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Batch run Axe

This is a script that uses Axe-Cli to run an accessibility compatibility test on a number of URLs in a csv. The URLs are scored, and the scores are appended to the csv file.

Score is based on tests passed vs total tests (passed / (passed + violations), as a percentage.

Useful for getting a quick rating of a site. VERY useful if run regularly to track a sites accessibility compliance over time. Extra triggers can also be added to the script to, say, send an email if sites drop below a certain score.


Install Axe-Cli (requries Node 6+)

Clone / download aXe Batch

Set up directories: There should be a blank 'source' folder and 'outputjson' folder. The scripts should generate these on first time run, but to avoid permission issues it's recommended to just create them manually.

Create a csv file called "listofsites.csv" and put it in the /source folder. Modify main csv file: listofsites.csv should have 2 columns at the start: Name and Url, capitalized just like that. Put your sites as rows, with a name and url.

Powershell build

Install Powershell (already installed for Windows 7+)

If you haven't run powershell before, you'll need to set the execution policy to actually be able to run stuff.

Run Powershell as admin, and run: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Python build

Install Python. This has been tested with python 3.3, but various 3.x versions may be fine.

Run it!

That's it! Run the main python or powershell file! Takes about 5 sec per URL, though that depends on the size of the site obviously. Compliance will be checked by aXe for each site in the csv, given as a percentage score as a new column with a timestamp.


Batch run Axe through Powershell







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