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Serverless Node example

Serverless launched Lambda functions that are protected by IAM.

Explanation of this line.

- "arn:aws:execute-api:${self:provider.region}:*:*/${self:provider.stage}/POST/*"

The arn is split into 4 sections.

  • arn:aws:execute-api This is what you are doing, in this case executing (invoking) the API. This probably will not change.
  • ${self:provider.region} This is the region that your API is located in, here I have parameterised it to be the same as the region defined in the provider block.
  • * This is a wildcard (der) in the section of the APIs name, as I am not using and pre-defined API names in this repo, this has been left as a wildcard.
  • */${self:provider.stage}/POST/* This is the location of the FUnction at the API endpoint. We use wildcards here to allow any functions, or you can specify functions by name for a even more secure policy. This locks the requests to only the same stage as is defined in the provider block, and only allows POST requests to be made.

In the end this policy only allows POST requests made to the same region and the same stage as the calling function.

Explanation of this block.

      - ""
      - - "https://"
        - Ref: "ApiGatewayRestApi"
        - ".execute-api.${self:provider.region}${self:provider.stage}/"
  • environment: What are we defining, in this case environment variables
  • SELF_ENDPOINT: The name of the environment variable that Lambda functions will be able to access
  • FN::Join Using CloudFormation information
  • The rest is what we are pulling from CloudFormation, we are pulling in this case the unique ApiGatewayRestApi so that it can be accessed from the Lambda functions.

For more information on this block look at this page wot I found.