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Oh! IO: The I/O tools that io doesn’t want you to have.

Ohio provides the missing links between Python’s built-in I/O primitives, to help ensure the efficiency, clarity and elegance of your code.

For higher-level examples of what Ohio can do for you, see Extensions and Recipes.



Ohio is a distributed library with support for Python v3. It is available from

$ pip install ohio



Flexibly encode data to CSV format.

ohio.encode_csv(rows, *writer_args, writer=<built-in function writer>, write_header=False, **writer_kwargs)

Encode the specified iterable of rows into CSV text.

Data is encoded to an in-memory str, (rather than to the file system), via an internally-managed io.StringIO, (newly constructed for every invocation of encode_csv).

For example:

>>> data = [
...     ('1/2/09 6:17', 'Product1', '1200', 'Mastercard', 'carolina'),
...     ('1/2/09 4:53', 'Product1', '1200', 'Visa', 'Betina'),
... ]

>>> encoded_csv = encode_csv(data)

>>> encoded_csv[:80]
'1/2/09 6:17,Product1,1200,Mastercard,carolina\r\n1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Be'

>>> encoded_csv.splitlines(keepends=True)
['1/2/09 6:17,Product1,1200,Mastercard,carolina\r\n',
 '1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Betina\r\n']

By default, rows are encoded by built-in csv.writer. You may specify an alternate writer, and provide construction arguments:

>>> header = ('Transaction_date', 'Product', 'Price', 'Payment_Type', 'Name')

>>> data = [
...     {'Transaction_date': '1/2/09 6:17',
...      'Product': 'Product1',
...      'Price': '1200',
...      'Payment_Type': 'Mastercard',
...      'Name': 'carolina'},
...     {'Transaction_date': '1/2/09 4:53',
...      'Product': 'Product1',
...      'Price': '1200',
...      'Payment_Type': 'Visa',
...      'Name': 'Betina'},
... ]

>>> encoded_csv = encode_csv(data, writer=csv.DictWriter, fieldnames=header)

>>> encoded_csv.splitlines(keepends=True)
['1/2/09 6:17,Product1,1200,Mastercard,carolina\r\n',
 '1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Betina\r\n']

And, for such writers featuring the method writeheader, you may instruct encode_csv to invoke this, prior to writing rows:

>>> encoded_csv = encode_csv(
...     data,
...     writer=csv.DictWriter,
...     fieldnames=header,
...     write_header=True,
... )

>>> encoded_csv.splitlines(keepends=True)
 '1/2/09 6:17,Product1,1200,Mastercard,carolina\r\n',
 '1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Betina\r\n']

class ohio.CsvTextIO(rows, *writer_args, write_header=False, chunk_size=10, **writer_kwargs)

Readable file-like interface encoding specified data as CSV.

Rows of input data are only consumed and encoded as needed, as CsvTextIO is read.

Rather than write to the file system, an internal io.StringIO buffer is used to store output temporarily, until it is read. (Also unlike ohio.encode_csv, this buffer is reused across read/write cycles.)

For example, we might encode the following data as CSV:

>>> data = [
...     ('1/2/09 6:17', 'Product1', '1200', 'Mastercard', 'carolina'),
...     ('1/2/09 4:53', 'Product1', '1200', 'Visa', 'Betina'),
... ]

>>> csv_buffer = CsvTextIO(data)

Data may be encoded and retrieved via standard file object methods, such as read, readline and iteration:

'1/2/09 6:17,Pro'

>>> next(csv_buffer)

>>> list(csv_buffer)
['1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Betina\r\n']


Note, in the above example, we first read 15 bytes of the encoded CSV, then read the remainder of the line via iteration, (which invokes readline), and then collected the remaining CSV into a list. Finally, we attempted to read the entirety still remaining – which was nothing.

class ohio.CsvDictTextIO(rows, *writer_args, write_header=False, chunk_size=10, **writer_kwargs)

CsvTextIO which accepts row data in the form of dict.

Data is passed to csv.DictWriter.

See also: ohio.CsvTextIO.

ohio.iter_csv(rows, *writer_args, write_header=False, **writer_kwargs)

Generate lines of encoded CSV from rows of data.

See: ohio.CsvWriterTextIO.

ohio.iter_dict_csv(rows, *writer_args, write_header=False, **writer_kwargs)

Generate lines of encoded CSV from rows of data.

See: ohio.CsvWriterTextIO.

class ohio.CsvWriterTextIO(*writer_args, **writer_kwargs)

csv.writer-compatible interface to iteratively encode CSV in memory.

The writer instance may also be read, to retrieve written CSV, as it is written.

Rather than write to the file system, an internal io.StringIO buffer is used to store output temporarily, until it is read. (Unlike ohio.encode_csv, this buffer is reused across read/write cycles.)

Features class method iter_csv: a generator to map an input iterable of data rows to lines of encoded CSV text. (iter_csv differs from ohio.encode_csv in that it lazily generates lines of CSV, rather than eagerly encoding the entire CSV body.)

Note: If you don’t need to control how rows are written, but do want an iterative and/or readable interface to encoded CSV, consider also the more straight-forward ohio.CsvTextIO.

For example, we may construct CsvWriterTextIO with the same (optional) arguments as we would csv.writer, (minus the file descriptor):

>>> csv_buffer = CsvWriterTextIO(dialect='excel')

…and write to it, via either writerow or writerows:

>>> csv_buffer.writerows([
...     ('1/2/09 6:17', 'Product1', '1200', 'Mastercard', 'carolina'),
...     ('1/2/09 4:53', 'Product1', '1200', 'Visa', 'Betina'),
... ])

Written data is then available to be read, via standard file object methods, such as read, readline and iteration:

'1/2/09 6:17,Pro'

>>> list(csv_buffer)
 '1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Betina\r\n']

Note, in the above example, we first read 15 bytes of the encoded CSV, and then collected the remaining CSV into a list, through iteration, (which returns its lines, via readline). However, the first line was short by that first 15 bytes.

That is, reading CSV out of the CsvWriterTextIO empties that content from its buffer:


We can repopulate our CsvWriterTextIO buffer by writing to it again:

>>> csv_buffer.writerows([
...     ('1/2/09 13:08', 'Product1', '1200', 'Mastercard', 'Federica e Andrea'),
...     ('1/3/09 14:44', 'Product1', '1200', 'Visa', 'Gouya'),
... ])

>>> encoded_csv =

>>> encoded_csv[:80]
'1/2/09 13:08,Product1,1200,Mastercard,Federica e Andrea\r\n1/3/09 14:44,Product1,1'

>>> encoded_csv.splitlines(keepends=True)
['1/2/09 13:08,Product1,1200,Mastercard,Federica e Andrea\r\n',
 '1/3/09 14:44,Product1,1200,Visa,Gouya\r\n']

Finally, class method iter_csv can do all this for us, generating lines of encoded CSV as we request them:

>>> lines_csv = CsvWriterTextIO.iter_csv([
...     ('Transaction_date', 'Product', 'Price', 'Payment_Type', 'Name'),
...     ('1/2/09 6:17', 'Product1', '1200', 'Mastercard', 'carolina'),
...     ('1/2/09 4:53', 'Product1', '1200', 'Visa', 'Betina'),
...     ('1/2/09 13:08', 'Product1', '1200', 'Mastercard', 'Federica e Andrea'),
...     ('1/3/09 14:44', 'Product1', '1200', 'Visa', 'Gouya'),
... ])

>>> next(lines_csv)

>>> next(lines_csv)
'1/2/09 6:17,Product1,1200,Mastercard,carolina\r\n'

>>> list(lines_csv)
['1/2/09 4:53,Product1,1200,Visa,Betina\r\n',
 '1/2/09 13:08,Product1,1200,Mastercard,Federica e Andrea\r\n',
 '1/3/09 14:44,Product1,1200,Visa,Gouya\r\n']

class ohio.CsvDictWriterTextIO(*writer_args, **writer_kwargs)

CsvWriterTextIO which accepts row data in the form of dict.

Data is passed to csv.DictWriter.

See also: ohio.CsvWriterTextIO.


Provide a readable file-like interface to any iterable.

class ohio.IteratorTextIO(iterable)

Readable file-like interface for iterable text streams.

IteratorTextIO wraps any iterable of text for consumption like a file, offering methods readline(), read([size]), etc., (implemented via base class ohio.StreamTextIOBase).

For example, given a consumer which expects to read():

>>> def read_chunks(fdesc, chunk_size=1024):
...     get_chunk = lambda:
...     yield from iter(get_chunk, '')

…And either streamed or in-memory text (i.e. which is not simply on a file system):

>>> def all_caps(fdesc):
...     for line in fdesc:
...         yield line.upper()

…We can connect these two interfaces via IteratorTextIO:

>>> with open('/usr/share/dict/words') as fdesc:
...     louder_words_lines = all_caps(fdesc)
...     with IteratorTextIO(louder_words_lines) as louder_words_desc:
...         louder_words_chunked = read_chunks(louder_words_desc)


Efficiently connect read() and write() interfaces.

PipeTextIO provides a readable and iterable interface to text whose producer requires a writable interface.

In contrast to first writing such text to memory and then consuming it, PipeTextIO only allows write operations as necessary to fill its buffer, to fulfill read operations, asynchronously. As such, PipeTextIO consumes a stable minimum of memory, and may significantly boost speed, with a minimum of boilerplate.

ohio.pipe_text(writer_func, *args, buffer_size=None, **kwargs)

Iteratively stream output written by given function through readable file-like interface.

Uses in-process writer thread, (which runs the given function), to mimic buffered text transfer, such as between the standard output and input of two piped processes.

Calls to write are blocked until required by calls to read.

Note: If at all possible, use a generator! Your iterative text- writing function can most likely be designed as a generator, (or as some sort of iterator). Its output can then, far more simply and easily, be streamed to some input. If your input must be read from a file-like object, see ohio.IteratorTextIO. If your output must be CSV-encoded, see ohio.encode_csv, ohio.CsvTextIO and ohio.CsvWriterTextIO.

PipeTextIO is suitable for situations where output must be written to a file-like object, which is made blocking to enforce iterativity.

PipeTextIO is not “seekable,” but supports all other typical, read-write file-like features.

For example, consider the following callable, (artificially) requiring a file-like object, to which to write:

>>> def write_output(file_like):
...     file_like.write("Hi there.\r\n")
...     print('[writer]', 'Yay I wrote one line')
...     file_like.write("Cool, right?\r\n")
...     print('[writer]', 'Finally ... I wrote a second line!')
...     file_like.write("All right, later :-)\r\n")
...     print('[writer]', "Done.")

Most typically, we might read this content as follows, using either the PipeTextIO constructor or its pipe_text helper:

>>> with PipeTextIO(write_output) as pipe:
...     for line in pipe:
...         ...

And, this syntax is recommended. However, for the sake of example, consider the following:

>>> pipe = PipeTextIO(write_output, buffer_size=1)

[writer] Yay I wrote one line
'Hi th'
[writer] Finally ... I wrote a second line!

>>> pipe.readline()

>>> pipe.readline()
'Cool, right?\r\n'
[writer] Done.

'All right, later :-)\r\n'

In the above example, write_output requires a file-like interface to which to write its output; (and, we presume that there is no alternative to this implementation – such as a generator – that its output is large enough that we don’t want to hold it in memory and that we don’t need this output written to the file system). We are enabled to read it directly, in chunks:

  1. Initially, nothing is written.

    1. Upon requesting to read – in this case, only the first 5
      bytes – the writer is initialized, and permitted to write its first chunk, (which happens to be one full line). This is retrieved from the write buffer, and sufficient to satisfy the read request.
    1. Having removed the first chunk from the write buffer,
      the writer is permitted to eagerly write its next chunk, (the second line), (but, no more than that).
  2. The second read request – for the remainder of the line – is

    fully satisfied by the first chunk retrieved from the write buffer. No more writing takes place.

  3. The third read request, for another line, retrieves the

    second chunk from the write buffer. The writer is permitted to write its final chunk to the write buffer.

  4. The final read request returns all remaining text,

    (retrieved from the write buffer).

Concretely, this is commonly useful with the PostgreSQL COPY command, for efficient data transfer, (and without the added complexity of the file system). While your database interface may vary, PipeTextIO enables the following syntax, for example to copy data into the database:

>>> def write_csv(file_like):
...     writer = csv.writer(file_like)
...     ...

>>> with PipeTextIO(write_csv) as pipe, \
...      connection.cursor() as cursor:
...     cursor.copy_from(pipe, 'my_table', format='csv')

…or, to copy data out of the database:

>>> with connection.cursor() as cursor:
...     writer = lambda pipe: cursor.copy_to(pipe,
...                                          'my_table',
...                                          format='csv')
...     with PipeTextIO(writer) as pipe:
...         reader = csv.reader(pipe)
...         ...

Alternatively, writer arguments may be passed to PipeTextIO:

>>> with connection.cursor() as cursor:
...     with PipeTextIO(cursor.copy_to,
...                     args=['my_table'],
...                     kwargs={'format': 'csv'}) as pipe:
...         reader = csv.reader(pipe)
...         ...

(But, bear in mind, the signature of the callable passed to PipeTextIO must be such that its first, anonymous argument is the PipeTextIO instance.)

Consider also the above example with the helper pipe_text:

>>> with connection.cursor() as cursor:
...     with pipe_text(cursor.copy_to,
...                    'my_table',
...                    format='csv') as pipe:
...         reader = csv.reader(pipe)
...         ...

Finally, note that copying to the database is likely best performed via ohio.CsvTextIO, (though copying from requires PipeTextIO, as above):

>>> with ohio.CsvTextIO(data_rows) as csv_buffer, \
...      connection.cursor() as cursor:
...     cursor.copy_from(csv_buffer, 'my_table', format='csv')


Low-level primitives.

class ohio.StreamTextIOBase

Readable file-like abstract base class.

Concrete classes must implement method __next_chunk__ to return chunk(s) of the text to be read.

exception ohio.IOClosed(*args)

Exception indicating an attempted operation on a file-like object which has been closed.


Modules integrating Ohio with the toolsets that need it.

Extensions for NumPy

This module enables writing NumPy array data to database and populating arrays from database via PostgreSQL COPY. The operation is ensured, by Ohio, to be memory-efficient.

Note: This integration is intended for NumPy, and attempts to import numpy. NumPy must be available (installed) in your environment.

ohio.ext.numpy.pg_copy_to_table(arr, table_name, connectable, columns=None, fmt=None)

Copy array to database table via PostgreSQL COPY.

ohio.PipeTextIO enables the direct, in-process “piping” of array CSV into the “standard input” of the PostgreSQL COPY command, for quick, memory-efficient database persistence, (and without the needless involvement of the local file system).

For example, given a SQLAlchemy connectable – either a database connection Engine or Connection – and a NumPy array:

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('postgresql://')

>>> arr = numpy.array([1.000102487, 5.982, 2.901, 103.929])

We may persist this data to an existing table – e.g. “data”:

>>> pg_copy_to_table(arr, 'data', engine, columns=['value'])

pg_copy_to_table utilizes numpy.savetxt and supports its fmt parameter.

ohio.ext.numpy.pg_copy_from_table(table_name, connectable, dtype, columns=None)

Construct array from database table via PostgreSQL COPY.

ohio.PipeTextIO enables the in-process “piping” of the PostgreSQL COPY command into NumPy’s fromiter, for quick, memory-efficient construction of array from database, (and without the needless involvement of the local file system).

For example, given a SQLAlchemy connectable – either a database connection Engine or Connection:

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('postgresql://')

We may construct a NumPy array from the contents of a specified table:

>>> arr = pg_copy_from_table(
...     'data',
...     engine,
...     float,
... )

ohio.ext.numpy.pg_copy_from_query(query, connectable, dtype)

Construct array from database query via PostgreSQL COPY.

ohio.PipeTextIO enables the in-process “piping” of the PostgreSQL COPY command into NumPy’s fromiter, for quick, memory-efficient construction of array from database, (and without the needless involvement of the local file system).

For example, given a SQLAlchemy connectable – either a database connection Engine or Connection:

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('postgresql://')

We may construct a NumPy array from a given query:

>>> arr = pg_copy_from_query(
...     'select value0, value1, value3 from data',
...     engine,
...     float,
... )
Extensions for Pandas

This module extends pandas.DataFrame with methods pg_copy_to and pg_copy_from.

To enable, simply import this module anywhere in your project, (most likely – just once, in its root module):

>>> import ohio.ext.pandas

For example, if you have just one module – in there – or, in a Python package:


then in its, to ensure that extensions are loaded before your code, which uses them, is run.

Note: These extensions are intended for Pandas, and attempt to import pandas. Pandas must be available (installed) in your environment.

class ohio.ext.pandas.DataFramePgCopyTo(data_frame)

pg_copy_to: Copy DataFrame to database table via PostgreSQL COPY.

ohio.CsvTextIO enables the direct reading of DataFrame CSV into the “standard input” of the PostgreSQL COPY command, for quick, memory-efficient database persistence, (and without the needless involvement of the local file system).

For example, given a SQLAlchemy connectable – either a database connection Engine or Connection – and a Pandas DataFrame:

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('postgresql://')

>>> df = pandas.DataFrame({'name' : ['User 1', 'User 2', 'User 3']})

We may simply invoke the DataFrame’s Ohio extension method, pg_copy_to:

>>> df.pg_copy_to('users', engine)

pg_copy_to supports all the same parameters as to_sql, (excepting parameter method).

ohio.ext.pandas.to_sql_method_pg_copy_to(table, conn, keys, data_iter)

Write pandas data to table via stream through PostgreSQL COPY.

This implements a pandas to_sql “method”, utilizing ohio.CsvTextIO for performance stability.

ohio.ext.pandas.data_frame_pg_copy_from(sql, connectable, schema=None, index_col=None, parse_dates=False, columns=None, dtype=None, nrows=None, buffer_size=100)

pg_copy_from: Construct DataFrame from database table or query via PostgreSQL COPY.

ohio.PipeTextIO enables the direct, in-process “piping” of the PostgreSQL COPY command into Pandas read_csv, for quick, memory-efficient construction of DataFrame from database, (and without the needless involvement of the local file system).

For example, given a SQLAlchemy connectable – either a database connection Engine or Connection:

>>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>>> engine = create_engine('postgresql://')

We may simply invoke the DataFrame’s Ohio extension method, pg_copy_from:

>>> df = DataFrame.pg_copy_from('users', engine)

pg_copy_from supports many of the same parameters as read_sql and read_csv.

In addition, pg_copy_from accepts the optimization parameter buffer_size, which controls the maximum number of CSV-encoded results written by the database cursor to hold in memory prior to their being read into the DataFrame. Depending on use-case, increasing this value may speed up the operation, at the cost of additional memory – and vice-versa. buffer_size defaults to 100.


Ohio extensions for pandas were benchmarked to test their speed and memory-efficiency relative both to pandas built-in functionality and to custom implementations which do not utilize Ohio.

Interfaces and syntactical niceties aside, Ohio generally features memory stability. Its tools enable pipelines which may also improve speed, (and which do so in standard use-cases).

In the below benchmark, Ohio extensions pg_copy_from & pg_copy_to reduced memory consumption by 84% & 61%, and completed in 39% & 91% less time, relative to pandas built-ins read_sql & to_sql, (respectively).

Compared to purpose-built extensions – which utilized PostgreSQL COPY, but using io.StringIO in place of ohio.PipeTextIO and ohio.CsvTextIOpg_copy_from & pg_copy_to also reduced memory consumption by 60% & 32%, respectively. pg_copy_from & pg_copy_to also completed in 16% & 13% less time than the io.StringIO versions.

The benchmarks plotted below were produced from averages and standard deviations over 3 randomized trials per target. Input data consisted of 896,677 rows across 83 columns: 1 of these of type timestamp, 51 integers and 31 floats. The benchmarking package, prof, is preserved in Ohio's repository.



A PostgreSQL database-connected cursor writes the results of COPY to a PipeTextIO, from which pandas constructs a DataFrame.



Pandas constructs a DataFrame from a given database query.



Pandas is instructed to generate DataFrame slices of the database query result, and these slices are concatenated into a single frame, with: pandas.concat(chunks, copy=False).



A PostgreSQL database-connected cursor writes the results of COPY to a StringIO, from which pandas constructs a DataFrame.



DataFrame data are encoded through a CsvTextIO, and read by a PostgreSQL database-connected cursor’s COPY command.



Pandas inserts DataFrame data into the database row by row.


pandas.DataFrame.to_sql(method='multi', chunksize=100)

Pandas inserts DataFrame data into the database in chunks of rows.

DataFrame data are written and encoded to a StringIO, and then read by a PostgreSQL database-connected cursor’s COPY command.


Stand-alone modules implementing functionality which depends upon Ohio primitives.


Join the “COPY” results of arbitrary database queries in Python, without unnecessary memory overhead.

This is largely useful to work around databases’ per-query column limit.

ohio.recipe.dbjoin.pg_join_queries(queries, engine, sep=', ', end='n', copy_options=('CSV', 'HEADER'))

Join the text-encoded result streams of an arbitrary number of PostgreSQL database queries to work around the database’s per-query column limit.

Query results are read via PostgreSQL COPY, streamed through PipeTextIO, and joined line-by-line into a singular stream.

For example, given a set of database queries whose results cannot be combined into a single PostgreSQL query, we might join these queries’ results and write these results to a file-like object:

>>> queries = [
...     'SELECT a, b, c FROM a_table',
...     ...
... ]

>>> with open('results.csv', 'w', newline='') as fdesc:
...     for line in pg_join_queries(queries, engine):
...         fdesc.write(line)

Or, we might read these results into a single Pandas DataFrame:

>>> csv_lines = pg_join_queries(queries, engine)
>>> csv_buffer = ohio.IteratorTextIO(csv_lines)
>>> df = pandas.read_csv(csv_buffer)

By default, pg_join_queries requests CSV-encoded results, with an initial header line indicating the result columns. These options, which are sent directly to the PostgreSQL COPY command, may be controlled via copy_options. For example, to omit the CSV header:

>>> pg_join_queries(queries, engine, copy_options=['CSV'])

Or, to request PostgreSQL’s tab-delimited text format via the syntax of PostgreSQL v9.0+:

>>> pg_join_queries(
...     queries,
...     engine,
...     sep='\t',
...     copy_options={'FORMAT': 'TEXT'},
... )

In the above example, we’ve instructed PostgreSQL to use its text results encoder, (and we’ve omitted the instruction to include a header).

NOTE: In the last example, we also explicitly specified the separator used in the results’ encoding. This is not passed to the database; rather, it is necessary for pg_join_queries to properly join queries’ results.