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Roberto Prevato edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

This page describes how to create an instance of the CLA-Bot, and how to run it locally. Some of the things described here don't apply for a production installation: especially how secrets are handled in environmental variables or .env file for the Next.js web application.

First time setup

The service requires:

  • an instance of EdgeDB with a configured database
  • a pull request web hook configured in the desired GitHub organization
  • a GitHub application configured with necessary rights
  • a OAuth application to handle users' sign-in

System components

EdgeDB configuration

  1. Connect to an instance of EdgeDB
  2. Create a database called "cla"
  3. Use the provided migrations to create the structure of the database

To run migrations manually, navigate with a CLI to the root folder of the project (the one that contains dbschema folder`. From this folder, run:

edgedb --password --host $DBHOST --port $DBPORT --user edgedb -d cla migrate

Using appropriate db host and port parameters.

Configure the EdgeDB server instance host, user, and password in the .env file as EDGEDB_HOST, EDGEDB_USER, and EDGEDB_PASSWORD settings.

Configuring the PR web hook

Create an organization webhook to notify the CLA-Bot service of pull request events.

Configure the payload URL to match this pattern: https://{INSTANCE_DOMAIN}/api/pullrequesthook. Select the radio button Let me select individual events., and check Pull requests events. Ensure that the webhook is active.

GitHub app configuration

The service requires a GitHub app to interact with PR statuses and comments, and also listing the list of organization's members to grant access to the administrators of the organization. Configure a GitHub app under account Settings > Developer settings having the following permissions:

  • Members Read only (used during admins' sign-in, under Organization permissions)
  • Commit statuses Read & write
  • Pull requests Read & write and required metadata (automatically set by GitHub UI).

Then, a private RSA key must be generated and downloaded to be used by the CLA-Bot. The private RSA key is read from file system, and its path is configured as environmental variable GITHUB_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY, in the .env file.

Finally, install the GitHub App onto the organization. Grant access to all repositories (although, the CLA-Bot supports also access to specific repositories).

To install the application, click on the Install app link in the application's settings page.

Install application screen

OAuth app configuration

The service requires an OAuth application to enable sign-in for contributors and administrators through GitHub. A new OAuth application can be configured under GitHub account Settings > Developer settings > OAuth Apps.

The application is assigned automatically a Client ID and Client Secret. These values are used by the web service to implement OAuth flows, and must be configured in the .env file as GITHUB_OAUTH_APPLICATION_ID and GITHUB_OAUTH_APPLICATION_SECRET settings.

Homepage URL should be configured to a company page that describes the owner of the OAuth application. However, this value is irrelevant for the CLA-Bot service.

Authorization callback URL must be configured to the root URL where the CLA-Bot service will be served. It is important to configure this value as the root of the web application because the same OAuth app is used at different paths, to implement sign-in of both administrators and contributors. For example, if an OAuth application is configured for local development, its authorization callback URL could be http://localhost:3000/.

Since the OAuth settings require the URL where a user is redirected after login, configure in .env file the base URL of the service as SERVER_URL. For example, if an instance in edbcloud is published at:

This value must be configured as SERVER_URL.

Application settings

The following table describes the application settings required by the service. These can be either configured as environmental variables, or .env file at the application root folder.

Name Description Example value
EDGEDB_USER EdgeDB user edgedb
EDGEDB_PASSWORD EdgeDB password ********
GITHUB_APPLICATION_ID GitHub application id 12327
GITHUB_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY File path to the private RSA key of the GitHub application example.pem
GITHUB_OAUTH_APPLICATION_ID Id of the OAuth application used for users' sign-in 30cd618b8740eb66a95c
GITHUB_OAUTH_APPLICATION_SECRET Secret of the OAuth application used for users' sign-in 12310928301920asd9123
SERVER_URL URL to the root of the web service itself, this is used for OAuth flows
SECRET Secret used to generate and validate JWTs issued by the web service
ORGANIZATION_NAME Name of the organization edgedb
ORGANIZATION_DISPLAY_NAME Display name of the organization, used in the homepage. EdgeDB

GitHub webhooks require public endpoints

During local development, it is recommended to use ngrok to create a tunnel and use public endpoints provided by this tool. This tool is also recommended by GitHub. If a paid license is available, it's possible to use a fixed DNS name, which is convenient to configure only once the redirect URI for the OAuth application, the web hook for pull requests, and SERVER_URL application setting.

For example, if a subdomain eg-edgedb is reserved with ngrok, run ngrok with this command:

ngrok http 3000 -subdomain=eg-edgedb

In such scenario, the GitHub web hook would be configured with this value:


While the OAuth authorization URL can still use localhost to enable faster development.

Useful links

Next steps

To configure an instance in edbcloud, see the instructions Running in EdgeDB Cloud.

For instructions on how to start using the cla-bot with repositories, see the Getting Started Wiki page.