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Robotic swerve drive platform developed for Northwoods Church Christmas program


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Robotic swerve drive platform developed for Northwoods Church Christmas program


Control is all using an XBox Series wireless controller.

Driving Inputs

Input Control Description
RB Hold to enable driving
Left Joystick Forward/Reverse Drive forward/reverse
Left Joystick Left/Right Drive left/right
Right Joystick Left/Right Rotate counter-clockwise/clockwise
RB + LB Hold to enable line following
D-pad Up/Down Line follow forward/reverse
LT + RT Hold for 2 seconds to enable module homing
A When in homing mode, hold for 1 second to save new home position

Vibration Feedback

The driver controller will vibrate to indicate various events.

Vibration Pattern Description
Faint rumble with no buttons/joysticks moved XBox Controller connected to Raspberry Pi after controller power on or platform reboot
500ms pulse Indicates drive mode has been activated and joysticks now command platform motion. Will occur when RB is pressed and joysticks are centered.
Rapid pulses Indicates drive mode is locked out because joysticks are not centered. Will occur when RB is pressed while joysticks are not centered.
Continuous waves Indicates homing mode is primed. Will occur when LT and RT are both held for at least two seconds.
Continuous medium intensity Indicates new home position was saved. Will occur after homing mode is primed and A is held for an additional 1 second.


Whenever a module is swapped; a module, motor, or sensor is unmounted and remounted; or a freshly imaged Raspberry Pi controller is installed, you will need to "home" the swerve modules so they all move together properly. Symptoms of an improperly homed platform range from the platform not driving straight to the platform moving erratically or stalling. You should see all modules pointed in the same direction when moving using only the left joystick after homing is performed successfully.

To save a new home position, do the following:

  1. Turn platform power off
  2. Align all modules so the bevel gear on the wheel is facing toward the right side of the platform. Using a square is best to ensure each module is aligned to the platform
  3. Turn platform power on
  4. Connect XBox Controller
  5. Prime homing calibration by holding LT & RT for at least 2 seconds
  6. You should feel a continuous wave vibration pattern when homing is primed
  7. While continuing to hold LT & RT, press and hold A for at least 1 second
  8. You should feel continuous steady vibration when homing has saved
  9. Release all buttons and try driving to validate homing

Homing values save to /home/pi/.config/Swerve-Platform/moduleHomes on the Raspberry Pi, so everything is saved across power cycles.

Line Following

The robot is able to follow a 2 in white line on a black floor in the forward and reverse direction. Manual driving takes priority over line following.

The start and end of the line can be established by a perpindicular line at least 6 in wide at least 12 in from the end of the line. When line following is first enabled, the robot assumes it is inbetween both end stops. If line following continues to be enabled, then the robot will stop when it detects an end stop and will only allow movement in the direction it came from. If line following is disabled after it reaches the end stop, then the robot assumes it is inbetween both ends stops and movement in the wrong direction will be allowed.

The robot centers itself on the line through rotation. Therefore, over time robot yaw may drift. The easiest way to correct this while keeping the robot on the line is to manually rotate the robot after it has come to a stop.

If the robot does not detect the line, then it will attempt to steer back towards the direction it last saw the line. If the robot still does not detect the line after some time, then line following is disabled and the robot must be manually centered back on the line.

How To Build


Tested in Linux, but might work in other environments because most of build is conducted in Docker for cross compilation.

Build Steps

  1. mkdir build
  2. cd build
  3. ../utils/ rpi3-armv8 --pull --export
  4. cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../utils/armv8-rpi3-linux-gnueabihf.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
  5. make -j`nproc`

Steps 1-4 may be skipped once the environment is set up appropriately.


A GitHub codespace container is available for this project.


This project uses pre-commit to check code formatting before accepting commits.

First install the prerequisites:

  • python3 (with pip) - instructions
    • Python 3.9.x from the Python website works well. Make sure to check the add to path option in the installer.
  • pip packages:
    • You may need to add the pip install path to your shell's path if you're using Git Bash. In git bash:
      1. Open (or create) new file ~/.bashrc by running vim ~/.bashrc
      2. Add this to the end: PATH=$PATH:$LOCALAPPDATA/Programs/Python/Python39/Scripts/ (change Python39 to match your python version)
        • Note: The actual path you need to add ($LOCALAPPDATA/Programs/Python/Python39/Scripts/ in the above example) depends on your Python installation. If y ou do the pip install steps first, pip will print the path you need to add.
        • To type in Vim, type i and you should see INSERT at the bottom of the window to indicate you're editing in insert mode
      3. Exit by pressing Esc then type :wq and press Enter
      4. Run source ~/.bashrc to update your session
    • clang-format - pip install clang-format
    • pre-commit - pip install pre-commit

Then initialize:

pre-commit install
pre-commit run

The first run may take a moment, but subsequent automatic runs are very fast.

You'll now have the linter run before each commit! For compatibility with Windows, we recommend the pip version of clang-format, but wpi-format will find any installed clang-format binary in the system path.


ssh pi@NWCC-platform-alpha.local

How To Run At Startup

  1. Copy bin, lib, and scripts to /home/pi/swerve-platform/
  2. Copy scripts/swerve-platform.service to /etc/systemd/system/: sudo cp /home/pi/swerve-platform/scripts/swerve-platform.service /etc/systemd/system
  3. Adjust permissions of unit file: sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/swerve-platform.service
  4. Enable service: sudo systemctl enable swerve-platform.service
  5. Reboot

Required Software Packages

Raspberry Pi Image

The image/ directory contains directives to set up an image with most settings preconfigured. Unfortunately, this is not building correctly in GitHub actions, so the manual steps are documented here.

Start with Raspberry Pi OS Lite. Legacy (Buster) definitely works. Latest (Bullseye) should also work, but may have some compatibility issues. Use 32-bit OS version if prompted.

Use Balena Etcher to write the downloaded Raspberry Pi OS image to a microSD card.

On first boot,

  1. Expand the filesystem so the full SD card space is usable. This can be done using raspi-config
  2. Change the hostname to NWCC-platform-alpha (or your preferred hostname that will later be used for SSH access)
  3. Enable SSH access

Then reboot before continuing setup.

Linux Platform Software

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get upgrade


Add the following lines to /boot/config.txt

  1. dtparam=spi=on
  2. dtoverlay=mcp2515-can0,oscillator=16000000,interrupt=25
  3. dtoverlay=spi-bcm2835-overlay


  1. sudo apt-get install can-utils


  1. sudo apt install dkms linux-headers
  2. Reboot
  3. git clone
  4. cd xpadneo
  5. sudo ./

Bare Minimum To Pair XBox Series Controller

  1. Update controller firmware in Windows using XBox Accessories App
  2. echo 'options bluetooth disable_ertm=Y' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/bluetooth.conf
  3. systemctl edit bthelper@hci0 and add the following content:
    After=hciuart.service bluetooth.service
    ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5
  4. Add Privacy = device to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
  5. Reboot
  6. Run the following with XBox controller in pair mode. Lines after sudo bluetoothctl are run inside bluetoothctl prompt:
    sudo bluetoothctl
    agent on
    scan on
    ** note MAC address of XBox controller.  Will be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX in future steps**
    scan off
    pair XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    trust XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
  7. Controller should change to solid light after pair step. Controller will reconnect on reboot. Use jstest /dev/input/js0 to test joystick inputs (from sudo apt install joystick package)



Content from the following external sources is used within this project: