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I have no longer maintain this library anymore. If you would like to find an alternative please look at


libsodium wrapper for React Native

ReMark : Currently support only Android because I don't have a Mac Pro or Macbook or whatever Mac (just Mac fish burger).


Just pull request!


yarn add react-native-libsodium
react-native link

Android Config

  • AndroidManifest.xml










  • android/app/build.gradle
android {
    compileSdkVersion 25
    buildToolsVersion "25.0.3"
    defaultConfig {
      targetSdkVersion 25


(async() => {
    let keybob = await Sodium.crypto_box_keypair()
    let keyalice = await Sodium.crypto_box_keypair()
    let nonce = await Sodium.randombytes(Sodium.CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES)
    let cipher = await Sodium.crypto_box_easy("I miss you Bob", nonce, keybob.PublicKey, keyalice.SecretKey)
    Sodium.crypto_box_open_easy(cipher, nonce, keyalice.PublicKey, keybob.SecretKey).then(console.log) // /(>///<)\

    let keysig = await Sodium.crypto_sign_keypair()
    let sig = await Sodium.crypto_sign_detached("My name is donus.", keysig.SigningKey)
    Sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached("My name is donus.", sig, keysig.VerifyKey).then(console.log)

    let sign = await Sodium.crypto_sign("Are you sure you goona use this?", keysig.SigningKey)
    Sodium.crypto_sign_open(sign, keysig.VerifyKey).then(console.log)

Provide API

all api using async

randombytes(length:int) return string

//use to random generate nonce, seed, etc.

  • length : output length
  • return : randombytes in hex string format

crypto_box_keypair() return { PublicKey: string, SecretKey: string }

  • return : box keypair in hex string format

crypto_box_seed_keypair(seed:string) return { PublicKey: string, SecretKey: string }

  • seed : seed size CRYPTO_BOX_SEEDBYTES
  • return : box keypair in hex string format

crypto_box_easy(msg :string, nonce :string, publicKey :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • msg : message
  • nonce : randome string size CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES
  • publickey : receiver's publickey in hex string format
  • secretkey : sender's secretkey in hex string format
  • return : cipher in hex string format

(cipher :string, nonce :string, publicKey :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • msg : message
  • nonce : randome string size CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES
  • publickey : sender's publickey in hex string format
  • secretkey : receiver's secretkey in hex string format
  • return : original message

crypto_sign_keypair() return { SigningKey: string, VerifyKey: string }

  • return : ed25519 keypair in hex string format

crypto_sign_seed_keypair(seed :string) return { SigningKey: string, VerifyKey: string }

  • seed : seed size CRYPTO_SIGN_SEEDBYTES
  • return : ed25519 keypair in hex string format

crypto_sign(msg :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • msg : message
  • secretkey : signer's ed25519 secretkey in hex string format
  • return : ed25519 signed message (size msg.length + CRYPTO_SIGN_BYTES)

crypto_sign_open(signature :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • signature : ed25519 signed message
  • secretKey : signer's ed25519 secretkey in hex string format
  • return : original message

crypto_sign_detached(msg :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • msg : message
  • secretkey : signer's ed25519 secretkey in hex string format
  • return : ed25519 signature (size CRYPTO_SIGN_BYTES)

crypto_sign_verify_detached(msg :string, signature :string, secretKey :string) return boolean

  • msg : original message
  • signature : ed25519 signature
  • secretKey : signer's ed25519 secretkey in hex string format
  • return : signature validation

crypto_secretbox_easy(message :string, nonce :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • message : message
  • nonce : randome string size CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES
  • secretKey : secretKey
  • return : cipher

crypto_secretbox_open_easy(cipher :string, nonce :string, secretKey :string) return string

  • cipher : cipher from above api
  • nonce : randome string size CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES
  • secretKey : same as above api
  • return : original message for sure!

crypto_auth(input :string, key :string) return string

crypto_auth_verify(mac :string, input :string, key :string) return boolean

Next Step

more libsodium api wrapper and support ios


joshjdevl/libsodium-jni (


libsodium wrapper for React Native






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