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dscbot edited this page Dec 23, 2022 · 6 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Thumbprint Key String The thumbprint (unique identifier) of the certificate you're importing.
Path Write String The path to the CER file you want to import.
Content Write String The base64 encoded content of the CER file you want to import.
Location Key String The Windows Certificate Store Location to import the certificate to. LocalMachine, CurrentUser
Store Key String The Windows Certificate Store Name to import the certificate to.
Ensure Write String Specifies whether the certificate should be present or absent. Present, Absent
FriendlyName Write String The friendly name of the certificate to set in the Windows Certificate Store.


The resource is used to import a certificate into a Windows certificate store.


Example 1

Import public key certificate into Trusted Root store.

Configuration CertificateImport_MinimalUsage_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName CertificateDsc

    Node localhost
        CertificateImport MyTrustedRoot
            Thumbprint = 'c81b94933420221a7ac004a90242d8b1d3e5070d'
            Location   = 'LocalMachine'
            Store      = 'Root'
            Path       = '\\Server\Share\Certificates\MyTrustedRoot.cer'

Example 2

Import public key certificate into Trusted Root store and set the Fiendly Name to 'Contoso Root CA'.

Configuration CertificateImport_FriendlyName_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName CertificateDsc

    Node localhost
        CertificateImport MyTrustedRoot
            Thumbprint   = 'c81b94933420221a7ac004a90242d8b1d3e5070d'
            Location     = 'LocalMachine'
            Store        = 'Root'
            Path         = '\\Server\Share\Certificates\MyTrustedRoot.cer'
            FriendlyName = 'Contoso Root CA'

Example 3

Import public key certificate into Trusted Root store from a provided base64 encoded string.

Configuration CertificateImport_WithContent_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName CertificateDsc

        Create mock base64 value
        example for converting an existing file:
        $contentBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($certificateFilePath))
    $contentBase64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String(@(00, 00, 00))

    Node localhost
        CertificateImport MyTrustedRoot
            Thumbprint   = 'c81b94933420221a7ac004a90242d8b1d3e5070d'
            Location     = 'LocalMachine'
            Store        = 'Root'
            Content      = $contentBase64