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doe300 edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 3 revisions

Status of the support of the OpenCL runtime library

Sources: OpenCL 1.2 Reference Pages, section OpenCL Platform, OpenCL 1.2 Specification, OpenCL 1.2 Extension Specification


Only EMBEDDED_PROFILE is supported, since the implementation does not support 64-bit integers. More so, the 64-bit and 16-bit floating point extensions are unsupported, as well as anything which has to do with images or OpenGL inter-operability. Since access to the memory (shared with the CPU), is always synchronized among all QPUs, all cl_khr_xxx_atomics extensions are supported.

Query Platform Info

  • clGetPlatformIDs - returns a single platform for the VideoCore IV implementation
  • clGetPlatformInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2

Query Devices

  • clGetDeviceIDs - returns a single device of the type CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU (which is also CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT) representing the VideoCore IV GPU
  • clGetDeviceInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2. Supports 1 compute unit with 12 work-items (12 QPUs) has a preferred vector-width or all supported types of 16 elements (since a QPU is a virtual 16-way SIMD). Long, Double and Half types are unsupported. The device is a 32-bit lower endian processor and has a default clock rate of 250MHz. The graphic memory is shared with the host memory and its maximum size can be configured via the /boot/config.txt or tools such as raspi-config (the setting is called memory-split). Images are not supported, neither is printf and device-partitioning/sub-device creation. Compiler is supported, if the library is compiled with the VC4C compiler.

Partition a Device

  • clCreateSubDevices - not supported
  • clRetainDevice - not supported
  • clReleaseDevice - not supported


  • clCreateContext - supported
  • clCreateContextFromType - supported
  • clRetainContext - supported
  • clReleaseContext - supported, automatically cleans up context and all its children object
  • clGetContextInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2.

Command Queues

  • clCreateCommandQueue - supported, commands are always executed in-order, disregarding the value of CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE. Profiling is supported if and only if CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE is specified.
  • clRetainCommandQueue - supported
  • clReleaseCommandQueue - supported, automatically cleans up command queue and all its children
  • clGetCommandQueueInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2.

Buffer Objects

  • clCreateBuffer - supported, the buffer is immediately allocated on the device-memory
  • clCreateSubBuffer - supported
  • clEnqueueReadBuffer - supported
  • clEnqueueWriteBuffer - supported
  • clEnqueueReadBufferRect - supported
  • clEnqueueWriteBufferRect - supported
  • clEnqueueFillBuffer - supported
  • clEnqueueCopyBuffer - supported
  • clEnqueueCopyBufferRect - supported
  • clEnqueueMapBuffer - supported, device-memory is always mapped to host-memory
  • clCreateImage - images are not supported
  • clGetSupportedImageFormats - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueReadImage - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueWriteImage - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueFillImage - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueCopyImage - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueMapImage - images are not supported
  • clEnqueueUnmapMemObject - supported, device-memory is always mapped to host-memory
  • clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects - supported, no-op, memory objects are always located on the device
  • clGetMemObjectInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2
  • clGetImageInfo - images are not supported
  • clRetainMemObject - supported
  • clReleaseMemObject - supported, automatically cleans up device memory
  • clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback - supported

Sampler Objects

  • clCreateSampler - always returns CL_INVALID_OPERATION, since images and samplers are not supported
  • clRetainSampler - supported
  • clReleaseSampler - supported
  • clGetSamplerInfo - supported

Program Objects

  • clCreateProgramWithSource - supported, supports OpenCL source as well as LLVM IR and SPIR-V as source code
  • clCreateProgramWithBinary - supported, supports platform-dependent binary format (e.g. as output of VC4C)
  • clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels - supported, but there are no supported built-in kernels
  • clRetainProgram - supported
  • clReleaseProgram - supported, releases program and all its resources automatically
  • clBuildProgram - only supported, when compiled with the VC4C compiler
  • clCompileProgram - only supported, when compiled with the VC4C compiler
  • clLinkProgram - only supported, when compiled with the VC4C compiler
  • clUnloadPlatformCompiler - supported, but no-op
  • clGetProgramInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2
  • clGetProgramBuildInfo - supported

Kernel Objects

  • clCreateKernel - supported
  • clCreateKernelsInProgram - supported
  • clRetainKernel - supported
  • clReleaseKernel - supported, the kernel and all its resources are automatically freed
  • clSetKernelArg - supported
  • clGetKernelInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2. There is no way to retrieve the content of CL_KERNEL_ATTRIBUTES.
  • clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo - supported
  • clGetKernelArgInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2.

Executing Kernels

  • clEnqueueNDRangeKernel - supported
  • clEnqueueTask - supported
  • clEnqueueNativeKernel - supported, but no native kernels available

Event Objects

  • clCreateUserEvent - supported
  • clSetUserEventStatus - supported
  • clWaitForEvents - supported
  • clGetEventInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2.
  • clSetEventCallback - supported
  • clRetainEvent - supported
  • clReleaseEvent - supported, automatically frees the event

Markers, Barriers, and Waiting

  • clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList - supported
  • clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList - supported

Profiling Operations on Memory Objects and Kernels

  • clGetEventProfilingInfo - supports all parameters specified in OpenCL 1.2.

Flush and Finish

  • clFlush - supported, but is no-op since all events are automatically flushed
  • clFinish - supported


Khronos ICD loader (cl_khr_icd)

See ICD loader specification for details.

  • clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR - supported, returns the 1 global platform
  • clGetExtensionFunctionAddress - supported

SPIR Binaries (cl_khr_spir)

See SPIR Binaries for details.

Intermediate Language Programs (cl_khr_il_program)

See Intermediate Language Programs for details.

  • clCreateProgramWithILKHR - supported, but optional, since CreateProgramWithSource also accepts SPIR-V source

Querying device temperature (cl_altera_device_temperature)

See extension specification for details.

Tracking live objects (cl_altera_live_object_tracking)

See extension specification for details.

  • clTrackLiveObjectsAltera - supported, but no-op, since objects are always tracked
  • clReportLiveObjectsAltera - supported

Local and Private Memory Initialization (cl_khr_initialize_memory)

See Local and Private Memory Initialization for details.