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Linux Jobs and Processes Data Manipulation Course

enki-hq edited this page Jan 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents


Below you can find the ordered content of the topic, in a linear progression

The linear progression of content aims to cover all content, course by course, workout by workout as follows:

  • first course is the only core one, denoted by its manifest
  • the next course is denoted by the first item of the next array in each course manifest
  • each course has its order of workouts designated by the sections field in the same aforementioned manifest


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 listing-processes-using-ps 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 the-process-tree 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 the-basics-of-process-ownership 👶 introduction
4 what-is-an-init-system 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 stopping-processes-with-kill-and-killall 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 the-head-and-tail-commands 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 paging-through-long-output-using-less 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 selecting-portions-of-a-line-using-cut 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 transforming-text-with-sed 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 the-awk-programming-language-and-awk-command 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 short-intro-to-grep 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 viewing-resource-usage-with-top 👶 introduction
💪 workout
3 backgrounding-tasks 👶 introduction
💪 workout
4 how-to-pause-a-process-and-run-others-in-the-background 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 set-a-process-priority 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 repeating-commands-with-watch 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura
2 get-disk-space-usage-with-df 🔮 obscura
3 image-manipulation-using-convert 🔮 obscura
4 delete-commands-aliases 💪 workout
🔮 obscura
5 practical-du-command 👶 introduction
💪 workout


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 sort-lines-in-a-text-file 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 get-rid-of-duplicate-lines 💪 workout
🔮 obscura
3 count-non-empty-lines-with-nl-utility 💪 workout
4 converting-between-unix-and-windows-text-files 👶 introduction
💪 workout
5 extracting-tar-files-to-a-specific-directory 🔮 obscura


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 clean-configuration-files 💪 workout
🔮 obscura
2 cleaning-up-comments-on-config-files-with-grep 💪 workout
🔮 obscura
3 how-to-analyse-a-server-s-log-files 💪 workout
🔮 obscura
4 math-in-the-terminal-with-bc 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura
5 using-lynx-to-convert-html-to-text 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 practical-cron 👶 introduction
💪 workout
2 fixing-the-shell-in-cron 🦑 deep
3 common-issue-with-scripts-in-cron 💪 workout
🔮 obscura
4 cron-dot-in-filename-issues-when-using-run-parts 🔮 obscura
5 crontab-newline-issue 🔮 obscura


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


✅ - At least one insight covers this

❌ - Nothing covers this

🛠️ - This standard has no objectives yet

❌ Use system administration tools to manage processes in Linux

  1. ❌ Use built-in tools like top and ps to view processes in linux
  2. ❌ Use built-in tools like kill to end processes
  3. ❌ Use lsof to determine open streams (files and network streams) by process
  4. ❌ Use built-in tools like vmstat, iostat, mpstat, iotop to monitor the resource requirements by process

❌ Use scheduling utilities to automate processes

  1. ❌ Accurately analyze crontab scheduling sequences and predict the schedule of their execution
  2. ❌ Use crontab to schedule recurring commands

❌ Modify text streams with sed statements

  1. ❌ Use sed to replace text in a text stream
  2. ❌ Use sed to reformat a text stream
  3. ❌ Use regular expressions with sed to modify a text stream
  4. ❌ Modify data using sed with filtering parameters such as ranges or regular expression pattern matches

❌ Accurately analyze and predict the result of complex sed statements

  1. ❌ Identify sed flags
  2. ❌ Identify sed regular expression syntax
  3. ❌ Evaluate the validity of given sed commands

❌ Search files with awk

  1. ❌ Use awk to print lines
  2. ❌ Use conditional expressions to filter lines for matches
  3. ❌ Use regular expressions to filter lines for matches
  4. ❌ Use compound expressions to filter lines for matches
  5. ❌ Use compound expressions to refer to and manipulate individual data fields
  6. ❌ Use awk internal variables to output information about match metadata, such as file, record, or field location
  7. ❌ Use awk begin and end blocks to format, label, or summarize information

❌ Aggregate data in text files with awk

  1. ❌ Use increment and decrement operators to aggregate counts of lines in an awk search
  2. ❌ Use variables to aggregate data about awk searches
  3. ❌ Use expressions to make complex aggregations with awk searches

❌ Modify data in text files with awk

  1. ❌ Use awk statements to add or remove characters from a data field
  2. ❌ Use compound awk statements to reformat a data file
  3. ❌ Use regular expressions and awk statements to consume and filter a data file
  4. ❌ Use regular expressions and awk statements to consume and filter multiple data files
  5. ❌ Use regular expressions and awk statements to consume and filter multiple data files into another format

❌ Search files with grep

  1. ❌ Use grep to search files for exact string matches
  2. ❌ Use file and directory selection flags to search multiple or filter files and directories
  3. ❌ Modify the search parameters of grep using matching control flags
  4. ❌ Use grep to search files using regular expressions
  5. ❌ Use grep to search for a list of fixed strings
  6. ❌ Modify the output of grep using flags or environment variables


Given the insights are tagged with aspects, we can filter over the linear content progression and create learning sub-paths.

These sub-path progressions will most likely not cover all content, but they will ensure and enforce an unified learning experience, tailor for the user wish.

For example, a user might be interested in new additions and updates of a language, rather than introduction lessions. Note that these sub-paths don't take games into consideration

👶 Introduction

If you are being introduced to the topic for the first time


  1. listing-processes-using-ps
  2. the-process-tree
  3. the-basics-of-process-ownership
  4. what-is-an-init-system
  5. stopping-processes-with-kill-and-killall
  6. the-head-and-tail-commands
  7. paging-through-long-output-using-less
  8. selecting-portions-of-a-line-using-cut
  9. transforming-text-with-sed
  10. the-awk-programming-language-and-awk-command
  11. short-intro-to-grep
  12. viewing-resource-usage-with-top
  13. backgrounding-tasks
  14. how-to-pause-a-process-and-run-others-in-the-background
  15. set-a-process-priority
  16. repeating-commands-with-watch
  17. practical-du-command
  18. sort-lines-in-a-text-file
  19. converting-between-unix-and-windows-text-files
  20. math-in-the-terminal-with-bc
  21. using-lynx-to-convert-html-to-text
  22. practical-cron

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation.

💪 Workout

Theory put into practice/that’s how you achieve X points


  1. listing-processes-using-ps
  2. the-process-tree
  3. what-is-an-init-system
  4. stopping-processes-with-kill-and-killall
  5. the-head-and-tail-commands
  6. paging-through-long-output-using-less
  7. selecting-portions-of-a-line-using-cut
  8. transforming-text-with-sed
  9. the-awk-programming-language-and-awk-command
  10. short-intro-to-grep
  11. viewing-resource-usage-with-top
  12. backgrounding-tasks
  13. how-to-pause-a-process-and-run-others-in-the-background
  14. set-a-process-priority
  15. delete-commands-aliases
  16. practical-du-command
  17. sort-lines-in-a-text-file
  18. get-rid-of-duplicate-lines
  19. count-non-empty-lines-with-nl-utility
  20. converting-between-unix-and-windows-text-files
  21. clean-configuration-files
  22. cleaning-up-comments-on-config-files-with-grep
  23. how-to-analyse-a-server-s-log-files
  24. practical-cron
  25. common-issue-with-scripts-in-cron

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation.

🦑 Deep

Prerequisite knowledge consisting of 2 or more 👶/💪 workouts


  1. set-a-process-priority
  2. fixing-the-shell-in-cron

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation.

✨ New

Recently added/gained traction feature

⚠️ There are no insights tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation. :warning: There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation.

🔮 Obscura

Stories, obscure details that don’t specifically relate to a learning objective


  1. repeating-commands-with-watch
  2. get-disk-space-usage-with-df
  3. image-manipulation-using-convert
  4. delete-commands-aliases
  5. get-rid-of-duplicate-lines
  6. extracting-tar-files-to-a-specific-directory
  7. clean-configuration-files
  8. cleaning-up-comments-on-config-files-with-grep
  9. how-to-analyse-a-server-s-log-files
  10. math-in-the-terminal-with-bc
  11. using-lynx-to-convert-html-to-text
  12. common-issue-with-scripts-in-cron
  13. cron-dot-in-filename-issues-when-using-run-parts
  14. crontab-newline-issue

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in jobs-and-processes-data-manipulation.

✅ All content has been tagged with aspects.

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