number;
       * Adjust the text offset from the left side of the screen
      xPos?: number;
       * Provide a text color
      color?: Color;
       * Optionally set the CSS zindex of the overlay canvas
      zIndex?: number;
  • Fixed errant warning about resolution when using pixelRatio on low res games to upscale
  • Fixes an issue where a collider that was part of a contact that was deleted did not fire a collision end event, this was unexpected
  • Fixes an issue where you may want to have composite colliders behave as constituent colliders for the purposes of start/end collision events. A new property is added to physics config, the current behavior is the default which is 'together', this means the whole composite collider is treated as 1 collider for onCollisionStart/onCollisionEnd. Now you can configure a separate which will fire onCollisionStart/onCollisionEnd for every separate collider included in the composite (useful if you are building levels or things with gaps that you need to disambiguate). You can also configure this on a per composite level to mix and match CompositeCollider.compositeStrategy
  • Fixed issue where particles would have an errant draw if using a particle sprite
  • Fixed issue where a null/undefined graphics group member graphic would cause a crash, now logs a warning.
  • Fixed issue where Actor built in components could not be extended because of the way the Actor based type was built.
    • Actors now use instance properties for built-ins instead of getters
    • With the ECS refactor you can now subtype built-in Components and .get(Builtin) will return the correct subtype.
    class MyBodyComponent extends ex.BodyComponent {}
    class MyActor extends ex.Actor {
        constructor() {
          this.addComponent(new MyBodyComponent())
    const myActor = new MyActor();
    const myBody = myActor.get(ex.BodyComponent); // Returns the new MyBodyComponent subtype!
  • Fixed issue with snapToPixel where the ex.Camera was not snapping correctly
  • Fixed issue where using CSS transforms on the canvas confused Excalibur pointers
  • Fixed issue with *AndFill suffixed [[DisplayModes]]s where content area offset was not accounted for in world space
  • Fixed issue where ex.Sound.getTotalPlaybackDuration() would crash if not loaded, now logs friendly warning
  • Fixed issue where an empty constructor on new ex.Label() would crash
Raw Changes

New Features

New Refreshed Doc Site!

  • Docs cleanup work part one: 00-welcome, 00-your-first-game, 01-installation, 03-bundlers, and 03-actors by @cdelstad in #2890
  • docs: Fix symbol linking + Pointer docs improvements by @kamranayub in #2928
  • refactor(showcase): update retroski demo url by @mathieuher in #2930

Breaking Changes


New Contributors

Additional Thanks

Many many thanks to everyone who has helped with this release, find bugs, and improve the documentation especially to those on the Discord! In no particular order:

  • @mahbarahona for making the new create-excalibur CLI utility !!!
  • @jyoung4242 (mookie) for building new features into our loader and exploring WFC
  • @kamranayub for all the hard work on the docsite!
  • kristen.maeyvn (discord) for suggesting a HUGE performance improvement that was implemented in TileMaps
  • @mattjennings for spending many many hours on discord with me debugging and improving collisions/physics!
  • @drewconley for being a trusted sounding board for this release!
  • @cdelstad for meeting IRL and chatting about the future of Excalibur!
  • @Hugo-Dz for collaborating on SpriteFusion with Excalibur!
  • And many many more people on the Discord that have made the community friendly and wonderful 🥰

Full Changelog: v0.28.6...v0.29.0