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Cats Helper

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import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.ClockHelper._

val clock = Clock.const[Id](nanos = 1000, millis = 2)

clock.millis // 2
clock.nanos // 1000
clock.micros // 1
clock.instant // Instant.ofEpochMilli(2)


Provides a way to measure duration of a computation in a pure way.


import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.MeasureDuration

for {
  duration <- MeasureDuration[IO].start
  _        <- doSomething
  duration <- duration
} yield duration

Syntax extensions are also available, allowing to measure duration of a computation and execute an effect with it:

import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.syntax.measureDuration._

for {
  int1 <- IO.pure(1).measured(elapsed => IO.println(s"elapsed: $elapsed"))
  int2 <- IO.pure(1).measuredCase(
    successF = elapsed => IO.println(s"Succeeded: $elapsed"),
    failureF = elapsed => IO.println(s"Failed: $elapsed")
} yield int1 + int2


Like Ref but allows A => F[A] rather than A => A
Ensures that updates are run serially

import com.evolutiongaming.catshelper.SerialRef

for {
  ref <- SerialRef.of[IO, Int](0)
  _   <- ref.update(a => (a + 1).pure[IO])
} yield {}


Functional alternative to lazy keyword in Scala

trait LazyVal[F[_], A] {

  def get: F[A]

  def getLoaded: F[Option[A]]

ToFuture & FromFuture

trait ToFuture[F[_]] {
  def apply[A](fa: F[A]): Future[A]

trait FromFuture[F[_]] {
  def apply[A](future: => Future[A]): F[A]

ToTry & FromTry

trait ToTry[F[_]] {

  def apply[A](fa: F[A]): Try[A]

trait FromTry[F[_]] {

  def apply[A](fa: Try[A]): F[A]


trait Log[F[_]] {

  def debug(msg: => String): F[Unit]

  def info(msg: => String): F[Unit]

  def warn(msg: => String): F[Unit]

  def warn(msg: => String, cause: Throwable): F[Unit]

  def error(msg: => String): F[Unit]

  def error(msg: => String, cause: Throwable): F[Unit]


trait Runtime[F[_]] {

  def availableCores: F[Int]

  def freeMemory: F[Long]

  def totalMemory: F[Long]

  def maxMemory: F[Long]

  def gc: F[Unit]


trait ThreadLocalRef[F[_], A] {

  def get: F[A]

  def set(a: A): F[Unit]

  def update(f: A => A): F[Unit]

  def modify[B](f: A => (A, B)): F[B]


This is useful to ensure release called at most once, in cases when "unsafe" api like Resource.allocated being used

val resource: Resource[F, A] = ???


A mutable reference to A value with read-write lock semantics.


Manages a given Resource[F, A] providing access to it only when a feature-toggle is on.

val serviceResource: Resource[F, AService] = ???
val flag: F[Boolean] = ???

val ftService: Resource[F, Resource[F, Option[AService]]] = FeatureToggled
    pollInterval = 10.seconds,
    gracePeriod = 30.seconds,

ftService.use { access =>
  access.use {
    case Some(service) => service.doStuff(…)
    case None          => F.unit


This helper lives in a separate cats-helper-testkit module. It is makes testing F[_]-based code easier.

NOTE: cats-helper-testkit is an experimental module and may break SemVer guarantees from time to time. However we will do our best to avoid unnecessary breakages.

"what time is it now?" in PureTest[IO].of { env =>
  import env._
  for {
    _ <- IO.sleep(1.hour)
    _ <- shouldBe 1.hour)
  } yield ()


addSbtPlugin("com.evolution" % "sbt-artifactory-plugin" % "0.0.2")

libraryDependencies += "com.evolutiongaming" %% "cats-helper" % "2.2.3"