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Closed Apr 30, 2018 100% complete

Closed at 63% finished.

Unfinished items were:

  • Telemetry to report incidence of UISIs feature p1#6390 opened on 26 Mar by lampholder
  • Clicking on LeftPanel when in any settings page should exit settings bug p1 regression ui/ux #5658 opened on 20 Nov 2017 by ara4n
  • TagPanel - make filtering quick (by caching rooms and users associated with a group) and accu…

Closed at 63% finished.

Unfinished items were:

  • Telemetry to report incidence of UISIs feature p1#6390 opened on 26 Mar by lampholder
  • Clicking on LeftPanel when in any settings page should exit settings bug p1 regression ui/ux #5658 opened on 20 Nov 2017 by ara4n
  • TagPanel - make filtering quick (by caching rooms and users associated with a group) and accurate (by loading the most recent data when selecting a filter) feature #5902 opened on 2 Jan by lukebarnard1 2 of 3
  • Actually replace freeswitch with jitsi in riot/web at last feature p1 type:voip #5883 opened on 26 Dec 2017 by ara4n

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.