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forked from paradigmxyz/cryo

cryo is the easiest way to extract blockchain data to parquet, csv, or json


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❄️🧊 cryo 🧊❄️


cryo is the easiest way to extract blockchain data to parquet, csv, json, or a python dataframe.

cryo is also extremely flexible, with many different options to control how data is extracted + filtered + formatted

cryo is an early WIP, please report bugs + feedback to the issue tracker

note that cryo's default settings will slam a node too hard for use with 3rd party RPC providers. Instead, --requests-per-second and --max-concurrent-requests should be used to impose ratelimits. Such settings will be handled automatically in a future release.

Example Usage

use as cryo <dataset> [OPTIONS]

Example Command
Extract all logs from block 16,000,000 to block 17,000,000 cryo logs -b 16M:17M
Extract blocks, logs, or traces missing from current directory cryo blocks txs traces
Extract to csv instead of parquet cryo blocks txs traces --csv
Extract only certain columns cryo blocks --include number timestamp
Dry run to view output schemas or expected work cryo storage_diffs --dry
Extract all USDC events cryo logs --contract 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48

cryo uses ETH_RPC_URL env var as the data source unless --rpc <url> is given


cryo can extract the following datasets from EVM nodes:

  • blocks
  • transactions (alias = txs)
  • logs (alias = events)
  • contracts
  • traces (alias = call_traces)
  • state_diffs (alias for storage_diffs + balance_diff + nonce_diffs + code_diffs)
  • balance_diffs
  • code_diffs
  • storage_diffs
  • nonce_diffs
  • vm_traces (alias = opcode_traces)


Method 1: install from source

git clone
cd cryo
cargo install --path ./crates/cli

This method requires having rust installed. See rustup for instructions.

Method 2: install from

cargo install cryo_cli

This method requires having rust installed. See rustup for instructions.

Make sure that ~/.cargo/bin is on your PATH. One way to do this is by adding the line export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH" to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile.

Installing cryo_python from pypi

(make sure rust is installed first, see rustup)

pip install maturin
pip install cryo_python

Installing cryo_python from source

pip install maturin
git clone
cd cryo/crates/python
maturin build --release
pip install <OUTPUT_OF_MATURIN_BUILD>.whl

Data Schema

Many cryo cli options will affect output schemas by adding/removing columns or changing column datatypes.

cryo will always print out data schemas before collecting any data. To view these schemas without collecting data, use --dry to perform a dry run.


cryo currently obtains all of its data using the JSON-RPC protocol standard.

dataset blocks per request results per block method
Blocks 1 1 eth_getBlockByNumber
Transactions 1 multiple eth_getBlockByNumber
Logs multiple multiple eth_getLogs
Contracts 1 multiple trace_block
Traces 1 multiple trace_block
State Diffs 1 multiple trace_replayBlockTransactions
Vm Traces 1 multiple trace_replayBlockTransactions

cryo use to perform JSON-RPC requests, so it can be used any chain that ethers-rs is compatible with. This includes Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, BNB, and Avalanche.

A future version of cryo will be able to bypass JSON-RPC and query node data directly.

CLI Options

output of cryo --help:

cryo extracts blockchain data to parquet, csv, or json

Usage: cryo [OPTIONS] <DATATYPE>...

  <DATATYPE>...  datatype(s) to collect, one or more of:
                 - blocks
                 - transactions  (alias = txs)
                 - logs          (alias = events)
                 - contracts
                 - traces        (alias = call_traces)
                 - state_diffs   (= balance + code + nonce + storage diffs)
                 - balance_diffs
                 - code_diffs
                 - nonce_diffs
                 - storage_diffs
                 - vm_traces     (alias = opcode_traces)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Content Options:
  -b, --blocks <BLOCKS>              Block numbers, see syntax below [default: 0:latest]
  -a, --align                        Align block chunk boundaries to regular intervals
                                     e.g. (1000, 2000, 3000) instead of (1106, 2106, 3106)
      --reorg-buffer <N_BLOCKS>      Reorg buffer, save blocks only when they are this old,
                                     can be a number of blocks [default: 0]
  -i, --include-columns [<COLS>...]  Columns to include alongside the default output
  -e, --exclude-columns [<COLS>...]  Columns to exclude from the default output
      --columns [<COLS>...]          Use these columns instead of the default
      --hex                          Use hex string encoding for binary columns
  -s, --sort [<SORT>...]             Columns(s) to sort by

Source Options:
  -r, --rpc <RPC>                    RPC url [default: ETH_RPC_URL env var]
      --network-name <NETWORK_NAME>  Network name [default: use name of eth_getChainId]

Acquisition Options:
  -l, --requests-per-second <limit>  Ratelimit on requests per second
      --max-concurrent-requests <M>  Global number of concurrent requests
      --max-concurrent-chunks <M>    Number of chunks processed concurrently
      --max-concurrent-blocks <M>    Number blocks within a chunk processed concurrently
  -d, --dry                          Dry run, collect no data

Output Options:
  -c, --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>      Number of blocks per file [default: 1000]
      --n-chunks <N_CHUNKS>          Number of files (alternative to --chunk-size)
  -o, --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>      Directory for output files [default: .]
      --file-suffix <FILE_SUFFIX>    Suffix to attach to end of each filename
      --overwrite                    Overwrite existing files instead of skipping them
      --csv                          Save as csv instead of parquet
      --json                         Save as json instead of parquet
      --row-group-size <GROUP_SIZE>  Number of rows per row group in parquet file
      --n-row-groups <N_ROW_GROUPS>  Number of rows groups in parquet file
      --no-stats                     Do not write statistics to parquet files
      --compression <NAME [#]>...    Set compression algorithm and level [default: lz4]

Dataset-specific Options:
      --contract <CONTRACT>          [logs] filter logs by contract address
      --topic0 <TOPIC0>              [logs] filter logs by topic0 [aliases: event]
      --topic1 <TOPIC1>              [logs] filter logs by topic1
      --topic2 <TOPIC2>              [logs] filter logs by topic2
      --topic3 <TOPIC3>              [logs] filter logs by topic3
      --log-request-size <N_BLOCKS>  [logs] Number of blocks per log request [default: 1]

Block specification syntax
- can use numbers                    --blocks 5000
- can use numbers list (use "")      --blocks "5000 6000 7000"
- can use ranges                     --blocks 12M:13M 15M:16M
- numbers can contain { _ . K M B }  5_000 5K 15M 15.5M
- omiting range end means latest     15.5M: == 15.5M:latest
- omitting range start means 0       :700 == 0:700
- minus on start means minus end     -1000:7000 == 6000:7000
- plus sign on end means plus start  15M:+1000 == 15M:15.001K
- mix formats                        "15M:+1 1000:1002 -3:1b 2000"


cryo is the easiest way to extract blockchain data to parquet, csv, or json







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  • Rust 96.4%
  • Python 3.6%