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Support for building applications from Elm components

This Elm package is an exploration of how components interact with each other and how to compose components from other components.

The exploration is described in more detail in the

Component structure

Each component is structure along the following lines:

module X exposing ( Msg (PublicEvent, ...), Model, init, update, view, subscriptions)

type Msg
    = PrivateMsg
    | ...
    | PublicEvent
    | ...

type alias Model = 

init: ... -> Model
init ... =

update : Msg -> Model -> Update.Action Msg Model
update msg model =

view : (Msg -> msg) -> Model -> Html msg
view tag model =

subscriptions : (Msg -> msg) -> Model -> Sub msg
subscriptions tag model =

The basic structure follows The Elm Architecture but with a few notable differences:

  1. Update functions return a Update.Action that can describe a combination of:

    • updating the model,
    • forwarding messages to child components,
    • returning events to the parent component,
    • request a command to be performed

    Use functions in the Update module to create these actions.

  2. The view function receive a tag function (also referred to as a tagger function) that is used to convert your component's message type to the parent component's message type.

    This allows components to be combined at the view level with out introducing any additional messages/events, and with out the container component knowing the workings of the contained component.


  3. The Msg union type is used to return events to the parent component.

    There are alternative methods to communicate with the parent component and those are discussed in A couple of the alternatives all work with the Update functions but only one alternative (perhaps the simplest) has been used in the documentation.

    The Msg type contains both private messages to the component and optionally some public events. Remember to only expose the public events in your module X exposing list.

TODO: The init function cannot yet request commands to be performed.

An example component

Lets jump into an example component. This example is part of the full example application found in the examples/2-counter-pair directory.

module CounterPair exposing (Msg, Model, init, update, view)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Component.Update as Update
import Counter


type Msg
    = Reset
    | Top Counter.Msg
    | Bottom Counter.Msg

type alias Model =
    { top : Counter.Model
    , bottom : Counter.Model

init : Int -> Int -> Model
init top bottom =
    { top = Counter.init top
    , bottom = Counter.init bottom


update : Msg -> Model -> Update.Action Msg Model
update msg' model =
    case msg' of
        Reset ->
            Update.model (init 0 0)

        Top msg ->
            Update.component msg (Top) (\x -> { model | top = x }) Counter.update

        Bottom msg ->
            Update.component msg model.bottom (Bottom) (\x -> { model | bottom = x }) Counter.update


view : (Msg -> msg) -> Model -> Html msg
view tag model =
    div []
        [ Counter.view (tag << Top)
        , Counter.view (tag << Bottom) model.bottom
        , button [ onClick (tag Reset) ] [ text "RESET" ]

Things to take note of:

  1. The update function calls Update.model when it wants to modify the model. A related Update.ignore function is useful when you do not want to change the model, or perform any other action.

  2. Child components have their own Msg tag (Top and Bottom in this example), their own model value ( and model.bottom).

    The Update.component function does the hard work of integrating the child components actions into your own. It will take care of things like not updating your model if the child did not update it's own model.

    Update.component needs to be given the childs Msg tag so it can return events and a function to change your model when the child's model is updated.

  3. Child views are created with out the use of but do require you to combine the passed tag with the child components tag. For example:

    Counter.view (tag << Top)
  4. Html.Events also need to be tagged correctly, examples include:

    type Msg
        = StartSearch
        | SearchText
    Html.div []
        [ Html.input [ onInput (tag << SearchText) ] []
        , Html.button [ onClick (tag StartSearch) ] [ text "Search" ]

Try the examples

This repo contains a few examples showing usage of this Elm package. Download this repo with:

git clone

Try an example by changing to the example directory and running elm-reactor:

cd elm-component-support/examples/1-counter

Now go to http://localhost:8000/ and click on Main.elm.


Support for building applications from Elm components







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