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OpenFabricAPI is a RESTful API built with TypeScript, Express, and MongoDB, designed to provide a scalable and modular structure for developing APIs with a focus on maintainability and reusability.


  • TypeScript for static typing and better development experience
  • Express for handling HTTP requests and responses
  • MongoDB with Mongoose for schema-based data modeling
  • JWT authentication and middleware for secure endpoints
  • Error handling and validation using Joi validators
  • Rate limiting to prevent abuse
  • Pagination for large data sets
  • Caching using Redis
  • API documentation with Swagger
  • Logging using Winston
  • Pagination support
  • Security best practices with Helmet
  • Swagger for API documentation
  • Environment-based configuration

Libraries Used

  • express
  • mongoose
  • joi
  • jsonwebtoken
  • helmet
  • cors
  • express-rate-limit
  • winston
  • swagger-ui-express
  • swagger-jsdoc

Project Structure

  • src - Contains the main source code for the API
    • components - Contains the different components (or modules) of the API, such as products and users
      • products - Contains the products component, split into multiple versions
        • v1 - Contains version 1 of the products component
          • data - Contains the data layer, including models, repositories, and interfaces
          • services - Contains the business logic for the products component
          • web - Contains the web layer, including controllers, routes, and validators
      • auth - Contains the users component, split into multiple versions
        • v1 - Contains version 1 of the users component
          • data - Contains the data layer, including models, repositories, and interfaces
          • services - Contains the business logic for the users component
          • web - Contains the web layer, including controllers, routes, and validators
    • config - Contains configuration files for various parts of the API
    • helpers - Contains helper functions for common tasks
    • interfaces - Contains shared interfaces for the API
    • middleware - Contains middleware functions for the API
    • repositories - Contains base repository classes and interfaces
    • utils - Contains utility functions for the API
    • app.ts - Contains the main Express app setup
    • index.ts - Contains the entry point for the API
    • server.ts - Contains the HTTP server setup
  • bin - Contains the executable script for starting the server
  • .env - Contains environment variables
  • .gitignore - Contains a list of files and directories to be ignored by git
  • package.json - Contains the project's dependencies and scripts
  • tsconfig.json - Contains the TypeScript configuration for the project
  • - Contains the documentation for the project

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project root directory.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Create a .env file with the required environment variables.
  4. Run npm run dev to start the development server.


Please read the contributing guidelines for the project before making any changes or submitting pull requests.



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