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Metadata Scraper

Check out the automatically updated table.
To add, remove or rename Repositories, open and edit the repo_links.csv file.

This little script takes the EO4GEO course list and extracts the metadata for each course. The CSV file, table and index.html file are automatically updated every night at 03:00am. The table this script produces can be used to assess any updates to which courses have already been changed from the template and which remain unchanged.

The index.html file contains a modified table of the csv in order to more quickly show which information is present. The extracted information itself is written into the metadata_presentations.csv file.

The following information is extracted per course:

Name of column Data Type Info
URL string URL of hosted presentation
Public/Private Boolean String ("Public" or "Private") Wether the presentation is currently accesible for the public or not
Added Metadata? Boolean String ("True"/"False") Wether the presentation contain Metadata or not
Title String Title of Presentation
Creator List List of credited creators
Publisher String Name of publishing institution
Abstract String Abstract of Presentation - Summary
Description String Specifying Learning outcomes
Language String ISO 639-1 Codes for languages, e.g. "EN" for english
Type String Specifying type of material, e.g. "teaching material","self-learning material", "webinar"
EQF String European Qualifications Framework code
License String Link to license agreement, most commonly CC-BY-SA
Size ir Duration String Timeframe for coursework
Format String Presentation format, usually "html"
Contributors List List of contributors to learning material
Data created YYYY-MM-DD creation date of course material
Relation/s list containing string "eo4geo:" per entry in list to define the namespace and then the according BoK Code
BoK Links list permalinks to according BoK pages extracted from Relation/s tag
banner_link string Link to image used for displaying course tiles. Stored on Server, format:*course_title*.png
graph_link string link to concept charts
Repo_URL string Lin to GitHub repository (not hosted pages link)


The Documentation can be found in the according folder. The documentation includes instructions on how to add new courses and how to set up the scraper. In case of questions, contact


Scrapes Metadata Information from Reveal.js Courses






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