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REST in style, no more pain with the Functor force.

Package Quality

Version: 1.3.2


This package used bs-json for most of encode/decode part. It relied on bs-fetch as a communication layer. And also uses bs-promise-monad for syntatic suger, although it is not required.

How to use?

1. Define the module

module TodoItem = {
  /** 1.1 Define data model */
  type t = {
    userId: int,
    id: int,
    title: string,
    completed: bool

  /** 1.2 The namespace represents url path for the resource */
  let namespace = "todos";

  /** 1.3 Create a decoder */
  let decode = json => Json.Decode.({
      userId: json |> field("userId", int),
      id: json |> field("id", int),
      title: json |> field("title", string),
      completed: json |> field("completed", bool)

  /** 1.4 Create an encoder */
  let encode = (d:t) => Json.Encode.({
      ("userId", int(d.userId)),
      ("id", int(,
      ("title", string(d.title)),
      ("completed", bool(d.completed))
    |> object_

2. Define the Endpoint

module DummyEndpoint: RestApi.Endpoint = {
  /** 2.1 Define base url */
  let baseUrl = ""

  /** 2.2 Define a urlWithPath function */
  let urlWithPath = path => [|baseUrl, path|] |> Js.Array.joinWith("/")

3. Build the API

module TodoAPI = RestApi.Make(DummyEndpoint, TodoItem)

4. Use the API

open PromiseMonad;
>>- (result => switch(result) {
    | Ok(items) => Js.log(items)
    | Error((code, status)) => Js.log2(code, status)

>>- (result => switch(result) {
    | Ok(item) => Js.log(item)
    | Error((code, status)) => Js.log2(code, status)
        id: -1,
        userId: 1,
        title: "Easy API with free type power",
        completed: false
    }) >>- (result => switch(result) {
    | Ok(item) => Js.log(item)
    | Error((code, status)) => Js.log2(code, status)

/** For custom path, it will fall back to Fetch.Request and Fetch.Response*/
let customRequest = Fetch.RequestInit.make(
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "postId": 1,
      "name": "Test comment",
      "email": "",
      "body": "hello from bs-rest-api"

TodoAPIWithHeader.fetch("posts/1/comments", customRequest)
    >>- (result => switch(result) {
        | Ok(rawResponse) => rawResponse->Fetch.Response.text|> innerHTML(container)
        | Error((code, status)) => "<h2>"++string_of_int(code)++":"++status++"</h2>"|> innerHTML(container)

Extra - Use it with custom request header suah as Token?

module TokenHeader = {
  let makeHeaders () => HeadersInit.make({ 
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Authorization": "token-this-here you can pull it with your custom logic."

module TodoAPIWithHeader = MakeWithHeader(DummyEndpoint, TodoItem, TokenHeader)

>>- (result => switch(result) {
    | Ok(item) => Js.log(item)
    | Error((code, status)) => Js.log2(code, status)



  • Patch security on dependencies
  • Fix a security issue from PR #1


  • Add MakeWithHeader
  • Rename module name to be more consistent
  • Remove unused module.


  • Publish to npm
  • Add detail example
  • API Can be used now.


  • Initial commit with compilable code


  • Implement npm publish action
  • Improve Module Type Interface(Try to reduce types exposure)
  • Implement interactive demo to pull API
  • Implement API DataModel Generator(start with django-rest-framework)

PRs are welcome. Comments or Requests are also welcome. Thank you.