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Knights et al. (2021). Brain decoding during real actions.

This repository contains code accompanying the timeseries machine-learning project that is published in the Journal of Neuroscience:


1) Conduct the Experiment

Add minilab.m on to the matlab path before initiating the fMRI experiment: runExperiment/run_MRI_realAction.m

2) Convert dataset to standard BIDS format

Perform the .dcm conversion using python via: BIDSconversion/convertBIDS.m
Alternatively, use datalad to download the fMRI data from openneuro platform:

3) Perform machine-learning classification

Run the Leave-One-Run-Out cross validation MVPA or searchlight libsvm classifiers:
Alternatively, download the derived MVPA summary dataset from the Open Science Framework platform:

4) Hypothesis testing

Compare decoding accuracy using across classifiers using Bayesian t-tests & ANOVAs: stats/BayesTests.m

5) Generate plots

The resulting machine-learning distribution plots can be generated via: plots/run_violinPlots.m

How to Acknowledge

Please cite:
Knights, E., Mansfield, C., Tonin, D., Saada, J., Smith, F. W., & Rossit, S. (2021). Hand-selective visual regions represent how to grasp 3D tools: brain decoding during real actions. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(24), 5263-5273.