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Releases: espressomd/espresso


22 May 14:16
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.2 line.

Improved documentation

  • Installation instructions now mention the FFTW3 MPI dependency of long-range solvers and provide recommended version numbers for Jupyter Notebook dependencies (#4790).
  • Installation instructions now mention Python environments (#4922).
  • Observables not properly document return values, array shapes, and use a more consistent mathematical notation (#4898).

Bug fixes

  • Fatal runtime errors due to MPI global variables lifetime were addressed (#4858). Older ESPResSo releases built with Boost 1.84 or later might randomly crash when exiting the Python interpreter.
  • Virtual sites no longer contribute to the kinetic energy of the system (#4839). The regression was introduced in April 2021 and affected the 4.2 branch of ESPResSo.
  • Inertialess tracers are now integrated along the z-axis (#4714). The regression was introduced in February 2022 and affected the 4.2 branch of ESPResSo.
  • Inertialess tracers now throw an exception when attempting to use LB GPU with 2 or more MPI ranks (#4714). Before, tracers on non-root MPI ranks would be silently ignored by the CUDA kernels, and would have a constant velocity, either 0 if the particle never visited the fluid domain on the root rank, or the last known velocity if the particle was once on the root rank. This bug affected all ESPResSo versions.
  • Particles close to the faces of the simulation box are now properly coupled to the LB fluid (#4827). Due to numerical instability, it was previously possible for particles to be outside the box simulation by a tiny amount and skip LB particle coupling. The probability of this bug occurring was low, but could be enhanced in simulations that purposefully placed particle near the faces of the simulation box: polymers sheared by Lees-Edwards boundary conditions, raspberry particles (colloids, bacteria, etc.) when crossing a periodic boundary, or cell membranes placed close to a periodic boundary.
  • Resizing the box now throws a runtime error if there are constraints present (#4778), since constraint preconditions might no longer be fulfilled. For example, a wall constraint might end up outside the box boundaries when the box shrinks.
  • Resizing the box via system.box_l = new_box_l now throws a runtime error if there are particles present, because particle position folding cannot be guaranteed to be correct (#4901); use system.change_volume_and_rescale_particles() instead, which properly rescales particle positions.
  • The velocity Verlet NpT propagator doesn't apply friction and noise on angular velocities. ESPResSo now throws an error when NpT encounters a rotating particle (#4843). This bug affected all ESPResSo versions.
  • The Brownian thermostat can no longer be configured with act_on_virtual=True due to an unresolved bug (#4295) that will be addressed in the next minor release.
  • Restrictions on the number of MPI ranks have been lifted from the checkpointing mechanism (#4724). It is now possible to use checkpointing again in MPI-parallel simulations when the system contains LB boundaries or Union shape-based constraints. These restrictions had been introduced in 4.2.0 for technical reasons that have since been resolved.
  • When passing an invalid value to a function that expects an input parameter of type list of size 3, an exception is now raised (#4911). Previously, some functions would print an error message and continue their execution with uninitialized data.
  • The per-type and per-mol_id contributions from, system.analysis.pressure() and system.analysis.pressure_tensor() now return the correct values (#4788). Older version of ESPResSo were confusing the particle mol_id with the particle type. The total pressure was unreliable when mol_id properties were set to non-zero values.
  • The OpenGL visualizer now extracts the correct non-bonded potential parameter sigma when feature WCA is compiled in but LENNARD_JONES isn't (#4720). The regression was introduced in 4.2.1.
  • Method OifCell.elastic_forces() no longer throws a TypeError (#4813).
  • Benchmark scripts were adjusted to support large particle numbers (#4753).

Under the hood changes

  • Several Clang 16 and GCC 13 compiler diagnostics have been addressed (#4715).
  • A non-critical GCC C++20 deprecation warning in Cython-generated code was disabled (#4725).
  • Several deprecation warnings emitted by CMake 3.27 have been silenced (#4792).
  • Add support for setuptools version 67.3.0 and above (#4709).
  • Add support for Python 3.12 in testsuites run by CTest (#4852).
  • Python requirements have been updated (#4924).
  • CI pipeline URLs have been fixed (#4736).


17 Apr 18:43
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.2 line.

Added functionality

  • P3M and DipolarP3M can now be used with the hybrid decomposition cell system with 1 MPI rank (#4678).
  • Lattice-Boltzmann can now be used with the N-square and hybrid decomposition cell systems with 2 or more MPI ranks (#4676).

Changed requirements

  • The nbconvert version requirement was bumped to 6.5.1 to patch an XSS vulnerability (#4658).

Improved documentation

  • The user guide now documents how to improve the reproducibility of simulations that have checkpointing enabled (#4677).
  • The user guide now reflects that the lattice-Boltzmann profile observables can be used in parallel (#4583).
  • The active matter tutorial now uses an adequate engine dipole for the swimmer particle (#4585).
  • The error analysis tutorials have been improved (#4597).
  • The tutorials can now be used in VS Code Jupyter (both the desktop and web versions) and the mathematical formula are now correctly displayed (#4531).
  • All ESPResSo-specific CMake options are now documented in the installation chapter of the user guide (#4608).
  • Python package installation instructions no longer feature package version numbers; instead, requirements.txt is used as a constraint file (#4638).
  • MMM1D algorithms now properly document their parameter names (#4677).
  • Reaction methods now cite the relevant literature (#4681).
  • Caveats for chain analysis methods are now documented (#4698).
  • Minor formatting issues in Sphinx and typos in Python docstrings were addressed (#4608).

Interface changes

  • A new boolean property System.virtual_sites.override_cutoff_check was introduced to allow disabling the cutoff range checks from virtual sites (#4623).

Removed functionality

  • The unused and untested Analysis.v_kappa() method was removed (#4534).

Improved testing

  • Improve unit testing of core functionality: P3M, MMM1D, OIF, virtual sites, script interface factory (#4631).

Bug fixes

  • The checkpointing mechanism now properly restores the particle quaternion and all derived quantities (#4637). Release 4.2.0 introduced a regression that caused checkpoint files to overwrite the particle quaternion/director by a unit vector pointing along the z direction, when the DIPOLES feature was part of the myconfig file. This lead to incorrect trajectories when reloading a simulation from a checkpoint file, if the particle director played a role in the simulation (ex: relative virtual sites, Gay-Berne potential, anisotropic particles, active particles, etc.). In addition, the angular velocity in body frame was restored with the wrong orientation. Since the default myconfig file contains DIPOLES, most ESPResSo users were affected.
  • The checkpointing mechanism now properly restores LB boundaries (#4649). Release 4.2.0 introduced a regression where reloading LB populations would accidentally reset LB boundary flags.
  • The checkpointing mechanism now restores P3M and DipolarP3M solvers without triggering a re-tune (#4677). In previous releases, the checkpointing code would automatically re-tune these algorithms during a reload, causing tiny deviations in the forces that were problematic for trajectory reproducibility.
  • Brownian dynamics now integrates the rotational dynamics of rotatable particles whose position is fixed in 3D space (#4548).
  • Langevin dynamics now properly integrates particles with anisotropic friction (#4683, #4690).
  • A regression that caused virtual sites to incorrectly count their image box when crossing a periodic boundary has been fixed (#4564, #4707).
  • Particles can no longer be created or updated with a negative mass or a null mass (#4679).
  • Particles created without a user-specified type can now participate in reactions (#4589).
  • When a Monte Carlo displacement move is rejected, the original particle velocity is now restored (#4589).
  • Reaction methods now raise an exception when accidentally calling method.reaction(steps=20) instead of method.reaction(reaction_steps=20) (#4666). Since 4.2.0 the steps argument was ignored, in which case the default value reaction_steps=1 would used by the core. Note that in the next minor release of ESPResSo, the reaction_steps argument will be renamed to steps.
  • Reaction methods now rebuild the list of free particle ids every time WidomInsertion::calculate_particle_insertion_potential_energy() and ReactionAlgorithm::do_reaction() are called (#4609). This was needed to allow multiple concurrent reactions, as well as avoiding subtle bugs when both the user and a reaction method tried to create a new particle with an id that used to belong to a deleted particle.
  • When all particles are cleared, the reaction methods type map is now also cleared (#4645). In the past, it was possible to attempt a reaction on particles that had just been cleared from the system, which would raise an exception. This bug affected all ESPResSo releases since 4.0.
  • The System.part.pairs() method now returns the correct particle pairs when particle ids aren't both contiguous and starting from 0 (#4628). The regression was introduced in release 4.2.0.
  • The auto-exclusions feature no longer adds spurious exclusions to particle ids in the range [1, distance] (#4654). This bug would potentially break the physics of the system and potentially raise an exception in a system with non-contiguous particle ids. This regression was introduced in release 2.2.0b.
  • The structure factor analysis code no longer double-counts particles when the same particle type is provided twice (#4534).
  • The minimal distance distribution analysis code no longer has an arbitrary cutoff distance when the simulation box is aperiodic (open boundaries); this would cause spurious artifacts to appear in the histogram at r = np.sum(system.box_l) when particles were further apart than this arbitrary distance (#4534).
  • The cluster analysis functions are now disabled for systems with Lees-Edwards periodic boundaries, since the cluster analysis position wrapping code doesn't properly handle the shear offset (#4698).
  • The chain analysis methods now raise an error when the number of chains or beads per chain is invalid (#4708).
  • The observable tests now longer rely on deprecated numpy options that were removed in numpy 1.24 (#4635).
  • The visualizer *_arrows_type_materials options now have an effect on arrow materials (#4686).
  • The visualizer exception handling mechanism has been made less brittle (#4686).
  • The visualizer no longer raises exception when the optional dependency freeglut isn't installed (#4691).
  • The visualizer can randomly freeze when using collision detection or bond breakage; a temporary workaround has been introduced that fixes the issue for simulations that use only 1 MPI rank (#4686).
  • The __dir__() method of script interface objects no longer raises an exception (#4674).
  • Compilation and testsuite issues involving missing or incorrect feature guards were addressed (#4562, #4648).
  • The build system no longer silently ignores invalid external feature definitions in myconfig.hpp and CMake files (#4608). This issue would only affect feature developers, as well as users of very old compilers, and would lead to ESPResSo builds missing features.

Under the hood changes

  • The Clang 14 and AppleClang 14 compilers are now supported (#4601).
  • Several Clang 14 compiler diagnostics have been addressed (#4606).
  • Boost 1.81 and later versions are now supported (#4655).
  • Compiler errors on non-x86 architectures were addressed (#4538).
  • Test tolerances were adjusted for non-x86 architectures (#4708).
  • The pypresso script now prints a warning when running with MCA binding policy "numa" on NUMA architectures that are not supported in singleton mode by Open MPI 4.x (#4607).
  • The config file generator has been rewritten to properly handle external features and compiler errors (#4608).
  • Security hardening for GitHub Workflows (#4577, #4638) and Codecov (#4600).
  • Deployment of the user guide to GitHub Pages now relies on cloud providers to fetch JavaScript dependencies (#4656).


30 Jun 12:31
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This feature release adds new functionality to ESPResSo. New thermostats, cell systems and boundary conditions have been introduced to simulate systems with Stokesian Dynamics, Brownian Dynamics, strongly inhomogeneous particle sizes or translation-invariant shear flow. The interface underwent (non-silent) changes, therefore scripts will have to be slightly adapted. Most notably, particle access by id and particle slices have a new syntax, and electrostatic/magnetostatic layer correction and reaction methods have a different setup. All errors are also now emitted as Python exceptions and are recoverable with minimal effort.

An additional focus of this release is the simplification of both the C++ core and the Python script interface to facilitate future extensions of ESPResSo. The testing of ESPResSo's functionality has been extended considerably.

Added functionality

  • P3MGPU now supports energy and pressure calculation via the CPU kernels (#4506).
  • ELC now works with P3MGPU (#4506).
  • The LB grid now supports slicing operations (#4195) and LB slices are equality comparable (#4268).
  • Lees-Edwards boundary conditions can be used for particle-based simulations (#4457). Lattice-Boltzmann support will be added in the 4.3.0 release.
  • The non-bonded energy of a single particle can be calculated (#4401).
  • The list of close neighbors of a single particle can be extracted (#4401).
  • Brownian Dynamics simulations can be carried out with the newly added Brownian integrator and Brownian thermostat (#1842).
  • Stokesian Dynamics simulations can be carried out with the newly added Stokesian integrator and Stokesian thermostat (#3790, #3987).
  • Bonded interactions can now be automatically broken when the bond length exceeds a critical value (#4456). This feature can be combined with collision detection to model reversible bonds (#4464).
  • A new cell system HybridDecomposition was introduced to speed up simulations with inhomogeneous particle interaction ranges (#4373).
  • Shapes can be merged into meta-shapes (#3493, #3538).
  • The HollowConicalFrustum can now be sliced open, made thick and rotated to model quarter pipes in any orientation (#4179). The main application is in the construction of complex microchannel geometries via LBBoundaries.
  • A parametric weight function was added to the DPD interaction (#3570).
  • H5MD output files now support a unit system (#3751).
  • H5MD output files now support custom specifications to control which particle and box properties to write to disk (#4480).
  • The H5md class is now checkpointable and usable in an interactive Python session (#3751).
  • MDAnalysis integration now provides bond information (#3801).

Changed requirements

  • The minimal version of all dependencies was increased (#3375, #3687, #3878, #3984, #3994, #4115, #4312, #4337, #4489): Python 3.8, Cython 0.29.14, CMake 3.16, Boost 1.69, Sphinx 2.3.0, and Python packages versions are pinned on versions available in the Ubuntu 20.04 repository.
  • CMake no longer emits a warning about the deprecated distutils Python package, which is also no longer a requirement (#4433).
  • CUDA 11 support was added (#3870).
  • CUDA 8 and CUDA 9 support was removed (#3984).
  • AMD GPU support via ROCm (HCC and HIP-Clang compilers) was removed (#3966).
  • library libcuda is no longer a dependency in CUDA builds (#4095).
  • Installation instructions for ESPResSo on Microsoft Windows via WSL are now available (#4348).
  • LaTeX is no longer a requirement for building the Sphinx documentation and running the tutorials (#3256, #3395).

Feature configuration at compile time

  • GPU support is now opt-in (#3582). Pass the CMake flags -DWITH_CUDA=ON to compile CUDA code and optionally -DWITH_CUDA_COMPILER=<compiler> to select the CUDA compiler: NVCC (default), Clang.
  • Optional features HDF5, ScaFaCoS and Stokesian Dynamics are now opt-in (#3735, #4112). If they are requested with their -DWITH_<FEATURE>=ON flag and their dependencies are not found, CMake will raise an error. In the older 4.1 build system, CMake would silently ignore these features when their dependencies were not found, causing confusion as to what was exactly compiled.
  • Experimental support for fast-math mode was added (#4318). Some features might break depending on the compiler used to build ESPResSo. Please quantify the numerical stability of your simulations before enabling fast-math mode in production.
  • The LANGEVIN_PER_PARTICLE feature was renamed to THERMOSTAT_PER_PARTICLE (#4057).
  • The magnetostatic extension DLC now depends on feature DIPOLES instead of DP3M, since FFTW is not a dependency of DLC (#4238).
  • The electrostatic extension ICC now depends on feature ELECTROSTATICS instead of P3M, since FFTW is not a dependency of ICC (#4238).
  • The MMM1D_MACHINE_PREC feature was added to enable Chebychev series for MMM1D on CPU without the need to define the (now removed) BESSEL_MACHINE_PREC macro (#4311).
  • The EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES feature was removed (#4482).

Improved documentation

  • Tutorials have been renamed and organized by difficulty level (#3993).
  • Tutorials Lennard-Jones, electrostatics, lattice-Boltzmann, raspberry electrophoresis and constant-pH have been improved (#3408, #3881, #3914, #3893, #4302, #4262).
  • Tutorial lattice-Boltzmann was split into three tutorials: polymer diffusion, Brownian motion and Poiseuille flow (#4052, #4329).
  • The active matter tutorial was rewritten into a Jupyter notebook (#3395, #4304).
  • An error analysis tutorial was added (#4174).
  • Tutorials now use the exercise2 plugin to hide solutions (#3872); since this plugin only exists for the classic Jupyter Notebook, a conversion script is provided for JupyterLab users (#4522).
  • The user guide now includes a button on Python code samples to hide terminal output and Python prompt symbols (>>> and ...), so as to facilitate copy-pasting examples directly in the terminal (#4386).
  • The user guide now uses a responsive theme for mobile/tablet users (#4504).
  • The user guide chapter on thermostats was moved to the chapter on integrators, since they are tightly coupled (#4080).
  • Mentions to non-existent functions were removed from the user guide (#4482).
  • Scientific publications referenced in comment lines in the core have been converted to BibTeX citations and integrated into Doxygen blocks to make them accessible in the Doxygen HTML documentation (#3304).
  • The Reaction Field electrostatic method is now documented (#4218).
  • The H5MD feature is now better documented (#4480).
  • A Gibbs ensemble sample was added to simulate the exchange of particles between two ESPResSo systems via the multiprocessing Python module (#4243).
  • A reaction ensemble sample was added to simulate a complex chemical reaction involving 5 chemical species (#3778).

Interface changes

  • The system.set_random_state_PRNG() method was removed (#3482).
  • The []-operator on system.part was removed (#4402). Use system.part.by_id(1) to fetch a specific particle, system.part.by_id([1, 3]) to fetch a group of particles, or system.part.all() to fetch all particles. This change was necessary to resolve the ambiguity of particle slices containing non-contiguous particle ids.
  • The domain decomposition cell system was renamed to regular decomposition (#4442). The system.cell_system.set_domain_decomposition() function was renamed to system.cell_system.set_regular_decomposition().
  • Bonds are now immutable (#4350). Bonds added to the list of bonds can no longer be overwritten by a bond of a different type, as it could lead to undefined behavior when the number of bonded partners was higher in the overwriting bond. Bonds can now be removed from the list of bonds, after they have been removed from particles.
  • Observable parameters are now immutable (#4206, #4211).
  • The Electrokinetics actor parameters are now immutable (#4327).
  • The LBFluid, LBFluidGPU, Electrokinetics and Species methods print_*() have been renamed to write_*() (#4049).
  • The ELC actor is no longer an electrostatics extension (#4125, #4506). The ELC actor now takes a P3M or a P3MGPU actor as argument and modifies it. Only the ELC actor needs to be added to the system list of actors. The ELC actor can now be removed from the list of actors.
  • The DLC actor is no longer a magnetostatic extension (#4506). The DLC actor now takes a magnetostatic actor as argument and modifies it. Only the DLC actor needs to be added to the system list of actors.
  • The NpT thermostat now uses the Philox random number generator and requires a random seed on first instantiation (#3444).
  • The analysis module energy() function now returns the lower triangle of the non-bonded interaction matrix, to be consistent with pressure() and stress_tensor() (#3712).
  • The analysis module energy(), pressure() and pressure_tensor() functions now return only two slots for electrostatics and magnetostatics: short-range contribution in the first slot and long-range contribution + layer correction in the second slot (#3770).
  • The analysis module pressure() and pressure_tensor() functions no longer provide a velocity-compensation flag to compute the pressure at half the time step in NpT simulations (#3756).
  • The espressomd.reaction_ensemble module was renamed to espressomd.reaction_methods (#4482).
  • The argument temperature in reaction methods was renamed to kT for clarity (#4305).
  • All reaction methods now take keyword arguments instead of positional arguments (#4451).
  • The constant pH method now implements a symmetric proposal probability instead of an asymmetric proposal probability (#4207).
  • The reaction method parameter exclusion_radius was renamed to exclusion_range (#4469).
  • Reaction method now take an optional pa...
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19 Oct 16:29
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.1 line.

General corrections and improvements:

  • Fix a bug in the LB CPU implementation that lead to incorrect LB shear stress tensors in thermalized fluids since 4.1.0 (#3847)
  • Fix a bug in the LB CPU and GPU implementations that lead to gamma_bulk being used in place of gamma_shear in the second order term for forces in all previous ESPResSo versions (#3885)
  • Fix a bug that always set the epsilon value to zero in P3M and P3MGPU actors since 4.0.0 (#3869)
  • Fix an issue in the Python script interface that rejected integer epsilon values in the P3M and P3MGPU actors, and the 'metallic' epsilon value in the P3M actor (#3869)
  • Fix the exception mechanism in the P3M, P3MGPU and DipolarP3M code to forward errors to the Python interface instead of silencing them or running infinite loops (#3869)
  • Fix range checks in the OIF code that failed to raise TypeError exceptions (#3846)

Documentation and tutorials corrections and improvements:

  • Explain the discrepancy between the Gay-Berne formula from the user guide and from the original paper (#3839)
  • Add note explaining the P3M algorithm works with non-metallic epsilon values only when the box is cubic (#3869)

Build system and platform-related corrections and improvements:

  • Fix several CMake warnings raised by CMake 3.17 and above (#3830, #3859)

Improved testing:

  • Add a test to check the off-diagonal elements of the LB stress tensor in long simulations of thermalized fluids (#3847)

Under the hood changes:

  • Remove unnecessary memory allocation on GPU from MPI worker nodes (#3911)


08 Jul 16:23
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.1 line.

Feature configuration at compile time

  • The number of features which need to be defined at compile time in myconfig.hpp has been reduced. Features without performance impact are now always present. These are:

General corrections and improvements:

  • Many bonded interactions were not considered in the bond cutoff calculation: umbrella, OIF local, OIF global, IBM tribend, IBM volcons, angle harmonic, angle cosine, angle cossquare, tabulated angle, bonded Coulomb, subtracted bonded Coulomb, subtracted LJ, quartic, harmonic dumbbell. This can lead to sub-optimal skin values when such bonds are used with an inter-particle distance that is longer than other bonded (FENE, harmonic bond, rigid bond, thermalized distance, tabulated bond, tabulated dihedral, dihedral, IBM triel), non-bonded (LJ, Morse, Buckingham, etc.) and long-range (electrostatics, magnetostatics) interactions in the same system. All bonded interactions are now considered in the cutoff calculation (#3443).
  • Fix a bug in a rotation function that resulted in improper treatment of rotation vectors with norm different from unity (#3559); all observable classes inheriting from CylindricalProfile are affected
  • Fix a bug in the LB GPU implementation that lead to incorrect velocity interpolation near LB boundaries (#3593)
  • Fix a bug in the LB CPU implementation that lead to incorrect grid sizes (#3678)
  • Object-in-fluid bugfixes have been backported from the OIF development branch; in particular, the bending force between two triangles is now torque-free (#3385)
  • Rewrite the linear polymer position generator, which was inefficient and frequently rejected valid positions (#3402, #3484, #3491)
  • Fix an error in the distance calculation of the SpheroCylinder shape (#3629)
  • Fix a sign flip in the surface normal calculation of the Torus shape (#3728)
  • Fix an IndexError when running system.number_of_particles() without a value for the argument type (#3496, #3494) and fix the range check (#3536)
  • Fix a NameError when running system.analysis.rdf() without a value for the argument r_max (#3496, #3494)
  • Fix a NameError raised by the OpenGL visualizer when drawing bonds in periodic images of the unit cell (#3511)
  • Correctly calculate the orientation of bonds cut by the faces of the simulation box in the OpenGL visualizer (#3511)
  • Fix a memory leak in the OpenGL visualizer when drawing shapes containing cylindrical elements (Cylinder, SpheroCylinder, SimplePore, Slitpore) and drawing bonds between particles (#3533)
  • Fix an issue in the OpenGL visualizer that drew the channel of the Slitpore shape at the center of the box, instead of using the dividing_plane attribute (#3728)
  • Fix a bug in the ELC algorithm that ignored the Coulomb prefactor (#3731). The same bug is also present in MMM2D but could not be fixed.
  • Correctly check the P3M parameter mesh (#3676)
  • The LB checkpointing argument binary now takes a boolean value (#3541); integers values 0 and 1 are still accepted (integers are implicitly cast to boolean values)
  • Reinitialize the P3M and dipolar P3M solvers when the box size or skin changes (#3717)
  • Clarify error messages in the Steepest Descent integrator (#3763)
  • Fix an incorrect formula in the tensor_product mode of the Correlator class that always returned an array of 0's since 4.1.0 (#3781)
  • Fix a runtime error when calling the get_params() method of a ScaFaCoS-based actor (#3784)

Documentation and tutorials corrections and improvements:

  • Fix paragraph formatting in Jupyter notebooks and update Sphinx bibliography (#3395).
  • The Sphinx documentation generation doesn't run in parallel any longer due to plugin sphinxcontrib.bibtex throwing a warning when executed with more than one thread in Sphinx v2.3.1 (#3393). The slowdown is not significant (less than a second).
  • Fix compatibility issues with Sphinx 2.4.0 (#3480), 3.0.1 (#3642, #3659) and 1.6.7 (#3743)
  • Clarify the quaternion formalism used in ESPResSo (#3392, #3748)
  • The sample showcased an incorrect usage of the ELC actor (the gap region was missing). The actor was removed and a new, stand-alone sample was created (#3468)
  • The sample showcased an incorrect usage of the Slitpore and Wall shapes that lead to a discontinuous potential; this is now fixed (#3728)
  • Correct errors in the documentation of the constructor parameters for shape classes Cylinder, SpheroCylinder, Rhomboid (#3567), for class System (#3542) and for cylindrical observables (#3569)
  • Correct an error in the formula of the electrostatic prefactor in the electrostatics documentation, give the full expression of the electrostatic prefactor in tutorials and samples (#3673)
  • Improve documentation of the Slitpore shape and document the Torus shape (#3728)
  • Improve installation instructions (#3673, #3699, #3732)
  • Document BoxGeometry-related functions (#3747)
  • Explain release workflow and how to obtain released versions of ESPResSo (#3745)
  • Improve citation instructions with examples (#3745)
  • General improvements (#3740, #3743)

Build system and platform-related corrections and improvements:

  • The benchmarks can now be run with any MPI library supported by ESPResSo (#3412)
  • The CMake logic was simplified (#3574, parts of #3582). The minimal required Cython version is now checked. CMake now generates an error message if WITH_CLANG_TIDY is ON but no Clang-Tidy can be found with a version matching the Clang version. The CUDA library installed via the Ubuntu package nvidia-cuda-toolkit is now correctly detected.
  • Add support for ROCm versions 3.0 (#3386), 3.1 (#3574) and 3.3 (#3623)
  • Fix compiler errors with HDF5 > 1.10.2 (#3604)
  • Fix compiler errors with Boost 1.73 (#3725)
  • Fix a deprecation warning from the that will become an error in the upcoming Python 3.9 interpreter (#3568)
  • Fix a compatibility issue with pint 0.10.1 in tutorial 12 - constant pH (#3423)

Improved testing:

  • Fix a tolerance value that was incorrectly divided by 100, causing unit tests to fail on i586 architectures (#3427)
  • Compile CUDA code in the Travis-CI image to detect more compiler errors (#3699). GPU tests are skipped on Travis-CI.
  • Add a test for the Utils::get_n_triangle function used in OIF (#3391)
  • Add a test for sample (#3533)
  • Add missing LENNARD_JONES and GPU feature guards in Python tests (#3403, #3676)
  • Fix a few non-functional Python tests (#3419) and sample tests (#3791)
  • Improve testing of ELC (#3731)
  • Improve testing of the Slitpore shape (#3728)
  • Fix an issue in a core test (#3677)
  • Add cleanup function in the checkpointing tests (#3699)
  • Add a test for fold_position() (#3747)
  • Improve testing of observables, correlators and accumulators (#3781, #3783, #3784)

Under the hood changes:

  • Remove unused code (#3556, #3738)
  • Remove the unused FindPythonModule CMake module (#3736)
  • Update the espresso-ci bot scripts (#3613)


13 Dec 15:23
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.1 line.

General corrections and improvements:

  • Remove correlation between the rotational noise and translational noise in the Langevin thermostat (#3355)
  • Fix a bug that may cause the wrong temperature to be set by the Langevin and DPD thermostats in the first time step after the system was altered from the Python level, e.g., by changing particles or interactions (#3341)
  • Fix a bug that caused the DPD thermostat to generate an incorrect velocity distribution when used together with the Langevin thermostat (#3352)
  • Fix a bug in MMM2D and ELC with potential boundary conditions, where one of the correction factors was over-counted resulting in wrong energies (#3310)
  • Fix a bug that caused the wrong bonds to be deleted when removing particles from the system (#3356)
  • Fix an ambiguity in ParticleSlice: the values in the square brackets refer to particle ids, not array indices (#3367). This means the ill-defined syntax system.part[0:-1] is no longer valid. See the User Guide section on Setting up particles for more information.
  • Remove the mass prefactor in the ComForce observable and use the correct Particle ids in the ParticleAngularVelocities and ParticleBodyVelocities observables (#3380)
  • Fix a rounding error that caused debug builds of ESPResSo running with multiple MPI threads to crash when a particle was placed exactly on the boundary between two cells (#3377)
  • Fix espressomd.has_features() for the corner case where the list of all compiled-in features is passed as argument, returning False instead of True (#3318)
  • Refactor the random number generator code (#3349)
  • Minor fixes (#3351, #3336)

Documentation and tutorials corrections and improvements:

Build system and platform-related corrections and improvements:

  • List all Python dependencies in requirements.txt with the supported version numbers (#3300). Please note that most of them are optional.
  • Add MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS and MPIEXEC_POSTFLAGS to the command lines of parallel tests (#3221)
  • Add the -oversubscribe flag to the command lines of parallel tests running with OpenMPI v2.X to avoid exiting early from a Python test configured without MAX_NUM_PROC on a machine with a hyperthreaded CPU where OpenMPI is configured such that the number of threads cannot exceed the number of cores (#3335)
  • Refactor the CI, maintainer, Doxygen and pypresso shell scripts to make them more portable and support filepaths containing whitespaces (#3326, #3373)
  • Fix a nvcc compiler warning on the empty config (#3329)

Improved testing:

  • Add a test for ELC and MMM2D using analytic expressions of the force and energy (#3331)
  • Sped-up seven Python tests (#3319)
  • Fix a test that broke on s390x architectures with Fedora 31 (#3312)
  • Fix tests that broke on i586 architectures with OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (#3327, #3358)


13 Nov 14:34
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.1 line.

The interface is mostly unchanged between ESPResSo 4.1.0 and 4.1.1; the two exceptions are limited to these experimental features:

  • Integrator.set_isotropic_npt(): input value direction=[0,0,0] now throws an error instead of being silently changed to [1,1,1]
  • ParticleHandle.swimming: deprecated value 'rotational_friction' is now disabled

These changes are unlikely to affect production simulations.

General corrections and improvements:

  • Restore checkpointing mechanism for the steepest descent and NPT integrators, LB and NPT thermostats (#3245)
  • Increase the minimum MPI version to 3.0; OpenMPI versions 1.6.5 and lower are no longer supported (#3236)
  • Fix Integrator.set_isotropic_npt(): remove the silent conversion of the incorrect input parameter direction=[0,0,0] to [1,1,1] in the core; the function now throws an exception for fixed-volume boxes; this change is unlikely to break pypresso scripts since not providing a value to direction or providing [1,1,1] were the two standard ways to set up a box with all directions allowed to rescale (#3253)
  • Fix Integrator.set_vv(): this function failed to set the velocity Verlet integrator if the NPT integrator was active; this is now resolved (#3274)
  • Fix the random segmentation fault triggered by the removal of a particle with a bond or a virtual site relationship to another particle (#3288)
  • Fix system.part.writevtk(): the function now writes down all particles when using types="all" (#3290)
  • Disable the deprecated and broken ENGINE shear torque calculation feature; the feature will be completely removed from the core in the upcoming 4.2 release (#3277)
  • Fix unit conversion for the LB fluid viscosity (#3287)

Documentation and tutorials corrections and improvements:

  • Add more detailed installation instructions for ESPResSo and its Python dependencies on MacOS X (#3236)
  • Add links to Dockerfiles providing installation instructions for ESPResSo and its Python dependencies on CentOS 7, Fedora 30, Debian 10 and OpenSUSE Leap 15.1 (#3244)
  • Add instructions to read PDB files with MDAnalysis, which is one of the recommended tools to read/write molecular dynamics topologies and trajectories in ESPResSo; the PdbParser feature will be removed in the upcoming 4.2 release (#3257)
  • Add a new tutorial on the constant pH method; the reaction ensemble tutorial will be removed in the upcoming 4.2 release (#3184)

Build system and platform-related corrections and improvements:

  • Fix a PYTHONPATH error when ESPResSo is built in a directory containing whitespace characters (#3238)
  • Fix several issues with the command make install that lead to import errors in Python (incorrect runtime path, missing shared objects, name collision for submodule cluster_analysis) and deprecate the make install DESTDIR=/path/to/espresso command in favor of the standard cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/espresso command (#3228), install espressomd module in a platform-dependent python path, typically lib{,64}/python3.X/{dist,site}-packages (#3258)
  • Fix an issue in mpiio that triggered an assertion in systems with no bonds when ESPResSo is built with stdlibc++ range checking enabled (#3234)
  • Fix the pypresso script to correctly parse filepaths containing whitespaces passed after a pypresso flag, such as --gdb, and make conditional statements cross-platform (#3292)

Improved testing:

  • Test checkpointing of integrators and thermostats (#3245)
  • Fix and improve check_cmake_install test (#3228, #3258) and add a new CI job to test an installed version of ESPResSo (#3228)
  • Test engine LB (#3277)
  • Add more LB tests (#2748)


01 Oct 12:03
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This feature release adds new functionality to ESPResSo. An additional focus of this release is quality assurance and modernization. The testing of ESPResSo's functionality has been extended considerably. Also, sample and tutorial scripts are now automatically tested. Moreover, a large effort was put into modernizing the C++ simulation core. Work has been done, e.g., on particle sorting, the MPI communication infrastructure, and the lattice-Boltzmann implementations. Electrostatic and magnetostatic methods now have a clear and common interface. These changes will facilitate future extensions of ESPResSo and make the code more understandable to new developers.

Changed requirements

  • Python 2 support has been dropped. ESPResSo now requires Python 3.
  • ESPResSo now needs a C++14-capable compiler, such as GCC 4.9 and later or Clang 4 and later.
  • It is discouraged to use ESPResSo with Boost versions below 1.67.

Added functionality and documentation

  • The distance between a shape (such as sphere) and a position can now be queried via shape.calc_distance().
  • The lattice nodes of a lattice-Boltzmann fluid can now be iterated using LBFluid.nodes().
  • A tutorial on magnetic fluids has been added.
  • The stress created by the dissipative particle dynamics interaction (DPD) can now be obtained via the DPDStress observable.
  • The stress of a lattice-Boltzmann fluid can now be obtained via the LBFluidStress observable.
  • A torus shape has been added.
  • Two new accumulators for observables have been added: MeanVarianceCalculator and TimeSeries.
  • An ElectricPlaneWave constraint was added.
  • Experimental support for AMD GPUs via HIP. The future of this feature is unclear. Please do not base hardware buying decisions on its presence.
  • Visualization of slit pores in the OpenGL visualizer.
  • A Weeks-Chandler-Anderson short-range potential has been added (WCA).
  • The external force density applied to a lattice-Boltzmann fluid can now be changed during the simulation.
  • Sanity checks for Mach limits and unequal MD and lattice-Boltzmann time steps have been added.
  • The system.cell_system.tune_skin() method now has a keyword argument adjust_max_skin. If set to True, the maximum skin to be tested will be reduced such that it is compatible with the local box size.
  • For the CPU lattice-Boltzmann implementation, the limit on the Verlet list skin (<0.5 agrid) has been lifted.
  • A new observable CosPersistenceAngles has been added for the bond angles of a polymer (needed, e.g., for determining the persistence length).

Feature configuration at compile time

  • The number of features which need to be defined at compile time in myconfig.hpp has been reduced. Features without performance impact are now always present. These are:
    • LB
    • LB_GPU (for builds with CUDA)
  • For most compilers, it is checked that only known features are declared in myconfig.hpp.
  • The default feature configuration applied when no myconfig.hpp is present has been extended significantly. In particular, all tutorials can now be run with the default feature configuration. For production simulations, it is still recommended to use a custom myconfig.hpp containing only necessary features. This is true in particular, if particle rotation is not needed.
  • Features that do not have automated tests now require EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES to be defined in myconfig.hpp.

Interface changes

Changed and removed functionality

  • The remove_total_momentum() method for lattice-Boltzmann fluids has been removed. The overall velocity of a fluid can be changed using the lb_fluid.nodes() iterator.
  • The CATALYTIC_REACTIONS feature has been removed.
  • The method for creating a polymer has been replaced. espressomd.polymer.positions() can now be used to obtain particle positions for one or more polymer chains.
  • Checkpointing has been added for the electrokinetics method.
  • The global random number seed has been partly replaced by method-specific ones. These are specified when activating the relevant feature such as the Langevin, DPD and lattice-Boltzmann thermostats via a seed keyword argument.
  • The random number generator has been switched to Philox for most algorithms requiring random numbers.
  • Limitations on the exclusion radius have been relaxed in the reaction ensemble method.
  • A new observable CosPersistenceAngles has been added for the bond angles of a polymer (needed, e.g., for determining the persistence length).
  • ELC has been disabled for non-neutral systems with constant potential.
  • The calculation of the linear particle momentum included the forces of the last time step. The function system.analysis.linear_momentum() now returns the sum of the product of mass and velocity of all particles, if no lattice-Boltzmann fluid is coupled.

Performance enhancements

  • Speedup in the short-range force calculation in situations where the short-range cutoff varies strongly for different pairs of particles, e.g., in a bidisperse fluid.
  • Speedup in particle resorting triggered when particles have moved by more than a skin.
  • Significantly faster back-transfer of particle forces from GPU-based methods such as the GPU implementations of lattice-Boltzmann and P3M.

Bug fixes

  • Lattice-Boltzmann boundaries, constraints and auto_update_accumulators are now included in checkpointing. (#2915)
  • Collision detection is now checkpointed. (#2342)
  • The rhomboid shape was fixed. (#2756)
  • Deadlocks on certain GPUs have been resolved for the dipolar Barnes-Hut method. (#2719)
  • The visualization of dihedrals has been fixed. (#2677)
  • The ENGINE implementation for CPU LB has been fixed. (#3025)
  • The external force density in lattice-Boltzmann fluids is no longer ignored in the first integration step after setting the force density. (#3144)
  • The positions of virtual sites and the charges of ICC particles are now updated before observable calculation. (#3128)
  • The forces and torques for the Gay-Berne potential have been corrected. (#3091)
  • Remove undocumented behaviour in the case of using a cylindrical sampling area in the reaction ensemble, constant pH ensemble, Wang-Landau ensemble, Widom-Insertion method. (#3174)
  • The ELC tuning error calculation has been rearranged to produce correct results for higher accuracies. (#3123)

New tutorials

  • Tutorials for simulating ferrofluids and for using the constant-pH method have been added.

Under the hood changes

  • Automated testing has been enhanced. It now also includes samples and tutorials. The overall test coverage for the simulation core has increased by ~12% since ESPResSo 4.0.2.
  • The CPU LB and LB-particle coupling have been refactored.
  • Particle resorting has been simplified and sped-up.
  • The MPI callback mechanism has been simplified. Furthermore, reduction operations such as summing values from all MPI ranks can now be performed.
  • Nearly all manual memory management and C-style arrays have been removed.
  • The rotation-related code has been simplified.
  • Long-range electrostatic and magnetostatic methods now have a common interface.
  • The kernels for short-range and bonded interactions have been simplified.
  • The CMake build system has been refactored and dependencies between different parts of the code have been made clear.
  • Python code formatting: the autopep8 version now matches the one in Ubuntu 18.04 (autopep8 v1.3.4 with pycodestyle v2.3.1).


26 Apr 15:08
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.0 line.

Please note that a sign error in tabulated interactions was fixed. Simulation scripts which worked around this problem might have to be changed.

Corrections for bugs that may harm simulation results:

  • A sign error in tabulated interactions was corrected such that the force equals the negative gradient of the potential. (#2519, #2520)
  • The flow field of the CPU lattice-Boltzmann implementation was deleted when aspects of the molecular dynamics cell grid were changed; E.g., when interactions, the skin or the parallelization setup were changed. ESPResSo now terminates with an error, when this happens. To avoid this, please setup the CPU lattice-Boltzmann after all other aspects of the system. The GPU LB is not affected in the 4.0 release, but was affected in the current development branch. (#2728, #2736)
  • Corrected the force acting on LB Boundaries for the case of agrid and density not equal to 1 (#2624).
  • Corrected the cutoff calculation for the soft sphere interaction. In the previous implementation, the offset parameter was ignored. (#2505)
  • The "three point coupling" of particles to the lattice-Boltzmann method has been removed. While it works in most environments, for some compilers the calculation gives wrong values. This is likely caused by undefined behavior. A corrected implementation is available in ESPResSo's development branch. It cannot be safely backported to 4.0.2, because the code has diverged too far. (#2516, #2517) Users who did not explicitly activate this coupling via couple="3pt" are not affected.
  • The velocity of existing particles was changed when setting or changing the simulation time step (#2480)

Further changes:

  • Fixed the electrokinetic Python interface (#2486)
  • Correction to the installation instructions for mac (#2510)
  • Corrected file permissions (#2470)
  • Minor corrections and extensions to the test suite (#2477, #2552)
  • Fixed a dead-lock in the dipolar Barnes Hutt method on the GPU for recent NVIDIA cards such as RTX 2080 (#2719).
  • Restored Mayavi visualizer's API-compatibility with OpenGL visualizer (#2751)


25 Jan 15:26
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This bugfix release provides a number of corrections for the ESPResSo 4.0 line.

Physics related corrections:

  • The GPU lattice-Boltzmann method produced incorrect results when EXTERNAL_FORCES was not declared in myconfig.hpp. This issue was present since around June 2018 (#2241)
  • The temperature fluctuations for the GPU lattice Boltzmann implementation were larger than the ones for the CPU lattice-Boltzmann implementation. The cause was likely weak or incorrect random number generation. It is not clear since when this issue existed. It has been resolved by using library code for a counter-based random number generator (Philox) rather than the existing custom code.
  • Particles which were moved with the configuration changing moves (MC) implemented in the reaction ensemble module did not get assigned a random velocity. This was not a problem if you were looking at observables which do not depend on velocity.
  • Particles which were created in the Reaction Ensemble module were assigned a random velocity which was not distributed according to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. This was not a problem if you were looking at observables which do not depend on velocity. If you looked at velocity-dependent observables but used a thermostat for thermalization before taking a sample you are also fine. (#2377)
  • Under some conditions, the torque on self-propelled particles in a lattice-Boltzmann fluid was incorrect due to a sign error in the ENGINE feature. This was the case since the introduction of the feature (#2383)
  • The SimplePore shape was incorrect (#2379)
  • The parameters passed from Python to some features were narrowed to single precision. I.e., the values used were only accurate up to the 7th-8th significant digit. Further calculations with those values still were done using double precision. Classes backed by the script interface were affected. This includes shapes, LB boundaries, pair criteria and the collision detection. This issue was likely present since the introduction of Python support for the relevant features. (#2379)
  • Forces on LB boundaries retrieved via the LbBoundary.get_force() method in a Python script were incorrect for the CPU LB implementation. The GPU implementation was not affected. It is not clear, when the issue was introduced. (#2366)
  • In highly dense systems, the Widdom insertion scheme reported wrong values (#2294)
  • Fixed the Gay-Berne potential for sigma != 1. Downgraded the GAY_BERNE feature to an experimental feature due to insufficient testing (#2424)

Further general corrections and improvements:

  • Fix restoring checkpointed simulations which contain exclusions (#2418)
  • Allow neutral systems in reaction ensemble (#2378)
  • Support re-tuning the dipolar P3M method (#2351, #1937)
  • Support checkpointing of the collision detection parameters (#2342)
  • Virtual sites tracers: don't complain about missing lb for non-virtual part (#2341)
  • Prevent access to non-existent lb nodes from Python
  • Opengl wildcard imports + mac fix (#2295)
  • Fix segfaults in virtual sites based collision detection schemes on more than one processor core (#2195)
  • Fixed find_current_cell() and particle deletion (#2410, #2441)
  • Fixed coordinate folding for corner cases (0 - epsilon on 32 bit architectures) (#2415)

Documentation and tutorials corrections and improvements:

  • Mention how to read h5md files in the docs (#2353)
  • Correct docs for setting the skin (#2340)
  • Corrections to the Lennard-Jones tutorial (#2339)
  • doc: Fixed Gay-Berne formula (#2234)
  • Update PDF of tutorial 6 with bibliography (#2285)

Build system and platform related corrections and improvements:

  • Fix Cython detection on Fedora 29 (#2371)
  • Properly detect CUDA libraries if multiple are available (#2352)
  • Guard tests and compilation for different feature sets in myconfig.hpp (#2344, #2326, #2350, #2349, #2335, #2337, #2266)
  • install libH5mdCore (#2277)
  • Fix MPI on Ubuntu 18.04 with CUDA (#2271)
  • Fix PARTIAL_PERIODIC on big-endian platforms (#2259)
  • Fixes for OpenSUSE rpm build (#2255)
  • Add ARGS option to custom make check target (#2252)
  • Add workaround for CMake bug "MPI_COMPILE_FLAGS is list instead of a string" (#2244)
  • Remove some superfluous executable bits (#2242)
  • Silence arm32 warnings (#2267)
  • Fix unit test without SSE instructions (#2265)
  • Turn off ScaFaCoS support by default. Has to be enabled explicitly using -DWITH_SCAFACOS=on in CMake. (#2417)
  • Fix builds with the GNU Scientific Library in non-standard locations (#2429)
  • Resolve some floating point rounding issues on I386 32-bit (#2454)

Improved testing:

  • Test the LB thermostat (#2391, #2362)
  • Better stability of the LB test (#2360)
  • testsuite: fix checkpoint test (#2336)
  • Test the installation routine (#2268)
  • Improved testing of the cylindrical lb profile observables (#2272)
  • testsuite: Check planar shear profile of LB (#2263)
  • Test builds without optional dependencies (#2406)
  • Test builds on non-Amd64 architectures (#2401)
  • Improved test coverage of the Wang-Landau reaction ensemble (#2404)
  • Testing of the electrostatic pressure (#2409)