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Web Styling Course

enki-hq edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 6 revisions

Styling Course Overview

Table of Contents


Below you can find the ordered content of the topic, in a linear progression

The linear progression of content aims to cover all content, course by course, workout by workout as follows:

  • first course is the only core one, denoted by its manifest
  • the next course is denoted by the first item of the next array in each course manifest
  • each course has its order of workouts designated by the sections field in the same aforementioned manifest


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 what-is-css 👶 introduction
2 css-declaration 👶 introduction
3 what-is-cascading 👶 introduction
4 basic-selectors 👶 introduction
5 class-and-id-selectors 👶 introduction


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 applying-css 👶 introduction
2 internal-css 👶 introduction
3 css-specificity 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 css-specificity-ii 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 common-css-properties-values 👶 introduction
💪 workout
6 relative-css-properties 👶 introduction


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


name type aspects standards done
will-this-work-on-ie8 tetris 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 the-box-model 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 borders 👶 introduction
3 margin-and-padding 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 the-box-sizing-property 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 the-display-property 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 block-elements-characteristics 👶 introduction
2 inline-elements-characteristics 👶 introduction
3 inline-block-elements-characteristics 👶 introduction
4 positioning-elements 👶 introduction
5 floating-elements 👶 introduction


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 vh-and-vw-vmin-and-vmax 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 use-em-instead-of-px-for-sizes 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 vertical-percentages-are-relative-to-container-width-not-height 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 use-box-sizing-to-define-an-element-s-width-and-height-properties 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 inherit-box-sizing 💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 debug-with-the-selector 👶 introduction
2 add-line-height-to-body 👶 introduction
3 difference-between-initial-and-inherit 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 the-difference-between-display-none-and-visibility-hidden 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 page-breaks-for-printing 💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


name type aspects standards done
c-s-splat bugSpot 👶 introduction
💪 workout


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 a-great-font-resource-google-font-api 👶 introduction
2 letter-spacing-property 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 change-the-color-of-the-decoration-with-text-decoration-color 👶 introduction
4 change-the-style-of-the-decoration-with-text-decoration-style 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 using-the-font-variant-property-to-transform-text-to-small-caps 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


name type aspects standards done
existential-crisis tetris 💪 workout


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 horizontal-centering-fluid-blocks 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 horizontal-centering-with-margin-0-auto 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 vertical-centering-fluid-blocks 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 vertical-centering-with-margin-top 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 vertically-center-text 👶 introduction
💪 workout
6 vertically-center-anything 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
✨ new


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 hexadecimal-color-system 👶 introduction
2 determine-the-opacity-of-background-colors-using-the-rgba-declaration 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 currentcolor-improves-code-reusability 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 matching-images-to-a-website-s-color-scheme 💪 workout
👶 introduction
🦑 deep
5 default-to-a-transparent-border-color-before-adding-a-border-to-on-hover-state-elements 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 clearfix-for-layouts 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 position-elements-with-position-sticky 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 controlling-cellpadding-and-cellspacing-in-css 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 direction-column-reverse 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 equal-width-table-cells 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 change-the-style-of-borders-using-border-style 👶 introduction
2 use-border-radius-to-style-rounded-corners-of-an-element 👶 introduction
3 use-list-style-type-to-change-the-marker-type-in-lists 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 removing-the-bullets-from-the-ul 👶 introduction
5 comma-separated-lists 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 underline-feature-on-html-elements 👶 introduction
2 make-text-unselectable 💪 workout
3 disable-resizable-property-of-textarea 💪 workout
4 use-background-repeat-to-repeat-a-background-image-horizontally-or-vertically 👶 introduction
5 how-to-flip-an-image 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 border-radius-circle 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 border-radius-property-can-use-slash-syntax 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 declaring-linear-gradients-using-the-background-property 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 use-the-box-shadow-property-to-create-shadow-effects-on-an-element 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 multiple-borders-with-pseudo-elements 💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 use-pseudo-classes-to-describe-a-special-state-of-an-element 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 the-hover-pseudo-class 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 use-not-to-apply-unapply-styles 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 the-nth-child-property 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 required-and-optional-pseudo-classes 💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 drag-and-drop-pseudo-class-drop 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 matches-any-pseudo-class-matches 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 highlight-input-forms-using-focus-pseudo-class 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 empty-and-blank 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 in-range-and-out-of-range 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 use-pseudo-elements-to-style-specific-parts-of-an-element 👶 introduction
2 styling-elements-using-before-and-after 👶 introduction
3 drop-caps-with-first-letter 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 use-attribute-selectors-with-empty-links 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 change-selected-area-color 👶 introduction


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

17. flexbox


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 flexbox-flex-wrap 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 flexbox-justify-content 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 flexbox-order 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 using-flex-grow 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 using-flex-shrink 💪 workout
🦑 deep
6 avoid-margin-hacks-with-flexbox 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 use-z-index-to-specify-the-stack-order-of-elements-that-overlap 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 calc-for-simpler-maths 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 at-rules 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 combining-selectors 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 use-svg-for-icons 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

19. recipes


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 load-custom-fonts-on-a-web-page-using-font-face 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 disclose-file-format-of-links 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 fixed-navigation-bar 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 hide-the-scrollbar-in-webkit-browser 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 autohiding-scrollbars-for-ie 💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 disabling-default-callouts-using-webkit-touch-callout 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 prevent-text-enlargement-on-an-iphone 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 using-media-rule-to-create-cross-platform-responsiveness 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 responsive-images-in-a-layout 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 use-text-transform-to-avoid-screen-reader-pronunciation-errors 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

21. sass-i


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 what-is-sass 👶 introduction
2 rules-and-directives 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 partials 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 importer 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 sass-supported-comments 👶 introduction


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

22. sass-ii


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 referencing-parent-selectors 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 sass-mixins 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 using-sassscripts-interactive-shell 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 sass-extend-inheritance 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 strings-in-sassscript 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 sass-operators 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 sassscript-number-functions 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 sassscript-color-operations 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 sassscript-string-operations 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 sassscript-map-and-list-functions 💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 animation-basics-in-css 💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 chaining-animations 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 using-animation-delay-in-debugging 💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 shorthand-transitions 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 prepare-for-will-change 💪 workout
🦑 deep
✨ new


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 making-shapes-with-transform 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
2 pause-and-play-css-animations 💪 workout
🦑 deep
3 manipulating-shapes-using-css-border 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
4 manipulating-shapes-using-css-clip-path 💪 workout
🦑 deep
5 manipulating-shapes-using-css-shape-outside 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
6 animations-in-webkit-browsers 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


Given the insights are tagged with aspects, we can filter over the linear content progression and create learning sub-paths.

These sub-path progressions will most likely not cover all content, but they will ensure and enforce an unified learning experience, tailor for the user wish.

For example, a user might be interested in new additions and updates of a language, rather than introduction lessions. Note that these sub-paths don't take games into consideration

👶 Introduction

If you are being introduced to the topic for the first time


  1. what-is-css
  2. css-declaration
  3. what-is-cascading
  4. basic-selectors
  5. class-and-id-selectors
  6. applying-css
  7. internal-css
  8. css-specificity
  9. css-specificity-ii
  10. common-css-properties-values
  11. relative-css-properties
  12. the-box-model
  13. borders
  14. margin-and-padding
  15. the-box-sizing-property
  16. the-display-property
  17. block-elements-characteristics
  18. inline-elements-characteristics
  19. inline-block-elements-characteristics
  20. positioning-elements
  21. floating-elements
  22. vh-and-vw-vmin-and-vmax
  23. use-em-instead-of-px-for-sizes
  24. vertical-percentages-are-relative-to-container-width-not-height
  25. use-box-sizing-to-define-an-element-s-width-and-height-properties
  26. debug-with-the-selector
  27. add-line-height-to-body
  28. the-difference-between-display-none-and-visibility-hidden
  29. a-great-font-resource-google-font-api
  30. letter-spacing-property
  31. change-the-color-of-the-decoration-with-text-decoration-color
  32. change-the-style-of-the-decoration-with-text-decoration-style
  33. using-the-font-variant-property-to-transform-text-to-small-caps
  34. vertical-centering-fluid-blocks
  35. vertical-centering-with-margin-top
  36. vertically-center-text
  37. vertically-center-anything
  38. hexadecimal-color-system
  39. determine-the-opacity-of-background-colors-using-the-rgba-declaration
  40. currentcolor-improves-code-reusability
  41. matching-images-to-a-website-s-color-scheme
  42. default-to-a-transparent-border-color-before-adding-a-border-to-on-hover-state-elements
  43. clearfix-for-layouts
  44. position-elements-with-position-sticky
  45. controlling-cellpadding-and-cellspacing-in-css
  46. equal-width-table-cells
  47. change-the-style-of-borders-using-border-style
  48. use-border-radius-to-style-rounded-corners-of-an-element
  49. use-list-style-type-to-change-the-marker-type-in-lists
  50. removing-the-bullets-from-the-ul
  51. comma-separated-lists
  52. underline-feature-on-html-elements
  53. use-background-repeat-to-repeat-a-background-image-horizontally-or-vertically
  54. how-to-flip-an-image
  55. use-pseudo-classes-to-describe-a-special-state-of-an-element
  56. the-hover-pseudo-class
  57. the-nth-child-property
  58. matches-any-pseudo-class-matches
  59. highlight-input-forms-using-focus-pseudo-class
  60. in-range-and-out-of-range
  61. use-pseudo-elements-to-style-specific-parts-of-an-element
  62. styling-elements-using-before-and-after
  63. drop-caps-with-first-letter
  64. change-selected-area-color
  65. avoid-margin-hacks-with-flexbox
  66. use-z-index-to-specify-the-stack-order-of-elements-that-overlap
  67. calc-for-simpler-maths
  68. at-rules
  69. use-svg-for-icons
  70. prevent-text-enlargement-on-an-iphone
  71. use-text-transform-to-avoid-screen-reader-pronunciation-errors
  72. what-is-sass
  73. rules-and-directives
  74. partials
  75. importer
  76. sass-supported-comments
  77. using-sassscripts-interactive-shell
  78. strings-in-sassscript
  79. sass-operators
  80. sassscript-string-operations
  81. making-shapes-with-transform
  82. manipulating-shapes-using-css-border
  83. manipulating-shapes-using-css-shape-outside
  84. animations-in-webkit-browsers

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in styling. Games:

  1. will-this-work-on-ie8
  2. c-s-splat

💪 Workout

Theory put into practice/that’s how you achieve X points


  1. css-specificity
  2. css-specificity-ii
  3. common-css-properties-values
  4. the-box-model
  5. margin-and-padding
  6. the-box-sizing-property
  7. the-display-property
  8. vh-and-vw-vmin-and-vmax
  9. use-em-instead-of-px-for-sizes
  10. vertical-percentages-are-relative-to-container-width-not-height
  11. use-box-sizing-to-define-an-element-s-width-and-height-properties
  12. inherit-box-sizing
  13. difference-between-initial-and-inherit
  14. the-difference-between-display-none-and-visibility-hidden
  15. page-breaks-for-printing
  16. letter-spacing-property
  17. change-the-style-of-the-decoration-with-text-decoration-style
  18. using-the-font-variant-property-to-transform-text-to-small-caps
  19. horizontal-centering-fluid-blocks
  20. horizontal-centering-with-margin-0-auto
  21. vertical-centering-fluid-blocks
  22. vertical-centering-with-margin-top
  23. vertically-center-text
  24. vertically-center-anything
  25. determine-the-opacity-of-background-colors-using-the-rgba-declaration
  26. currentcolor-improves-code-reusability
  27. matching-images-to-a-website-s-color-scheme
  28. default-to-a-transparent-border-color-before-adding-a-border-to-on-hover-state-elements
  29. clearfix-for-layouts
  30. position-elements-with-position-sticky
  31. controlling-cellpadding-and-cellspacing-in-css
  32. direction-column-reverse
  33. equal-width-table-cells
  34. use-list-style-type-to-change-the-marker-type-in-lists
  35. comma-separated-lists
  36. make-text-unselectable
  37. disable-resizable-property-of-textarea
  38. how-to-flip-an-image
  39. border-radius-circle
  40. border-radius-property-can-use-slash-syntax
  41. declaring-linear-gradients-using-the-background-property
  42. use-the-box-shadow-property-to-create-shadow-effects-on-an-element
  43. multiple-borders-with-pseudo-elements
  44. use-pseudo-classes-to-describe-a-special-state-of-an-element
  45. the-hover-pseudo-class
  46. use-not-to-apply-unapply-styles
  47. the-nth-child-property
  48. required-and-optional-pseudo-classes
  49. drag-and-drop-pseudo-class-drop
  50. matches-any-pseudo-class-matches
  51. highlight-input-forms-using-focus-pseudo-class
  52. empty-and-blank
  53. in-range-and-out-of-range
  54. drop-caps-with-first-letter
  55. use-attribute-selectors-with-empty-links
  56. flexbox-flex-wrap
  57. flexbox-justify-content
  58. flexbox-order
  59. using-flex-grow
  60. using-flex-shrink
  61. avoid-margin-hacks-with-flexbox
  62. use-z-index-to-specify-the-stack-order-of-elements-that-overlap
  63. calc-for-simpler-maths
  64. at-rules
  65. combining-selectors
  66. use-svg-for-icons
  67. load-custom-fonts-on-a-web-page-using-font-face
  68. disclose-file-format-of-links
  69. fixed-navigation-bar
  70. hide-the-scrollbar-in-webkit-browser
  71. autohiding-scrollbars-for-ie
  72. disabling-default-callouts-using-webkit-touch-callout
  73. prevent-text-enlargement-on-an-iphone
  74. using-media-rule-to-create-cross-platform-responsiveness
  75. responsive-images-in-a-layout
  76. use-text-transform-to-avoid-screen-reader-pronunciation-errors
  77. rules-and-directives
  78. partials
  79. importer
  80. referencing-parent-selectors
  81. sass-mixins
  82. using-sassscripts-interactive-shell
  83. sass-extend-inheritance
  84. strings-in-sassscript
  85. sass-operators
  86. sassscript-number-functions
  87. sassscript-color-operations
  88. sassscript-string-operations
  89. sassscript-map-and-list-functions
  90. animation-basics-in-css
  91. chaining-animations
  92. using-animation-delay-in-debugging
  93. shorthand-transitions
  94. prepare-for-will-change
  95. making-shapes-with-transform
  96. pause-and-play-css-animations
  97. manipulating-shapes-using-css-border
  98. manipulating-shapes-using-css-clip-path
  99. manipulating-shapes-using-css-shape-outside
  100. animations-in-webkit-browsers

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in styling. Games:

  1. will-this-work-on-ie8
  2. c-s-splat
  3. existential-crisis

🦑 Deep

Prerequisite knowledge consisting of 2 or more 👶/💪 workouts


  1. the-box-sizing-property
  2. the-display-property
  3. vh-and-vw-vmin-and-vmax
  4. use-box-sizing-to-define-an-element-s-width-and-height-properties
  5. inherit-box-sizing
  6. difference-between-initial-and-inherit
  7. page-breaks-for-printing
  8. horizontal-centering-fluid-blocks
  9. horizontal-centering-with-margin-0-auto
  10. vertical-centering-fluid-blocks
  11. vertically-center-anything
  12. determine-the-opacity-of-background-colors-using-the-rgba-declaration
  13. matching-images-to-a-website-s-color-scheme
  14. default-to-a-transparent-border-color-before-adding-a-border-to-on-hover-state-elements
  15. clearfix-for-layouts
  16. direction-column-reverse
  17. border-radius-circle
  18. border-radius-property-can-use-slash-syntax
  19. declaring-linear-gradients-using-the-background-property
  20. use-the-box-shadow-property-to-create-shadow-effects-on-an-element
  21. multiple-borders-with-pseudo-elements
  22. use-not-to-apply-unapply-styles
  23. required-and-optional-pseudo-classes
  24. drag-and-drop-pseudo-class-drop
  25. empty-and-blank
  26. use-attribute-selectors-with-empty-links
  27. flexbox-flex-wrap
  28. flexbox-justify-content
  29. flexbox-order
  30. using-flex-grow
  31. using-flex-shrink
  32. avoid-margin-hacks-with-flexbox
  33. use-z-index-to-specify-the-stack-order-of-elements-that-overlap
  34. combining-selectors
  35. load-custom-fonts-on-a-web-page-using-font-face
  36. disclose-file-format-of-links
  37. fixed-navigation-bar
  38. hide-the-scrollbar-in-webkit-browser
  39. disabling-default-callouts-using-webkit-touch-callout
  40. prevent-text-enlargement-on-an-iphone
  41. using-media-rule-to-create-cross-platform-responsiveness
  42. responsive-images-in-a-layout
  43. referencing-parent-selectors
  44. sass-mixins
  45. sass-extend-inheritance
  46. sassscript-number-functions
  47. sassscript-color-operations
  48. sassscript-map-and-list-functions
  49. animation-basics-in-css
  50. chaining-animations
  51. using-animation-delay-in-debugging
  52. shorthand-transitions
  53. prepare-for-will-change
  54. making-shapes-with-transform
  55. pause-and-play-css-animations
  56. manipulating-shapes-using-css-border
  57. manipulating-shapes-using-css-clip-path
  58. manipulating-shapes-using-css-shape-outside
  59. animations-in-webkit-browsers

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in styling. Games:

  1. will-this-work-on-ie8

✨ New

Recently added/gained traction feature


  1. vertically-center-anything
  2. prepare-for-will-change

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🔮 Obscura

Stories, obscure details that don’t specifically relate to a learning objective

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