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Admixture analyses

So, let's calculate several variants of the D-statistics to infer admixture among the species in our dataset. Many of our analyses will be based on Genomics General scripts and Simon Martin's tutorials. We will also use as input file the geno file generated previously for divergence and diversity statistics.

We will be calculating:

Minimum absolute D-statistic (Dmin)

To calculate Dmin, you need to calculate D-statistic (or ABBA-BABA) for the three possible conformations of a trio of taxa. I.e,:

  • ((taxa1,taxa2),taxa3);
  • ((taxa1,taxa3),taxa2);
  • ((taxa2,taxa3),taxa2);

Dmin will be the smallest value of D among the three calculated values. The assumption is that the conformation that represents the true relationship between the three species will result in the lowest (and non-significant) D-statistic. With hybridization and particularly with ancestral hybridization it is possible that even the lowest D is relatively high and significant.

So, the first step of the Dmin analysis is to generate all necessary ABBA-BABA conformations from our set of species and calculate D-statistics for all of them. To do so, I used R package treeman which reads all taxa from our ASTRAL species tree, and the R package gtools, which has a combinations() function that generates combinations of whatever size from a list.

Rscript generate_Dmin_combinations.R

The output of this script is called species_combinations_Dmin.txt and will have three columns corresponding to the various combinations of taxa.

Column1 Column2 Column3
taxa1 taxa2 taxa3
taxa1 taxa3 taxa2
taxa2 taxa3 taxa1

In parallel, let's calculate allelic frequencies for all the species in our dataset using from Genomics General (following Simon Martin's tutorial). As input, we use the whole-genome geno file generated previously and a species_file.txt that assigns individuals to species. It is important to set --target derived and use the outgroup species as the last population (in our case -p ORY). This ensures all allele frequencies are derived respectively to the outgroup.

python ~/my_programs/genomics_general/ -g wg_filtered_wHead.geno.gz -p L_americanus -p L_californicus -p L_callotis -p L_capensis -p L_corsicanus -p L_castroviejoi -p L_europaeus -p L_fagani -p L_granatensis -p L_habessinicus -p L_mandschuricus -p L_starki -p L_othus -p L_timidus -p L_townsendii -p ORY --popsFile species_file.txt --target derived -f diplo -o by_species_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz

Based on the code on Simon Martin's tutorial, I wrote my own Rscrip D-stat.R to calculate ABBA-BABA for each trio. This script requires the script jackknife.R from Genomics General to calculate Z-scores for each calculation of D.

Loop through species_combinations_Dmin.txt, feeding the species names to the script, like so:

while read -r taxa1 taxa2 taxa3; do Rscript D-stat.R by_species_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz D_stat_output_by_species/$taxa1_$taxa2_$taxa3.out $taxa1 $taxa2 $taxa3; done < species_combinations_Dmin.txt

Concatenate the resulting files:

tail -q -n1 *.out > D_stat_by_species_results.txt

Finally, the code in calculate_Dmin.R will use D_stat_by_species_results.txt and species_combinations_Dmin.txt to calculate the smallest Dmin value for each trio. The output will be Dmin_by_species_sig_FINAL.txt.

"f-branch" statistics (fb(C))

Disclaimer Since I wrote this code and finalized the results for publication, "f-branch" has been implemented in Dsuite which is probably much easier to use (I've never tried it).

The "f-branch" statistics is a measure of admixture proportion (fG; Martin et al 2015) that takes into account the phylogenetic relationship among species provided in a species tree. Taking the species tree into account is important because the family of D-statistics is prone to false positives when ancestral hybridization or hybridization among closely related species occurs. "f-branch" also has the advantage of calculating a measure of admixture proportion among ancestral branches of a species tree, being thus able to detect ancestral hybridization.

To calculate "f-branch" between a given branch b and branch C, we will need to calculate admixture proportion for all combinations f(A,B,C,O) where A are all leaves below branch a (sister to b), B are the leaves bellow branch b, and C is the donor taxa. When we have all f(A,B,C,O) values we calculate (C). For a given node b, for each A leaf below a (sister of b) we note down the minimum f(A,B,C,O) over all B leaves below b (call it fb(A,C)). Then, we calculate the median of the fb(A,C) over all A.

Take this simple example:


where branches a and b have two daughter lineages A1 and A2, and B1 and B2, respectively. This table would represent the total f(A,B,C,O) to calculate:

a b C O f
A1 B1 C O 0.01
A1 B2 C O 0.02
A2 B1 C O 0.03
A2 B2 C O 0.02

For A1 and A2, we would determine which f is smaller (B1 or B2). For A1 this would be f(A1,B1,C,O) and for A2 this would be f(A2,B2,C,O). We store both of these values which would result in the following table:

a b C O f
A1 B1 C O 0.01
A2 B2 C O 0.02

To calculate (C), we take the median between f(A1,B1,C,O) and f(A2,B2,C,O).

Generate all f(A,B,C,O) taxa combinations from a species tree.

With a larger tree, it gets more complicated. I wrote fd_tree_calculations.R to obtain all pairs of b and C determined by the species tree and all f(A,B,C,O) combinations these pairs generate. This script will read in the ASTRAL species tree and use the R packages treeman, ape and purr to generate a table fb_C_comparisonst_f_G.txt of this format:

b a B A C

Admixture proportion (fG from Martin et al 2015)

Now that we have all f(A,B,C,O) combinations, we need to actually calculate them. The statistic that needs to be calculated for each combination is admixture proportion (fG). Martin et al 2015 explains really the reasoning behind this statistic and how to calculate it, so I won't go into much detail. Equation (4) in this paper is the formula to calculate fG:

alt text

We need to split the P3 (or taxa C) sample in P3a (or Ca) and P3b (or Cb) to calculate the denominator of fG. Since most of the species are represented by two individuals, this means I used one individual as P3a and another as P3b. There are two exceptions. L. americanus has 4 individuals and L. timidus has 3 individuals, so I split them in two "populations". L. callotis has only one individual, so I randomly phased its two chromosomes and use each one as Ca and Cb.

In excel, I completed fb_C_comparisonst_f_G.txt with two extra columns detailing which individual per species C I was going to use as Ca and Cb.

b a B A C Ca Cb

Using Genomics General's, I calculated the frequencies by individual, for the two populations of L. americanus and L. timidus, and for the two chromosomes of L. callotis.

By individual:

python ~/my_programs/genomics_general/ -g wg_filtered_wHead.geno.gz -p LAM_A0604_WA -p LAM_A0965_WA -p LAM_Allab3_Bo -p LAM_NBerg67_Rockies -p LCF_CAL_1954 -p LCF_TUC_2060 -p LCL_1956 -p LCP_SAF_1903 -p LCP_TAN_3023 -p LCR_ITA_1957 -p LCR_ITA_1958 -p LCS_1891 -p LCS_1894 -p LER_PYR_1546 -p LER_VIE_1639 -p LFG_FAG114 -p LFG_FAG96 -p LGR_CRE_2553 -p LGR_SEV_1163 -p LGR_SOR_1184 -p LHB_HAB35 -p LHB_HAB68 -p LMS_PRI_2460 -p LMS_PRI_2461 -p LST_STA65 -p LST_STA89 -p LOT_2109 -p LOT_2110 -p LTM_AFR_3108 -p LTM_CAT_2012 -p LTM_MAG_1862 -p LTW_JRRK_3 -p LTW_MTA_3280 -p OryCun --popsFile individuals_file.txt --target derived -f diplo -o by_individual_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz

For L. americanus and L. timidus:

python ~/my_programs/genomics_general/ -g wg_filtered_wHead.geno.gz -p L_americanus_1 -p L_americanus_2 -p L_timidus_1 -p L_timidus_2 -p OryCun --popsFile species_file_f_G.txt --target derived -f diplo -o by_species_fg_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz

For L. callotis, I split the diploid entries into two haploid samples using (uses python packages pandas and random). The first file is the input and second file is the output file name. wg_filtered_wHead.geno.gz wg_filtered_wHead_hap.geno.gz

Then I calculated frequencies for L. callotis.

python ~/my_programs/genomics_general/ -g wg_filtered_wHead_hap.geno.gz -p LCL_1956_A -p LCL_1956_B -p OryCun --popsFile chromosome_populations.txt --target derived -f diplo -o by_chr_LCL_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz

I collapsed by_species_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz, by_individual_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz, by_species_fg_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz and by_chr_LCL_wg_filtered_wgHead.freq.tsv.gz into a single table all_frequencies_filtered.freq.tsv using the following R code:


# Read the allele-frequencies table.

#remove granatensis
# remove oryctolagus from the other tables
# Convert to data.table

## use all=T to fill non-existent cells with NaN

write.table(freq_table,file="all_frequencies_filtered.freq.tsv",col.names=T,quote=F,sep="\t",row.names = F)

Actually calculating fb(C)

Now, I used the code in f_G.R to calculate fG for all combinations in fb_C_comparisons_f_G.txt. Note that the order on this file is B, A, C, Ca, Cb, and this is the order in wich to specify taxa to f_G.R.

Rscript f_G.R input.freq.tsv.gz outfile.tsv b a B A C Ca Cb

The script will rearange them in the correct order for ABBA-BABA calculations. It requires R packages data.table and stringi. It also requires jackknife.R from Genomics General. It has a specific jackkniffing strategy for our pseudo-phased L. callotis, where each jackkniffing round, both genotypes in a given position will be randomly shuffled. This aims to avoid any biases caused when we split the two chromosomes to obtain two pseudo-samples for L. callotis.

while read -r value1 value2 value3 value4 value5 value6 value7; do Rscript f_G.R all_frequencies_filtered.freq.tsv.gz outfile_ame $value1 $value2 $value3 $value4 $value5 $value6 $value7; done < fb_C_comparisons_f_G.txt

The output will be a table with the following entries:

b a A B C Ca Cb fG no. blocks no. positions standard deviation Z-score

Concatenate all output files into a single table fG_results_species.txt with no headers and run the following code to compute fb(C). Use the code in fb_C.R to calculate all values for the b C pairs designated in fb_C_comparisons_f_G.txt as explained at the beginning of this section. The script will read both of these files and requires R packages data.table, reshape2 and gplots (if you want to plot a heatmap with the values).

Variation of admixture proportion (fhom)

fhom is calculated very similarly to fG, where the only difference is that we don't split C in Ca and Cb, but rather use C twice. You can use the f_G.R to calculate f_hom.R by giving it a repeated entry for Ca (or P3a) and Cb(or P3b). For example, this configuration would calculate fhom:

Rscript f_G.R input.freq.tsv.gz outfile.tsv b a B A C C C

The command I used for the calculations in the paper is this:

Rscript ./f_G.R all_frequencies_filtered.freq.tsv.gz LAM_Allab3_Bo-LAM_A0604_WA-LCF_CAL_1954_fhom.out LAM_A0604_WA LAM_Allab3_Bo LAM_A0604_WA LAM_Allab3_Bo LCF_CAL_1954 LCF_CAL_1954 LCF_CAL_1954

Scans of fraction of admixture (fd) and detection of ancestral introgression

We estimated the fraction of admixture across 50 kb genomic sliding windows (>100 sites, 5 kb steps) using from Genomics General. Here the calculation is pretty simple, as we can calculate this directly. I used the geno file generated here. The command that I used was this one:

python ~/my_programs/genomics_general/ -g wg_filtered_wHead.geno.gz -o L_townsendii_vs_Lamericanus_fdscan_50k5k.txt -P1 L_granatensis -P2 L_townsendii -P3 L_americanus -O ORY --popsFile species_file.txt -f diplo -w 50000 --windType coordinate --minSites 100 --stepSize 5000 -T 2

The objective of this scan was to detect windows that had introgressed between L. americanus and three other species: L. timidus, L. othus and L. townsendii. We thus performed three independent scans for each of the three species pairs. We considered windows in the top 0.5% fd distribution to be significantly introgressed. Finally, we considered outlier in all three scans as regions that were potentially shared among the ancestrals of L. americanus and L. timidus, L. othus and L. townsendii. The code that I used to process the output for the three scans and compare them across the three species is documented in ancestral_outlier_windows.R. This script uses dplyr, scales, and biomaRt (to annotate the outlier windows).

To calculate dxy for each of the outlier windows, we simply run using the same species and window size configuration (50 kb, 5 kb step). We later filtered windows from the output with less than 2000 sites.

python ~/my_programs/genomics_general/ -T 10 -g wg_filtered_wHead.geno.gz -o dxy_windows50k_sscc.out -p L_americanus -p L_timidus -p L_othus -p L_townsendii --popsFile species_file.txt -f diplo -w 50000 --stepSize 5000 --minSites 100 --windType coordinate

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