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LiteX CSRs: Embrace Simplicity!


Ever found yourself wrestling with the intricacies of Wishbone, AXI, and AXI-Lite buses? You're not alone. These industry-standard buses, while powerful, can sometimes feel like an overly complicated puzzle - complex, resource-hungry, and not exactly the most straightforward when it comes to controlling or reading information from designs.

Fear not, because LiteX has a solution to these complications - the Control Status Registers (CSRs)! Think of them as your trusty pocket knife in the vast Swiss army of FPGA design - simple, versatile, and always ready when you need them.

The Simplicity of the CSR Bus

The CSR Bus, LiteX's version of a local bus, takes a minimalist approach to interface signals, featuring only adr, we, dat_w, and dat_rsignals. This lightweight bus operates in the sys_clk domain of the SoC, completing writes in a single cycle and reads in two cycles. This straightforward approach streamlines your design process.

From CSR Bus to Main Bus: The Perfect Blend

The CSR Bus doesn't exist in isolation. It connects seamlessly to the main bus of the SoC (Wishbone, AXI, AXI-Lite) through a bridge, combining the simplicity of the local bus with the power of the industry-standard bus. This marriage of ease and capability allows you to get the best of both worlds.

CSRs: Making Life Easier

But the CSR Bus is only half the story. The real stars of the show are the CSRs. Available in different types (CSR, CSRStorage, CSRStatus), they're ready to be attached to a LiteX Module. Once you kick off the build, LiteX takes it from there. It collects the CSRs, maps them to the local CSR bus, and bridges them to the Main Bus.

Et voilà! With CSRs and the CSR Bus, you now have a simple, straightforward way to define registers in a design, making the process as easy as pie. Embrace the simplicity and focus on what truly matters - creating amazing digital systems!

Understanding the CSR Bus: A Closer Look

The CSR Bus serves as the communication bus between the SoC and the individual CSRs within LiteX. It operates in the sys_clk domain of the SoC.

Featuring a minimalist design with only adr (address), we (write enable), dat_w (data write), and dat_r (data read) interface signals, the CSR Bus simplifies the interface mechanism. This means that writing to the CSR Bus is completed within a single cycle, while reading is executed in two cycles.

Primary Bus to CSR

In the context of the LiteX ecosystem, the CSR Bus bridges the Primary Bus in the SoC and the user-defined CSRs.

This connection is established via a bridge, which serves as a translator between the two buses: It convert the Primary Bus complex interface to the streamlined CSR Bus interface.

The Data Flow

When data is written to the CSR Bus from the SoC via the Primary Bus, the takes the data from the bus, along with the address and forwards it to the CSR Bus. This process happens within a single cycle.

When data is read from the CSR Bus, the process is slightly different. The address is first forwarded from the Wishbone bus to the CSR Bus in one cycle. In the next cycle, the data at that address is read from the CSR Bus and sent back through the bridge to the Wishbone bus.

Diving into CSRs: Exploring the Different Types

As previously exposed, Control Status Registers (CSRs) in LiteX can be thought of as bridges to data scattered across your system. They allow this data to be accessed, inspected, and manipulated, all while keeping the complexities at bay. LiteX offers several types of CSRs, each designed for a specific use-case:

  • CSRConstant: When you have a value that's constant and unchanging, like a hardware version number or a device identification code, CSRConstant is your tool of choice. This read-only CSR ensures that the stored value is immutable and accessible for reading, providing a constant reference point within the system.

  • CSRStatus: When you need to expose a piece of data from the logic side for the CPU to read, CSRStatus steps in. This CSR is read-only and is commonly used to share hardware status updates, sensor readings, or debug values with the CPU.

  • CSRStorage: CSRStorage allows the CPU to write data or instructions that the hardware can pick up and act upon. This could be a configuration parameter, a control signal, or any other form of directive that the hardware needs to function or change its behavior. The CPU can also read back from CSRStorage.CSRStorage has an override feature that allows data to be modified from the logic side, this is used in very specific cases.

Depending on whether you're working with constant values, status updates, or CPU-to-hardware communication, there's a CSR designed to meet your needs.

Developer's Overview

1. LiteX CSR definition and terminology

LiteX CSRs are MMIO Configuration/Status Registers used to interact with and control various hardware peripheral devices included on a LiteX SoC. NOTE: LiteX CSRs are NOT to be confused with the concept of CSRs as defined within the RISC-V ISA! To further complicate things, it is entirely possible for the LiteX SoC to be configured with a RISC-V soft CPU, in which case the term "CSR" will be used in a RISC-V specific way when discussing the CPU's behavior and internals, and in a LiteX specific way (see below) when discussing "hardware peripheral MMIO registers" that belong to the SoC, and are accessed by the CPU at the direction of various pieces of system software (e.g., the Bios, bootloader, or OS kernel).

2. LiteX CSR Addressing

2.1. CSR Address Space: Base Address and csr_address_width

LiteX CSRs are placed in an MMIO segment starting at a Base Address (mem_map["csr"] in litex/soc/integration/ The default Base Address is 0x82000000, but can (and often is) overridden by other components (usually CPUs) as they are added to the SoC setup.

The size of the CSR segment, and also the number of bits dedicated to accessing LiteX CSRs is dictated by csr_address_width (search for self.register_mem("csr", ...) in litex/soc/integration/ The register_mem function will also ensure that our CSR segment does not overlap with any other reserved segment in the overall mem_map of the SoC.

E.g., assuming an address space of 32 bits, if the LiteX CSR Base Address occupies the 8 MSBits, that leaves the remaining 24 bits for addressing actual MMIO registers within the CSR segment. However, assuming that the smallest addressable individual memory location is 32-bit wide, that also removes the 2 LSBits (ignored by the Wishbone interface, as per thedefault adr_width=30 in litex/soc/interconnect/, leaving the actual number of bits for addressing individual CSR elements (csr_address_width) to be max. 22.

FIXME: should Wishbone ignore 3 LSBs when data_width == 64?

CSR segment alignment (i.e., that the Base Address is aligned to allow for at least csr_address_width variable bits to address individual (sub)registers) is enforced in litex/soc/integration/, which is referenced in SoCCore:add_wb_slave(), used to connect the entire CSR subsystem to the Wishbone bus.

FIXME: when the main RAM is connected to the CPU directly (via AXI), bypassing the Wishbone bus, alignment is NOT enforced (this FIXME does not have anything to do with CSRs per se, but wanted to make sure I remember)

2.2. CSR Bank ID

All CSRs that belong to the same hardware device are grouped together in a "bank", and given a common ID or "map address".

Bank IDs are allocated in SoCCore:add_csr() where one (weak) sanity check ensures an ID can't exceed 2^csr_address_width-1 (which would reflect the extreme/degenerate case in which each bank contains exactly one addressable element). CSR Banks are allocated the next available ID in a natural sequence starting at 0.

Bank IDs (as variable name mapaddr) are then multiplied by 0x800 (i.e., left-shifted by 11 bits) and added to the CSR Base Address to determine the physical bank address in the CPU's physical address space. This means that, effectively, we are allowed bits [23..11], or 13 bits worth of bank IDs (remember, bits [31..24] are reserved for the overall CSR segment's Base Address).

FIXME: The left-shift amount (and basically the number of bits of csr_address_width allocated to the Bank ID) should be derived and/or asserted programmatically, from named parameters!

A CSR Bank is selected (see litex/soc/interconnect/ if its Bank ID (as parameter address) matches the CSR Bus address MSBits, starting with bit 9 and up (See the Figure below for a graphic example of how CSR Bus address bits are matched up against the address bits of the CPU's MMIO Bus). NOTE: Some CSRs are implemented as simple SRAM memories, without being backed by actual hardware. In such cases, the "bank" is selected in a similar way in litex/soc/interconnect/

Alignment (CPU XLen): 32
CSR Base Address = 0xe000_0000
csr_address_width = 14
UART Bank ID = 0x04
uart.ev_enable intra-bank "subreg." offset: 5
uart.ev_enable MMIO addr: 0xe000_2014:

<-------------------------- CPU MMIO Address ------------------------->
<- CSR Base -->
----------- --- --- --- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
31 30 29 28 27- 23- 19- 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
----------- --- --- --- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
 1  1  1  0  00  00  00  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  1  0  0
----------- --- --- --- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
                <⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ <--- Bank ---> <------- CSRsubreg ------>
                ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ == =========== -- ----------- -----------
                21- 17- 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
                ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ----- ----------- ----------- -----------
                         0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  1
                ⋅⋅⋅ ⋅⋅⋅ ----- ----------- ----------- -----------
                <-------------- CSR Bus Address ---------------->

2.3. Intra-Bank CSR (sub)register selection and csr_data_width

Within a CSR Bank, registers are stored in "slices" or "subregisters" of up to csr_data_width bits. Supported values for csr_data_width are 8, 16, 32, and 64.

FIXME: 64 doesn't work ATM!

FIXME: must WB soc_bus also be 64bit for csr-data-width=64 to work?

FIXME: setting soc_bus = wishbone.Interface(data_width=64) in SoCCore:__init__() isn't working right now, so maybe just disallow csr_data_width > 32 for the time being, and resolve to fix this in the future?

A register with more than csr_data_width bits is spread across multiple adjacent "subregisters", with subregisters holding more significant bits stored at lower addresses, in a way similar to the Big Endian model.

Within a subregister, bits are stored in CPU-native endianness. This is a consequence of how data wires are interpreted inside the CPU, and not a feature of the LiteX SoC gateware itself!

Regardless of whether they fit in a single subregister or require being spread across multiple subregisters, all registers in a CSR Bank will be laid out as a sequence of adjacent subregisters, and the number of bits required to enumerate all subregisters will be counted as decode_bits (see litex/soc/interconnect/

FIXME: we should probably assert that decode_bits plus the number of bits dedicated to representing the Bank ID should be less than or equal to csr_address_width minus any LSBs ignored due to alignment > 32!

Once a bank is matched, see the latter part of the __init__() method in litex/soc/interconnect/ for how an individual subregister is selected based on the lesser bits of the provided CSR Bus address.

3. CSR Software Programmer's API

Accessors for CSR (sub)registers are provided in litex/soc/software/include/hw/common.h.

The address of an individual CSR subregister must always be aligned at the native CPU word width (which means that csr_data_width <= cpu_word_width must always hold true). Accessors for individual (simple) CSR subregisters are provided as

#define MMPTR(a) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(a)))

static inline void csr_write_simple(unsigned long v, unsigned long a)
        MMPTR(a) = v;

static inline unsigned long csr_read_simple(unsigned long a)
        return MMPTR(a);

with the use of unsigned long and unsigned long * ensuring that the appropriate alignment (matching the CPU word width) is used, regardless of the underlying architecture.

These csr_[read|write]_simple() accessors are used to auto-generate the appropriate "access-and-shift" methods for full LiteX CSRs (of up to 64 bits in size, and which may be potentially spread across multiple adjacent simple CSRs) found in <build_dir>/software/include/generated/csr.h (the LiteX Python code responsible for generating csr.h is found in litex/soc/integration/

Besides csr_[read|write]_simple(), litex/soc/software/include/hw/common.h also provides accessors capable of handling 8/16/32/64-bit wide "compound" LiteX CSRs automatically (regardless of csr_data_width or csr_alignment), in the form of csr_[rd|wr]_uint[8|16|32|64](). These accessors are all based upon

static inline uint64_t _csr_rd(volatile unsigned long *a, int csr_bytes)
static inline void _csr_wr(volatile unsigned long *a, uint64_t v, int csr_bytes)

which internally access simple CSRs by indexing the address as an array (a[i]) rather than dereferencing a pointer (*a), but which results in the same load/store CPU opcodes once compiled to binary form.

Finally, (mainly for compound LiteX CSRs wider than 64 bits), a set of automatic accessors is provided which treat the compound CSR as an array or buffer of standard unsigned C integer elements (of 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits each). These accessors are named csr_[rd|wr]_buf_uint[8|16|32|64](). For example, if we wish to treat a 256-bit compound LiteX CSR (starting at address a) as an array of 8 32-bit elements, we would use

static inline void csr_rd_buf_uint32(unsigned long a, uint32_t *buf, int cnt)
static inline void csr_wr_buf_uint32(unsigned long a, const uint32_t *buf, int cnt)

making sure that buf has room for at least 8 32-bit integers, and setting cnt = 8.

NOTE: Reports exist that using "automatic" accessors for compound LiteX CSRs results in suboptimal code under certain circumstances. However, testing with vexriscv, gcc 9.2.0, and the standard LiteX bios CFLAGS, resulted in the generation of identical opcodes to "shift-and-access" accessors based on csr_[read|write]_simple(). It is expected that, with newer gcc versions the number of problems will diminish over time, but YMMV!

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