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Dotfiles and environment setup

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A collection of tools, configuration files, notes, and scripts.

Used to manage development environment(s) and tools across machines, operating systems, containers, and virtual machines.


During active development I run the ansible playbook either locally or in a container to configure my development environment.

Most often the setup script runs in a Ubuntu docker container on my macbook during the build of a Coder workspace. It is called by the coder agent's startup_script.

resource "coder_agent" "main" {
  arch           =
  os             = "linux"
  startup_script = <<-EOT
    set -e
    echo "Installing toolbox dotfiles..."
    coder dotfiles -y
    echo "Done."


Probably don't run the install script, it does a lot of things.

Highlights / Fun Stuff

  • reliable zsh configuration, with plugins and utilities covering almost all of what fish was doing for me.
  • chatbot to interact with the repository via OpenAI Embeddings, LangChain, and Pinecone
  • gencom to generate commit messages based on currently staged changes (powered by mods)

Aliases and Commands to Remember

  • CTRL+ff - fuzzy search for files
  • gaa - add all files to git
  • ga - add files to git interactively with fzf
  • gbb - interactive branch selection with fzf
  • gcmsg <message> - commit with a message
  • gcm - checkout main branch
  • gcp - interactive cherry-pick with fzf
  • gd - interactive git diff with fzf
  • gdoof - add all and amend with no message
  • gll - count lines in staged git diff
  • glo - interactive git log with fzf
  • goops - reset last commit soft
  • gss - interactive stash selection with fzf
  • gup - pull with rebase
  • nett - show open ports

General CLI Tools

  • bat - A modern replacement for cat
  • exa - A modern replacement for ls
  • fd - A modern replacement for find
  • forgit - A fzf wrapper for git commands
  • fzf - A fuzzy finder for the command line
  • tldr - A streamlined man page replacement

Go CLI Tools

  • charm - A utility to manage charm apps
  • freeze - A tool to take screenshots of code
  • gum - A tool for glamorous shell scripts
  • mods - An application to interact with the OpenAI API
  • run - A utility to run commands in a new shell
  • skate - A utility to manage secrets
  • vhs - A tool to create gifs from the terminal
  • wishlist - An SSH directory app



The playbook.yml file is the main entry point for the ansible configuration. It handles running the roles defined in the ansible/roles directory with the variables defined in config_vars.yml.



  • Contains configuration variables defining packages to install, versions, and paths to target, among other things.



  • Determines the operating system and package manager.
  • Install packages (apt-get on debian/ubuntu) (brew on darwin/macos).


  • Install and configure of zsh and oh-my-zsh, plugins, and utilities.
    • zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-completions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, forgit and fzf plugins for enhanced shell functionality.
    • powerlevel10k for prompt styling.


  • Install fzf from git repository.


  • Symlink git configuration files in config_files/ to $HOME.


  • Symlink shell configuration files in config_files/ to $HOME.


The .zshrc configuration defines a keybinding override to use ^ff instead of ^t to trigger fzf from the command line.

_dev roles

These aren't fully integrated or tested yet, some are just for fun.


  • Handles downloading and installing Golang, along with additional tools and executables.
  • Installs go under /usr/local/go
  • Installs executables under /home/eric/go/bin
  • Install path is defined in config_vars.yml


  • A text-based user interface (TUI) for Ansible.
  • Installed via pip as part of the navigator role.


  • A command-line cheatsheet tool.


  • cleanup: check ownership of files and directories
  • hashi: install terraform and packer
  • python: install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv


Devbox Template

The coder/templates/devbox directory contains a template for setting up a Coder workspace with the toolbox configuration. I'm currently running workspaces locally and occasionally on a DigitalOcean droplet.

Secrets Helper Script

$ ./scripts/

This script is designed to streamline setting up secrets in my development environment for this project, but can be generally used to dump secrets from a skate database to a local file.


  • [navi](
  • [powerlevel10k](
  • [pyenv](
  • [pyenv-virtualenv](