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A repository of `x160` DSA questions and algorithms. Progress : `160/160`


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DSA x256 list

Number Name Tags
76 Minimum Window Substring #sliding-window #hashmap #array #string #done-b4
84 Largest rectangle in histogram #🙅🏻‍♀ #monotonic-stack #dynamic-programming #stack
85 Maximal Rectangle #based-on-others #monotonic-stack #dynamic-programming #stack
126 Word ladder #strings #hashing #trie #bfs #graphs #backtracking #personal-experiment
127 Word ladder #strings #hashing #trie #bfs #graphs
139 Word Break #dynamic-programming #trie #string #hashing
140 Word Break II #dynamic-programming #trie #string #hashing #backtracking
189 Rotate array #array #rotation #trick #easy
207 Course Schedule #easy #dfs #graphs #cycle-detection
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree #easy #binary-tree
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self
319 Bulb switcher #maths #trick #simulation-was-overkill
354 354. Russian Doll Envelopes
391 PerfectRectangle #trick #math
397 Count Range Sum #merge-sort #merge-algo #math #sliding-window #binary-search-tree #binary-indexed-tree
437 PathSumIII binary-tree #preorder-traversal #dfs #bfs #dynamic-programming
466 Count Reps #pattern-matching #dp
493 Reverse pairs #binary-search #bst #merge-sort #segment-tree #binary-indexed-tree
502 IPO #greedy #heap #priority-queue #trivial-optimization
515 515. Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row #binary-tree #bfs #dfs
518 Counting Coins II #dynamic-programming #memory-optimization
546 Remove boxes #dynamic-programming #array #tricky #important
547 Number of Provinces #graphs #dfs #bfs
560 Subarray Sum Equals K #simulation #dynamic-programming
664 Strange printer #dynamic-programming #array #tricky #important
672 Bulb switcher II #simulation-on-paper #trick #simulation-was-overkill-in-code
684 Redudant Connections #dfs #cycle-detection
695 Max Area of Island #dfs #bfs #graphs #cycle-detection #matrix
719 Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance #binary-search #binary-search-over-solution-space #tricky
740 Delete and Earn
743 Network Delay Time #dijkstras-algorithm
756 Pyramid transition matrix #dfs #bfs #recursion #backtracking
789 Escaaape the ghosts #math #easy
799 Champagne Tower
803 Bricks falling when hit+Sol#1 #dfs #bfs #graphs #union-find
826 Most Profit Assigning Work #implmentation
838 Push dominoes #implmentation
841 Keys and rooms #dfs
875 Koko eating bananas #binary-search #bin-search-over-solution-space
877 Stone Game #dynamic-programming #game-theory #greedy #math
887 Super Egg Drop #binary-search #dynamic-programming #tricky-optimization
917 Reverse Only Letters #easy #memory-optimization #two-pass
927 Three equal parts #math #array #tricky #math:divisibility-rule
938 Range sum of BST #easy #bst
956 Tallest Billboard #dynamic-programming #knapsack #memoization #tricky #unbounded-knapsack
960 Delete Columns to Make Sorted III #dynamic-programming #longest-increasing-subseq #memory-optimization
982 Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero #bitwise-ops #math #combinatorics #optimization
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets #dynamic-programming #array #greedy
995 Minimum Number Of K Consecutive Bit Flips #tricky-approach #queue #sliding-window #unable-to-do-on-my-own
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix #bfs #shortest-path #matrix
1092 Shortest Common Supersequence #dynamic-programming #memory-optimization #LCS #piggybacking
1143 Longest common sub-seq #dynamic-programming #memory-optimization
1147 Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition #dynamic-programming #palindrome #no-effort #two-pointer #string
1155 Rolling dice with sum #dynamic-programming #memory-optimization
1192 Connections in a Network - Articulation points #dynamic-programming #graph-theory #cycle-detection
1202 Smallest String With Swaps
1210 Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations #bfs #dp #tricky #optimization #memoization-optimization
1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses #stacks #string
1263 Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location #dfs #state-traversal #bfs #route-optimization #tricky
1320 Minimum Distance to Type a Word Using Two Fingers #dynamic-programming #small-trick #optimization #memoization-optimization
1323 Max 69 number #java #easy
1376 #dfs #easy #bfs #tree
1414 Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K #math #greedy
1463 Cherry Pickup II #dfs #dynamic-programming
1467 Probability of a Two Boxes Having The Same Number of Distinct Balls #dynamic-programming #memoization #combinatorics #backtracking #tricky #hard
1478 Allocate Mailboxes #math #dynamic-programming #sorting
1499 max-value-of-equation #heap #sliding-window #deque #maths
1514 Path with Maximum Probability #dijkstras-algorithm
1521 Find a Value of a Mysterious Function Closest to Target #bitset-ops #hashing #optimization #cheated🙃
1534 Count Good Triplets
1547 Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick
1575 Count All Possible Routes #dfs #dynamic-programming #array
1578 Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful #greedy #math #simple
1591 Strange Printer II #topological-sort
1626 Best Team With No Conflicts #dp #binary-indexed-tree #longest-increasing-subsequence #sorting
1685 Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array #math
1687 Delivering Boxes from Storage to Ports #dynamic-programming #sliding-window #mono-deque #prefix-sum #segment-tree #optimization #sliding-window
1720 Decode XORed arr #binary-math #easy
1722 Minimise Hamming Distance #graphs #math-and-logic #strongly-connected-components #dfs
1728 Cat and mouse II #graphs #dfs #dp #memoiation #game-theory #trick #dfs-no-visit-track #dfs
1735 Count Ways to Make Array With Product #sieve-eratosthenes #combinatorics #math #dp #tricky
1737 Change Minimum Characters to Satisfy One of Three Conditions
1761 Minimum Degree of a Connected Trio in a Graph #BRUTE-force #graph
1769 Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box #prefix-sum-concept #array #math #easy
1775 Equal Sum Arrays With Minimum Number of Operations #greedy-simulation #greedy #buckets
1793 Maximum Score of a Good Subarray #greedy #two-pointer #ranged-two-pointer #based-on-others #monotonic-stack #dynamic-programming #stack
1799 Maximize Score After N Operations #backtracking #dynamic-programming #gcd #memoization #tricky-optimization #bitmasking
1855 Maximum Distance Between a Pair of Values #two-pointer-approach #binary-search #greedy #array-traversal
1894 Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk #prefix-sum #binary-search #trivial #simulation #preventing-recomputes
1936 Add Minimum Number of Rungs #maths #greedy
1970 Last Day Where You Can Still Cross #binary-search #dfs #bfs #disjoint-sets #tricky #inverse-thought-process
1997 First Day Where You Have Been in All the Rooms #greedy #tricky-dp #graphs #dynamic-programming #deep-logic
2076 Process Restricted Friend Requests
2127 Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a Meeting #dfs #cycle-detection #tricky #ques-specific-approximation
2217 Find Palindrome With Fixed Length #math #array
2218 Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles
2258 Escape the Spreading Fire #dfs #bfs #binary-search #binary-search-over-solution-space #optimization
2260 Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick Up sliding-window #hashing
2271 Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet #tricky #banged-head-in-the-wall-for-it #critical-edge-case
2290 Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner #graphs #bfs #dfs #dijkstras-algo #optinization #shortest-path-tree #minsweeper
2295 Replace Elements in an Array
2316 Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph #graphs #dfs #bfs #scc
2318 Number of Distinct Roll Sequences #backtracking #dynamic-programming
2322 Minimum Score After Removals on a Tree #trees #graph-theory #dynamic-programming #tricky
2320 Count Number of Ways to Place Houses
2321 Maximum Score Of Spliced Array
2338 Count the Number of Ideal Arrays #combinatorics #dynamic-programming #tricky #hard
2347 Best Poker Hand #easy
2348 Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays #combinatorics
2353 Design a Food Rating System #lld #crude-impl #hashmaps #bst #heap
2349 Design a Number Container System #maps #sets #bst #augmented-data-str
2350 Shortest Impossible Sequence of Rolls #maps #sets #bst #augmented-data-str
2400 Number of Ways to Reach a Position After Exactly k Steps #dynaic-programming #math #combinatorics
2402 Meeting Rooms III #heaps #hard #tricky-impl
2406 Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups #heaps #meeting-rooms #line-sweep
2433 Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor #easy #binary-math
2435 Paths in Matrix Whose Sum Is Divisible by K #dfs #dynamic-programming #matrix
2444 Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds #tricky #sliding-windows #twist
2551 Put Marbles in Bags #math #combinatorics #dp #tricky
2456 Most Popular Video Creator #greedy #priority-queue #sorting #math #optimization
2458 Height of Binary Tree After Subtree Removal Queries #DFS #bfs #binary-tree #tricky #best-and-2nd-best
2477 MinimumFuelToReportToCapitol #DFS #bfs #tree #post-order-traversal #math-and-logic
2508 Add Edges to Make Degrees of All Nodes Even ##two-pointer #sliding-window #unconventional-traversal
2516 Take K of Each Character From Left and Right #split-sliding-window #sliding-window #suffix-precomputation
2554 Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range I #contest #greedy #traversal
2555 Separate Digits in an Array #contest #easy #traversal
2556 Disconnect Path in a Binary Matrix by at Most One Flip #dfs #rashly-coded #contest
2565 Subsequence With the Minimum Score #split-sliding-window #sliding-window #suffix-precomputation #dp #binary-search #bin-search-across_sol-space
2663 Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful String #
2809 Minimum Time to Make Array Sum At Most x // Minimum Time to Make Array Sum At Most x #tricky #very-hard #dynamic-programming #array #sorting #greedy #ai-wrote-this-description #contest
2810 Faulty Keyboard #contest #simulation #very-easy
2811 Check if it is Possible to Split Array #
2813 Maximum Elegance of a K-Length Subsequence #greedy #array
2812 Find the Safest Path in a Grid #contest #dfs #bfs #dijkstra-algorithm #priority-queue #binary-search
2813 Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K #contest #greedy #math #easy
2815 Max Pair Sum in an Array #contest #array #hashing #easy
2816 Double a Number Represented as a Linked List #math #linked-list
2817 Minimum Absolute Difference Between Elements With Constraint #array #binary-search #binary-search-tree
2818 Apply operations to maximize score #array #stack #queue #priorityqueue #math #prime #optimization #important
2824 Count Pairs Whose Sum is Less than Target #easy #brute-force #contest #sorting #two-pointer
2825 Make String a Subsequence Using Cyclic Increments #contest #easy #greedy #two-pointer
2826 Sorting Three Groups #easy #greedy #memoization #dynamic-programming #contest
2842 Count K-Subsequences of a String With Maximum Beauty #contest #math #greedy #combinatorics #combinatorial-optimization
2860 Happy students #array #greedy #sorting #contest
2861 Max Number Of Alloys #contest #binary-search #greedy
2869 Minimum Operations to Collect Elements #easy #sets #contest
2870 Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty #dp #math #contest
2872 Maximum Number of K-Divisible Components #math #divisibility-rules #contest #dfs #greedy
MSOA Contiguous Subarray Count with Arithmetic Mean #maths #dynamic-programming #tricky
MSOA Build max-sized array with constraints #smart-enumeration #backtracking #on-constraint-switch #heap
Uber_OA #2 Subsequence of a in copies of b
Uber_OA #3 Farmer John
Unk Bellman Ford algorithm #graph-theory #dynamic-programming
Unk Floyd Warshall algorithm #graph-theory #dynamic-programming

Unlisted in count: 25 Total: 161/160

Note: I don't count easy questions in above count. Also, many of the solved questions aren't all listed as well.

Personal note

As of writing this, I have solved 447 questions on Leetcode of which 365 are Med/Hard ones. I am not bragging, just putting myself out there, but I have done a ton of questions on other platforms as well, combined(yes literally it's just over 1k). Codeforces, HackerRank, HackerEarth, GFG, Google Kickstart... the list does not go on. For first three I have forgotten the account-ids and being stupidly lazy, I will never bother to retrieve them again. Done this many problems and yet I make a truckload🚚 of stupid mistakes.

I created this repo to write about my approach. In no way it's perfect. And in no way my backlog is anywhere near complete. Infact it grows more than it shrinks down, as I do more and more of such problems.

It was decided by me last year(in a .gitignore'd file), that I'd start preparing for the switch wholeheartedly once I reach a certain threshold. 160 in my case. And it's now time. I'll be archiving this and be continuing in a next one. Where I'd work on my LLD and HLD skills relevant to interview processes.

Lastly, I'd like to put it down that I'll be carring on over at ascraeus-mons. Do check it out.

P.S. And yes, I am fascinated by space. That's why I finished up the game of Starfield last week.


A repository of `x160` DSA questions and algorithms. Progress : `160/160`








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