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Swift Package Manager Merchant cocoapods build status MIT License Twitter: @divinedube

Merchant is a type-safe HTTP client for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Inspired by

it allows you to simply "property wrap" any codable Swift struct and Merchant will do all the heavy lifting of initiating the HTTP request and decoding the HTTP response data into your model all in a type safe and declarative way.



Merchant is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfilet

pod 'Merchant'

Swift Package Manager

Merchant is available through Swift Package Manager. To install it, simply add the following to your Package.swift file.

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")


Create decodable models

Create codable models that will represent the JSON response from your API

struct Main: Codable { ... } // left out for brevity

struct WeatherData: Codable { ... }  // left out for brevity

struct Weather: Codable {
    let weather: [WeatherData]
    let main: Main

Initialize Merchant in AppDelegate.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        let builder = Merchant.Builder()
        Merchant(builder: builder)
        return true

Customization Merchant Initilization

As a minimum to initialize Merchant we would need to simply set the baseUrl like in the above code snippet, but Merchant has a few more initialization customization options:

Set how verbose the logger should output to the debug console. Availbale options are:

  • .body - log everything all requests and reposense from your API(default).
  • .basic - log only the request method and request URL.
  • .header - log only the request url, request headers and response headers.
  • .nothing - do not log anything.

For example you can set the basic log level like so:


Merchant uses Alamofire under the hood, so Merchant.Builder gives you the option to pass in a customized Alamofire Session.

For example you can setup how Merchant handles your TLS security like so:

let manager = ServerTrustManager(evaluators: [url: PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator()])
let session = Session(serverTrustManager: manager)


You can learn more on many other ways to customize the Alamofire session object here

Lastly you can specify a global url query, like an API key for example:

builder.query(["api_key": "KEY_HERE"])

Declare your HTTP Requests

Create your HTTP API client in a declarative way 😌 and wrap your each your properties with one of @GET, @POST, PUT, @DELETE, @PATCH or @DELETE property wrappers depending on the HTTP request you want to make.

The type of the wrapped property should be a decodable struct/class that represents that particular HTTP JSON response.

For example we would declare a GET request to this url like so:

struct ApplicationClient {
   @GET(path = "/weather")
   var getWeather: Weather

Customize requests

You can customize each of the request like adding headers, formURLEncoding, etc, lets look at this in more detail:

For all the property wrappers, all customization paramaters are optional so you can do this:

var getWeather: Weather

For all HTTP request methods that require a body like PUT and POST, you will NEED to specify the Encodable body model.

You can specify the the request body encodable model like so:

@POST(body: Main.self)
var postWeather: Weather // server returns the posted weather + its ID

You have the option to specificify if the request body should be form urlencoded. false by default and you can also specify the headers that go with that request like so:

@POST(body: Main.self, formURLEncoded: true, headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"])
var postWeather: Weather 

You can specify a dynamically generated URL that depends on some variable.

For example lets say that you want to specify a URL to delete any user given their id, you could declare it like the below snippet and you will then be able to "inject" the actual value of user_id when you are making the request.

var deleteUser: Bool

Lastly lets make the requests.

Create an instance of the above declared ApplicationClient class and call the desired property like so:

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    let client: ApplicationClient = ApplicationClient()

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        getWeather(city: "Cape Town")
    func getWeather(city: String) {    

        let query =  ["q": city, "units": "metric"]
        client.$getWeather(query: query) { [weak self] responseObject in
            switch responseObject {
            case .success(let response):
                let weather: Weather = responseObject.body
            case .failure(let error):

The above code snippet will make a GET request to

Call site customizations

*All the paramters mentioned below are optional except the body paramter for HTTP methods that require a body.

For dynamically generated URLs like the one mentioned above, you SHOULD specify the path dictionary to map all url placeholders to their respective values in this case we are mapping {user_id} to 56

like so:

client.$deleteUser(path: ["user_id": "56"]) { _ in

The above code snippet will generate the URL /users/56

For requests that have a body, you will NEED to specify the body parameter as well, taking the postWeather example mentioned above, you can initiate that request like this:

let main = Main(...)
client.$postWeather(body: main) { _ in

The above code snippet will make a POST request to with JSON encoded Main struct as the POST body


Divine Dube, Twitter: @divinedube


Merchant is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.