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Heating visualization module for MagicMirror². The module builds charts to your FRÖLING pellet boiler based on data from the FRÖLING Connect API.


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Heating visualization module for MagicMirror². The module builds charts to your FRÖLING pellet boiler based on data from the FRÖLING Connect API. Inspiration and code base comes from TA2k/ioBroker.froeling.




In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone

Install dependencies:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-FroelingConnect
npm install

Configure the module in your config.js file.

Using the module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
        module: 'MMM-FroelingConnect',
        position: 'middle_center',
        header: 'FRÖLING PE1 / Heizungsvisualisierung',
        config: {
            username: '', // FRÖLUNG Connect - APP Username or Email.
            password: 'yourPassword', // FRÖLUNG Connect - APP Password.
            interval: 5, // Interval in minutes how often the data should be fetched from the API.
            showComponents: [
                'Puffer 01',
                'Boiler 01',
                'Heizkreis 01',
            ], // Names of the components to be visualized.
            showComponentDetailValues: [
                'Füllstand im Pelletsbehälter',
                'Resetierbarer t-Zähler:',
                'Resetierbarer kg-Zähler:',
                'Zähler RESET',
                'Pelletlager Restbestand',
                'Pelletlager Mindestbestand',
                'Pelletverbrauch Gesamt',
                'Puffertemperatur oben',
                'Puffertemperatur unten',
                'Pufferpumpen Ansteuerung',
                'Boilertemperatur oben',
                'Boilerpumpe Ansteuerung',
                'Verbleibende Heizstunden bis zur Asche entleeren Warnung',
                'Saugzug - Ansteuerung',
            ], // Names of the components details to be displayed under visualization.
            modulWidth: '700px', // Max width in px, %, vw, em ... for this module.
            showComponentName: true, // Display the component name.
            showComponentImage: true, // Display the component visualization.
            showComponentDetails: true, // Display the component details.
            componentWithBorder: true, // Display a border around each component.
            amongComponents: false, // Display components from top to bottom.
            runOwnJsonApiServerInLocalNetwork: false, // If you wan't to provide the API data in your local network, enable this.
            ownJsonApiServerPort: 3000 // Port where the local network API server is listening. Example: http://your-magicmirror-ip:3000

Configuration options

The following property can be configured:

Option Description Default value
username FRÖLUNG Connect - APP Username or Email.
password FRÖLUNG Connect - APP Password. yourPassword
interval Interval in minutes how often the data should be fetched from the API. 5
showComponents Names of the components to be visualized. ['Austragung', 'Puffer 01', 'Boiler 01', 'Heizkreis 01', 'Kessel']
showComponentDetailValues Names of the components details to be displayed under visualization. ['Füllstand im Pelletsbehälter', 'Resetierbarer t-Zähler:', 'Resetierbarer kg-Zähler:', 'Zähler RESET', 'Pelletlager Restbestand', 'Pelletlager Mindestbestand', 'Pelletverbrauch Gesamt', 'Pelletverbrauch-Zähler', 'Puffertemperatur oben', 'Puffertemperatur unten', 'Pufferladezustand', 'Pufferpumpen Ansteuerung', 'Boilertemperatur oben', 'Boilerpumpe Ansteuerung', 'Vorlauf-Isttemperatur', 'Vorlauf-Solltemperatur', 'Außentemperatur', 'Kesseltemperatur', 'Abgastemperatur', 'Verbleibende Heizstunden bis zur Asche entleeren Warnung', 'Saugzug - Ansteuerung', 'Restsauerstoffgehalt']
modulWidth Max width in px, %, vw, em ... for this module. 700px
showComponentName Display the component name. true
showComponentImage Display the component visualization. true
showComponentDetails Display the component details. true
componentWithBorder Display a border around each component. true
amongComponents Display components from top to bottom. false
runOwnJsonApiServerInLocalNetwork If you wan't to provide the API data in your local network, enable this. false
ownJsonApiServerPort Port where the local network API server is listening. Example: http://your-magicmirror-ip:3000 3000


Heating visualization module for MagicMirror². The module builds charts to your FRÖLING pellet boiler based on data from the FRÖLING Connect API.







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