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For a lot of interesting population genomics work today, it is necessary or useful to know which allele at a SNP is derived, and which is ancestral in the species under study. For many cases, that information can be obtained (or at least approximated) by finding the base carried at each such site in a closely related species. An argument could be made for getting as many closely related species as possible, putting them all on a phylogenetic tree, along with the focal species, and then doing a gigantic, genome-wide multiple alignment and inferring the ancestral states at each position from all that information. That sounds like a lot of work when you are trying to get a whole genome’s worth of ancestral states, and in many cases you might not have a whole lot of genomes to work with, anyway. So, here, I will take a cue from an ANGSD website example here where they use chimpanzee to designate ancestral states so as to polarize the site frequency spectrum.

For both the program ANGSD and the more recently developed software RELATE this information about ancestral alleles/bases can be input to the programs as a fasta file of the same length as the focal species fasta file, but just including the sequence of the closely related species.

It seems to me that there are not a lot of really great workflows for creating such fasta files. That is what I am trying to provide here. My main goal for it is aligning large chunks of genomes between closely related salmonid species, and then creating fasta files giving the ancestral alleles.

For example, if I have a lot of high-quality, whole-genome sequencing from O. mykiss that I want to phase and throw into RELATE, I can align the Chinook salmon genome to the O. mykiss genome and use that to make the ancestral fasta. In this case, we say that the O. mykiss genome is our target genome, and Chinook salmon is our query genome. For the most part, I am most interested in segments that have been assembled into chromosomes in both species.

Especially because of the duplicated genome history of salmonids, it is worth taking a look at the results of an original round of alignment in order to carefully select which chromosomes appear to be homologous. Therefore, this workflow must be down in two steps:

I. Do an initial round of alignment and plot some results from that. From these results, create a CSV file like that found in config/homolog_sets.csv, which tells us which query-species chromosomes appear to be homologous to each target-species chromosome. The first 10 lines of that file appear here.

CM007936.1,CM009220.1 CM009224.1
CM007938.1,CM009202.1 CM009219.1
CM007939.1,CM009206.1 CM009221.1
CM007942.1,CM009206.1 CM009211.1
CM007943.1,CM009211.1 CM009217.1

Note that if multiple query chromosomes align to a target chromsome, they are separated by spaces.

  1. Using the file config/homolog_sets.csv, map only the appropriate homologs to each target chromosome, and then turn the result into the ancestral fasta file.

Because there are two distinct steps to this workflow, and there has to be some user interaction, there is not a simple all rule that runs everything. Rather, explicit output files must requested from snakemake on the command line, as described in the sections of the overview below.

Overview of the two parts of the workflow

Finding query chromosomes homologous to each target chromosome

In brief, this part of the snakemake workflow does this:

  1. Choose the target genome and declare which sequences in that you want to align things to. For my purposes this is typically the assembled chromosomes.
  2. Choose the query genome and declare which sequences from the query you wish to map to the target. Once again, this is typically the assembled chromosomes, though one might wish to use all the sequences, even those that are not fully assembled into chromosomes.
  3. Break the target genome into a bunch of smaller fastas, each containing exactly one of the sequences/chromosomes. We will call these “single-chromosome fastas.”
  4. Map all the query sequences against each of the single-chromosome fastas.
  5. Run single_cov2 on each of resulting MAFs, so that we retain only the very best alignment of any overlapping alignments.
  6. Summarize how many base pairs are aligned onto each single-chromosome fasta from each of the different target query sequences (i.e. chromosomes). And also prepare a file of alignments that is suitable for plotting with ggplot.

These steps are all accomplished by running the workflow to this point with a command like:

snakemake --cores 20   --use-conda  \
   results/report/step20_notransition_inner1000_ident92/aligned_lengths.tsv \

BigNote: The above command requests by way of the directory name used (i.e., step20_notransition_inner1000_ident92), that the following options be passed to lastz: --steps=20 --notransition --inner=1000 --identity=92. Users wanting different values of those parameters can simply request the output file in a different directory, like step15_notransition_inner950_ident97, and snakemake will take care of it. This way, it makes it pretty easy to do multiple runs at different parameter options and collect all the results.

We can make a rulegraph for those outputs like this:

snakemake --rulegraph    results/report/step20_notransition_inner1000_ident92/aligned_lengths.tsv   results/report/step20_notransition_inner1000_ident92/plotable_segments.tsv | dot -Tsvg > figs/rulegraph1.svg

It looks like this:

Once those two output files are available, they can be used to create some plots using the not-so-well-documented code in directory misc like this:

The plot above (made in `misc/plot-aligned-length.R) shows that of the material that aligns to each chromosome, most of it comes from one, two, or three different query chromosomes.

When you go assigning homologs to chromosomes, however, it is also important to see if a section of a query chromosome appears to align to two places (which should not happen, usually), or if there are paralogous segments that are mapping anywhere. To answer those questions, it is helpful to make a huge cross-alignment facet grid like the one made by the script misc/homology-grid.R:

It is pretty easy to go through this by eyeball and choose the query chromosomes that belong in each row of the config/homolog_sets.csv files. Basically, dark lines in the columns represent parts of different query chromosomes that map to the same target chromosome. Dark lines in the rows represent parts of a single query chromosome that align to different target chromsomes. You want to choose things so that no part of a query chromosome is going to get re-used. This means that the same part of the query chromosome should not appear in multiple columns. Also, mapping of paralogs is somewhat evident here by the (somewhat lighter) lines. These should not be paired with the target chromosomes.

Once the file config/homolog_sets.csv is made, you can proceed to the next section.

Mapping homologous chromosomes and creating a fasta

The contents of config/homolog_sets.csv are used to guide the mapping in the second half of the workflow. In brief, the steps in this part of the snakemake workflow are as follows:

  1. Create a query fasta file for each target chromosome that contains the query chromosomes that have some homologous material to the target.
  2. Run lastz to map each query fasta against each target fasta. (You might want to use more stringent alignment criteria for this.)
  3. Run single_cov2 on each of the outputs.
  4. Run maf2fasta (from the multiz package) on each the resulting single_cov2 outputs.
  5. Use an R-script to condense the resulting fastas into a fasta that is congruent with the target genome. And at the same time, prepare a summary of the number of bases in the alignment for that chromosome that are of different types (e.g. target has a C and query has an A, etc.).
  6. Catenate all the those condensed fastas into a file with a path like:

and catenate all the summaries into a file with a path like this:


This is achieved by, for example, doing:

snakemake --cores 20 --use-conda --use-envmodules \ 
    results/catenated_anc_fasta/step20_notransition_inner1000_ident95/ancestral.fna \     

The rulegraph for this second section of the workflow can be obtained with this:

snakemake --rulegraph results/catenated_anc_fasta/step20_notransition_inner1000_ident95/ancestral.fna results/report/step20_notransition_inner1000_ident95/pairwise_aligned_base_summary.csv | dot -Tsvg > figs/rulegraph2.svg

And it looks like this:


All the configuration can be done by modifying the contents of the config directory.

This workflow is set up showing the values used for mapping the Chinook genome (the query) to the O. mykiss genome (our target). You can change values in the config/config.yaml file to work for your own pair of closely related species.

More on this later, but it should be pretty self-explanatory for anyone familiar with snakemake.


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