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Abstraction over the RDS Data API and JDBC for Java 8.

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Abstraction over RDS Aurora Data API and JDBC for Java 8. Run your RDS Aurora Data API dependent applications locally using JDBC.


Using Jackal with the Aurora Data API

In production and staging environments your application will likely be using a real Aurora database. AuroraServerlessDatabase is an implementation of SQLDatabase which wraps the Aurora Data API Client included in AWS SDK v2.

final SQLDatabase db = new AuroraServerlessDatabase(/* */);

Using Jackal with JDBC

In development/testing scenarios you're likely using a locally hosted or in-memory database. Jackal provides a second implementation of SQLDatabase which wraps a standard JDBC DataSource.

final SQLDatabase db = new DataSourceWrapper(/* */);

Async Updates using CompletableFuture

Since the Aurora Data API is built on top of AWS SDK v2 and therefore Netty, performance can be improved by executing updates asynchronously.

import static com.duncpro.jackal.InterpolatableSQLStatement.sql;

final CompletableFuture<Void> u1 = sql("INSERT INTO person VALUES (?, ?, ?);")
            .withArguments("Duncan Proctor", 23, true)

final CompletableFuture<Void> u2 = /* .. */
CompletableFuture.allOf(u1, u2);

Blocking Updates

InterpolatableSQLStatement#executeUpdate is an alternative to the aforementioned method which blocks the current thread until the update has completed.

Queries Using Java 8's Stream

InterpolatableSQLStatement#executeQuery returns a Stream which makes processing result sets much more ergonomic than traditional JDBC. This function prefetches all results and closes any resources associated with the query.

final Set<String> firstNames = sql("SELECT first_name FROM person LIMIT 10;")
        .map(row -> row.get("first_name", String.class))
        .map(Optional::orElseThrow) // first_name is a NOT NULL column

There is a second variant to this function, executeQueryAsync which returns a CompletableFuture. This is useful for performing queries concurrently.

There is a third variant for his function: executeQueryIncrementally which does not prefetch results. Instead results are fetched on an as-needed basis. This variant should be used for potentially large query result sets. Not all client implementations support this method and therefore it should only be used when absolutely necessary. The JDBC implementation supports this method, but the RDS Aurora implementation will not, and will therefore throw UnsupportedOperationException. The stream returned from this method is resourceful and must be closed explicitly with a call to Stream#close or implicity with a try-with-resources block.

JDBC-like Parameterization

Jackal supports statement parameterization using JDBC-like syntax.

sql("INSERT INTO person VALUES (?, ?, ?);")
        .withArguments("Duncan Proctor", 23, true)

Blocking Transaction API

Transactions must be explicitly committed using the commit method. Rollbacks however are implicit. If SQLTransaction#close is called before SQLTransaction#commit, like in the case of a mid-transaction exception, then the transaction will be automatically rolled back.

All methods of SQLTransaction block the current thread.

try (final var transaction = db.startTransaction()) {
    sql("INSERT INTO Person VALUES (?);")
} catch (com.duncpro.jackal.SQLException e) {

Suspending Transaction API

When using Kotlin it is possible to perform SQL transactions without blocking a platform thread. This is accomplished using Kotlin coroutines. The Suspending Transaction API is similar to the Blocking Transaction API in that commits are explicit and rollbacks are implicit.

val database: SQLDatabase = TODO()
database.executeTransaction {
    sql("INSERT INTO Person VALUES (?);")
        .executeUpdate() // The executeUpdate() suspending extension receives SQLExecutorProvider
                         // provider as a context-parameter. SQLDatabase.executeTransaction invokes
                         // the given lambda function with an SQLExecutorProvider in the context.


com.duncpro.jackal.SQLException serves as an abstraction over Java's SQLException and RDS's SdkException. All Jackal functions throw com.duncpro.jackal.SQLException but the underlying platform-specific exception can still be accessed via Exception#getCause if necessary.


The Official RDS Data API Client Library is lacking in a few key categories.

  • It has a dependency on AWS SDK v1 and can not support CompletableFuture.
  • The parameterization syntax is too verbose, whereas the original JDBC syntax is much more concise.
  • It provides no facilities for local testing/development.

Jackal's Drawbacks

This library prioritizes ergonomics, simplicity, and correctness, over memory efficiency and CPU efficiency. Using Jackal will result in a higher memory and CPU footprint when compared to raw JDBC or Aurora calls. As such this library may not be suitable for use in projects where extremely low-latency is necessary. For most cases, including typical web applications, this latency should be negligible. If performance is a critical component of your application, consider using a different library, or a different programming language altogether.