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Releases: esqLABS/esqlabsR


31 Jul 09:12
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Breaking changes

  • {esqlabsR} now requires {ospsuite} version 12.1.0 or higher to benefit from
    embedded PK-Sim core files.

  • Function exportSteadyStateToXLS has been removed in favor of
    ospsuite::exportSteadyStateToXLS (#598)

  • Function sensitivitySpiderPlot overhauled with new parameters. yAxisType
    to toggle between percentand absolute values. xAxisScale and
    yAxisScale to set axis scales to log or lin. yAxisFacetScales to
    choose between free and fixed scales for y-axis. Further plot
    customization options through defaultPlotConfiguration (#632).

  • Function sensitivityTimeProfiles with new signature. Introduced parameters
    xAxisScale and yAxisScale to set axis scales to log or lin. More
    plot customization options through defaultPlotConfiguration as described
    in the documentation. Plots have improved color palette, scaling and legend
    colors (#669).

  • Function sensitivityTimeProfiles updated. Observed data (single or
    multiple DataSet objects) can now be added to the plots and will be
    included automatically in the outputPath if the dimensions are convertible

  • Function writeExcel() is no longer exported. (#672)

Major Changes

  • New sensitivityTornadoPlot function for generating tornado plots that
    evaluate the impact of parameter changes on sensitivity analysis outcomes.
    It utilizes parameterFactor to depict the scaling effects of parameter
    modifications. Provides plot customization options through
    defaultPlotConfiguration (#652).

  • New function writeParameterStructureToXLS to write a list of parameter
    paths, values, and units (e.g., imported using the readParametersFromXLS()
    function) to an Excel file. In contrast to exportParametersToXLS(), which
    writes an excel file for a list of Parameter objects, this function
    expects the parameter structure as used throughout the package.

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Function createScenarios gets a new argument stopIfParameterNotFound. If
    TRUE (default), a scenario will not be created and an error is thrown if
    any user-defined parameter (e.g., provided in Excel files) is not found in
    the simulation. If FALSE, non-existing parameters are ignored. (#559)

  • Constructor of a Scenario class gets a new argument

  • More explicit error is shown if x/yOffsetsUnit is not set when x/yOffset is

  • Plotting functions have improved dynamic axis breaks, limits calculation, and
    labeling (#691).

esqlabsR 5.1.3

05 Mar 14:25
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Minor improvements and bug fixes

esqlabsR 5.1.2

23 Nov 13:54
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Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where scenario results could not be saved or loaded when
    scenario name contains a slash or a backslash (#548, @PavelBal)
  • Add support for nsd argument from ospsuite::plotPopulationTimeProfile()
    aggregation methods. A new column nsd was added to the PlotConfiguration
    sheet in the example Plot.xlsx (#544, @Felixmil).
  • Documentation includes PK-Sim installation instructions (#537, @Felixmil).
  • Better error message if some ids are not uniques in the excel configuration files (#568, @Felixmil)
  • Handles better empty rows in the excel configuration files (#569, @Felixmil)
  • Cleaner NEWS file (#527).

esqlabsR 5.1.0

28 Aug 13:16
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  • New vignette/article about figure creation.
  • Plots are using new color palette.
  • Some modifications to plot configuration files for better plots.


  • When importing observed data using the default importer configuration, data
    set naming is grouped by StudyId at the first place.
    Before: {Molecule}_{Study Id}_{Subject Id}_{Species}_{Organ}_{Compartment}_{Dose}_{Route}_{Group Id}
    After: {Study Id}_{Molecule}_{Subject Id}_{Species}_{Organ}_{Compartment}_{Dose}_{Route}_{Group Id}

This will result in different data set names, and plots specifying the data sets
by the old naming will fail. For compatibility, use custom importer configuration
with the old naming:

  importerConfiguration <- ospsuite::loadDataImporterConfiguration(
    configurationFilePath = projectConfiguration$dataImporterConfigurationFile
  importerConfiguration$namingPattern <- "{Molecule}_{Study Id}_{Subject Id}_{Species}_{Organ}_{Compartment}_{Dose}_{Route}_{Group Id}"


  • loadObservedData() gets a new argument importerConfiguration. The user can
    now provide a custom importer configuration for loading the data.

  • Plots.xlsx, sheet 'plotConfiguration', now uses xValuesLimits and yValuesLimits
    to set axis limits of the plots by default. This approach filters data outside of the
    limits. See for
    more details. The user can still use xAxisLimits and yAxisLimits.

  • Sheet 'plotConfiguration' in the Excel file 'Plots' gets additional column 'aggregation'. The value is passed to
    the function plotPopulationTimeProfile(). Supported values are listed in ospsuite::DataAggregationMethods.

    • arithmetic: population results are plotted as arithmetic mean +- arithmetic standard deviation
    • geometric: population results are plotted as geometric mean +- geometric standard deviation
    • quantiles (default): population results are plotted as quantiles defined in the column quantiles.
  • Protein ontogenies can be defined for populations and individuals. To specify ontogenies for
    proteins in the simulation, list the proteins you want to define ontogenies for
    in the column 'Protein' of files 'PopulationParameters.xlsx' or 'Individuals.xlsx', separated by a ','. Speficy the ontogenies available in PK-Sim (see article in the column 'Ontogenies'. The number of entries in the both columns must be equal.

  • Excel file 'PopulationParameters.xlsx' gets additional columns 'Protein' and 'Ontogeny'.

  • Excel file 'Individuals.xlsx' gets additional columns 'Protein' and 'Ontogeny'.


  • When a scenario fails, runScenarios() does not crash any more, but a
    warning is shown with the name of the failed scenario. The returned outputValues
    is NULL.
  • Throw a warning instead of an error if a path specified in ProjectConfiguration does not exist. $outputFolder existence is not checked anymore.
  • stringToNum() does not show a warning NAs introduced by coercion when a value
    cannot be converted to a numeric any more. For such values, NA is silently returned.


  • exportParametersToXLS - ignore parameters with NaN #480
  • Show a meaningful error when no time unit is specified for a scenario #483

esqlabsR 5.0.0

23 Jun 07:28
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New functionalities

  • New function loadObservedDataFromPKML() to load data from *.pkml located in
    the "PKML" sub-folder of the "Data" folder.

  • New function createScenarios() to create Scenario objects from ScenarioConfiguration objects

  • Plots can be created by calling the new function createPlotsFromExcel(). It requires as input parameters simulatedScenarios (a list of simulated scenarios as returned by runScenarios()), observedData (a list of DataSet objects) and a ProjectConfiguration object projectConfiguration.

  • New function createDataCombinedFromExcel() creates DataCombined objects as
    defined in the Plots.xlsx file.

  • New function saveScenarioResults() to save results produced by the runScenarios()
    function to csv files and corresponding simulations to pkml files.

  • New function loadScenarioResults() to load results from csv files into a structure
    as produced by the runScenarios() function.

  • New function compareSimulation() to compare two simulations for differences.

  • runScenarios() also returns a Population object for population simulations.

  • runScenarios() gets a new argument savePopulationToCSV, with default value FALSE.


  • Field setTestParameters removed from ScenarioConfiguration
  • Function initializeScenario() has been removed
  • Definition of simulation time in the Scenarios.xlsx file changed. The new expected format
    is a triplet of values <StartTime, EndTime, Resolution>, where Resolution is the number of
    simulated points per time unit defined in the column TimeUnit.
  • Field poinstPerMinute of ScenarioConfiguration has been removed.
  • Function compareSimulationParameters() has been removed and replaced by compareSimulations()
  • Scenarios excel file gets additional columns SteadyStateTime, SteadyStateTimeUnit,
    PopulationId, OutputPathsIds.
  • readScenarioConfigurationFromExcel() has a new signature and requires a list of
    scenarioNames and a ProjectConfiguration. The output is a named list of ScenarioConfiguration
  • Output paths are not set from global variable OutputPaths any more but
    from the respective field of ScenarioConfgiruation
  • ProjectConfiguration does not have field $outputDevice any more.
  • ScenarioConfiguration does not store SimulationRunOptions any more. Simulation run options must be passed to the runScenarios() function. Different run options cannot be used within one scenarios run.
  • Enum GraphicsDevices has been removed.
  • Function initializeSimulation() does not have arguments simulateSteadyState, steadyStateTime and simulationRunOptions any more.


  • New class Scenario that represents a scenario created from a ScenarioConfiguration

  • ScenarioConfiguration gets a new field outputPaths which is a list of
    output paths for which the results will be calculated. If NULL (default),
    outputs as defined in the simulation are used.

  • Paths of model outputs are defined in the excel file Scenarios.xlsx. In the
    sheet OutputPaths, create an entry for each output. The column OutputPath is the full
    path to the output, while OutputPathId is an identifier that conveniently allows
    to select the correct output.
    In the Scenarios sheet, enter the IDs of all paths the outputs should be generated for,
    separated by a ,, e.g. Aciclovir_PVB, Aciclovir_fat_cell.

If no outputs are specified, the outputs as defined in the simulation .pkml file
will be produced.

  • ScenarioConfiguration gets a new field populationId, specifying the id of
    the population as defined in the PopulationParameters.xlsx file, sheet Demographics.
    If the field is NULL, the scenario is simulated as an individual simulation,
    otherwise a population simulation is performed.

  • ScenarioConfiguration gets a new field readPopulationFromCSV. If FALSE (default),
    a new population is created from defined population demographics. If TRUE, a simulation
    will be imported from a csv sheet located in the folder Parameters/Populations and
    named as the PopulationId.

  • runScenarios() supports scenario configurations for population simulations

  • Target folder for saving *.pkml simulations when runScenarios(scenarioConfigurations, saveSimulationsToPKML = TRUE)
    changed from Models/Simulations/<DateSuffix> to Results/SimulationResults/<DateSuffix>.

  • sensitivityCalculation() - fixed bug in wrong calculation of sensitivity values.
    Please be aware that the results produced by earlier versions are wrong.

  • The workflow for running scenarios changed to:
    • Create a ProjectConfiguration with createDefaultProjectConfiguration()

    • Create ScenarioConfigurations, e.g. with readScenarioConfigurationFromExcel(scenarioNames, projectConfiguration)

    • Run scenarios with runScenarios(scenarioConfigurations)

    • Alternatively:

    • Create a ProjectConfiguration with createDefaultProjectConfiguration()

    • Create ScenarioConfigurations, e.g. with readScenarioConfigurationFromExcel(scenarioNames, projectConfiguration)

  • ProjectConfiguration gets a new field plotsFile. It is the name of the excel file with plot definitions and must be located in the paramsFolder.

  • When defining an individual of other species than human in ScenarioConfiguration
    and applying it to a human model, missing species-specific parameters are applied and the
    scaling works properly. Supported scalingsa are: Human to rat, human to monkey,
    human to rabbit.

  • initializeSimulation() does not perform steady-state run any more. This is done as part of the runScenarios() function.


  • Function stringToNum() gets additional arguments lloqMode and uloqMode
    that determine how entries of type "<number" and ">number" will be treated.

  • readScenarioConfigurationFromExcel() will read all scenarios defined in the
    Scenarios.xlsx file if no scenario names are specified (argument scenarioNames = NULL).

  • Function setApplications() is deprecated.

  • Dark grey frame around legends by default.

Release Version 4.0.128

26 Sep 12:28
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esqlabsR 4.0.128


  • Three new functions to create configuration objects needed for data visualization workflows:

    • createEsqlabsPlotConfiguration()
    • createEsqlabsPlotGridConfiguration()
    • createEsqlabsExportConfiguration()
  • New function getAllApplicationParameters() that returns all parameters of
    applications in a simulation

  • New function exportParametersToXLS() to write parameter information into an
    excel file that can be loaded in MoBi or R using the readParametersFromXLS()

  • New function writeExcel() that is a wrapper for creating a directory
    (if not present) and writing to excel file using writexl::write_xlsx().


  • The package requires R version >=4.1.

  • The package gains new dependencies:

  • Function getSteadyState() has been moved to package {ospsuite.parameteridentification}.

  • Function loadObservedData() requires a ProjectConfiguration instead of a

  • DataMapping, DataMappingConfiguration, XYData, DataConfiguration and
    associated functions for creating standard figures are moved to esqlabsRLegacy

Release Version 3.0.89

23 May 07:50
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esqlabsR 3.0.89


  • To carry out and visualize sensitivity analysis:

    • sensitivityCalculation()
    • sensitivitySpiderPlot()
    • sensitivityTimeProfiles()
  • Classes and functions for standard esqLABS simulation workflow:

    • ProjectConfiguration
    • ScenarioConfiguration
    • createDefaultProjectConfiguration()
    • readScenarioConfigurationFromExcel()
    • setApplications()
    • initializeScenario()
    • initializeScenario()



  • jsonlite,
  • patchwork,
  • purrr,
  • R6,
  • readr,
  • stringr,
  • tidyr,
  • colorspace,
  • dplyr,
  • ggplot2,
  • hash,
  • readxl,
  • shiny,
  • shinyjs,
  • tools,
  • vctrs,
  • writexl

OPTIONAL PACKAGES (required to build from source):

  • knitr,
  • rmarkdown,
  • testthat,
  • vdiffr

esqlabsR Package version 2.0.0

12 Jan 12:15
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Maintenance and bug fixes

First GitHub release. Includes compatible packages:

  • rClr 0.9.1
  • ospsuite-r 10.0.72
  • esqlabsR 2.0.0

You will also need to install the following packages from CRAN if you are starting with a fresh R installation:

  • hash (CRAN)
  • R6 (CRAN)
  • readxl (CRAN)
  • writexl (CRAN)
  • vctrs (CRAN)
  • shiny (CRAN)
  • shinyjs (CRAN)

esqlabsR Package version 1.4.5

13 Apr 10:31
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First GitHub release. Includes compatible packages:

  • rClr 0.9
  • ospsuite-r 10
  • esqlabsR 1.4.5