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Simple and easy way to manage react context state. This package makes use of use-context-selector and allows context state updates by dispatching defined actions.


NOTE: As mentioned in use-context-selector it's also required to install peer dependencies:

npm install --save react-pretty-context react scheduler



import { createContext } from "react-pretty-context";

// Context object that will be used as default
const initialContext = {
  firstName: "Default first name",
  lastName: "Default last name",

// Defined actions that perform context state updates
// For every action the first argument is always the current context object
// Every action returns a new context object updated or the current one
const actions = {
  setFirstName: (context, firstName) => {
    // New object which reflects the update
    return { ...context, firstName };
  setLastName: (context, lastName) => {
    // Context update can be avoided by returning current context object
    if (context.firstName === "foo") {
      return context;

    return { ...context, lastName };

export const {
  ContextProvider, // Context provider
  defaultContext, // For convenience :)
  useActions, // Hook to access actions object
  useContextSelector, // Hook to select context using a selector function
} = createContext({
  defaultContext: initialContext,


import React from "react";
import { ContextProvider } from "./context-config";

const SomeComponent = () => {
  return (
        // Optional prop to override defaultContext
            firstName: "First name",
            lastName: "Last name",


import React from "react";
import { useContextSelector, useActions } from "./context-config";

const PersonalDetails = () => {
  // useContextSelector accepts as first argument the context selector function
  // Only when the return value/reference changes, the component updates
  const firstName = useContextSelector((context) => context.firstName);
  const lastName = useContextSelector((context) => context.lastName);

  // Direct access to context dispatch actions
  const { setFirstName, setLastName } = useActions();

  const onChangeFirstName = (ev) => {
    // Dispatch action

  const onChangeLastName = (ev) => {
    // Dispatch action

  return (
        First name:
        <input value={firstName} onChange={onChangeFirstName} type="text" />
        Last name:
        <input value={lastName} onChange={onChangeLastName} type="text" />


Simple demo can be found here.