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Rémi Piotaix edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the wisdowm-journey-server wiki!

Session 1: 22/10/2020


  • git repo setup
  • docker-compose configuration for postgres and pgAdmin
  • node project setup with:
    • yarn
    • typescript/ts-node/pg
  • overview of:
    • Docker
    • Javascript and event pump
    • Typescript and transpilation + types
    • The path from callbacks to Promises anf then async/await
  • first example on how to connect to postgres database and store/load information

TODO Setup:

  • Docker setup on mac (what of docker-compose?)
  • Node setup. Version LTS (12.18.x)
    • Under linux its better to use nvm (Node Version Manager), what of Mac?
    • Install yarn
  • Try to run the current script

TODO Code:

  • Load/Parse CSV file with questions and store them in database with SQL.

TODO Exploration:

  • TypeORM: Setup in the project
  • Create Question class (maybe also Category)
  • Insert/Read questions in database using TypeORM and not SQL
  • Docker and docker-compose
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