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gitupofftheflooranddosomework edited this page Sep 18, 2018 · 11 revisions

There is lots of room for new content in A Dark Room. Here are some ideas to get you started, but don't feel like you have to stick to them. Of course, we have many open issues as well.

Table of Contents


A suggestion that could be added to the game is a scoring system. The score system would tie in with the Share link, making ADR a slightly more social game, and hopefully increasing popularity. This could become even more topical with the Prestige system, having a multiplier for the amount of times completed; and if quests are ever implemented, they would offer a significant boost. This would add a competitive element to the game, and challenge players.

Skill Trees

An idea I had was to have a school, which offers research in different areas, such as worker productivity, damage output, etc. This would be a big one to implement, but would add much to the game.

Roaming Boss Mobs

Massive monsters that offer significant rewards could be a good filler in the empty space while traversing the map, and add another competitive element to ADR. Monsters would take up a tile, and move at either a set interval, or at the same time as the player. They could also be generated randomly, using a few concatenated strings and some HP numbers. Apart from the rendering on the map, I don't believe they would be too hard to string together.

More Storyline Paths

The more ways through each of the defined set-pieces, the less repetitive the game feels.

More Enemies

More is better, right? Not sure how new enemy types could be differentiated, but it's something to think about.

More Set-Piece Areas

The world doesn't end with caves, towns, and cities. Feel free to add new types of areas to explore.

More Events

Stuff happens when you're hanging out in the village, but not enough stuff! Add more stuff. I love the idea of ultra-rare things that only a handful of people will ever see.

New Gear Tiers

This one is awesome, but will probably require some re-tooling of the interface to support. The current build list is already touching the bottom of the 700px viewport when fully populated, so some rejiggering will be necessary.

New Game Mechanics

The largest undertaking. In my original plan, space wasn't the end of the game. There was going to be a whole new mechanic after leaving the planet, but I cut it to keep the scope manageable. If anyone wants to take this on, it'd be amazing.

Improved Interface

I hate the way the buttons bounce around after combat and during exploration, but I was too lazy to fix it.

Alternate Ending?

I've seen some rumours that there is an alternate ending to ADR. There isn't, but there could be!

Slight Aesthetic Changes

The game gets slightly dull to look at for a long time (in my opinion), therefore some slight aesthetic changes could be introduced. For examples:

  • Quiet ambient sounds depending on the area (slight creaking of wood, crackling fire, wind, rain, etc.)
  • Gentle soundtrack
  • Colour changes based on the state of the game (i.e. a slight orange glow when first lighting the fire)

you could leave specific things at specific outposts however there is no guarantee that they wouldnt be stolen)