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Bowling Score Keeper

An easy Java API for scoring and printing one or more bowling games.

A single game

Bowler bowler = new Bowler()
GameManager game = GameManagerImpl.newGame(bowler);

game.addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 1)); // open
    .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 2)); // spare
    .addFrame(BowlingFrame.strike()); // strike

// simple print
System.out.println(game.getGame().getScore()); // 39

// produces a bowling score card
PrintManager printManager = PrintManagerImpl.newInstance();
printManager.printGame(processor.getGame(), System.out);

Multiple games

Bowler christene = new Bowler()
Game game1 = GameManagerImpl.newGame(christene)
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(0, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(7, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(5, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 0))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(6, 3))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(7, 3))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 0))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 1))

Bowler chris = new Bowler()
Game game2 = GameManagerImpl.newGame(chris)
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(7, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 0))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(6, 3))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(7, 3))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 0))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 2).setSplit(true))

Bowler gwen = new Bowler()
Game game3 = GameManagerImpl.newGame(gwen)
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 0))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(6, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(7, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(7, 3))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(3, 5))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(0, 7))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))

Bowler doug = new Bowler()
Game game4 = GameManagerImpl.newGame(doug)
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 1).setSplit(true))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(8, 2))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))
        .addFrame(new BowlingFrame(9, 1))

PrintManager printManager = PrintManagerImpl.newInstance();
Game[] games = {game1, game2, game3, game4};
printManager.printGames(games, System.out);

// produces a score card with 4 games

Game Screen Shot

Intellij Import

To author the code in Intellij, clone this repo and perform the following steps:

  1. Open Intellij and close all projects
  2. From the Welcome to Intellij IDEA popup window, click the Import Project selection
  3. Choose the bowling-score-keeper/bowling.model folder.
  4. Choose "Import project from external model" choice and click the Gradle model. Click Next.
  5. Choose the "Use gradle wrapper task configuration". Leave all other choices as their default choice
  6. Click Finish

Eclipse Import

To author the code in Eclipse, clone this repo and perform the following steps:

  1. Open Eclipse and select File -> Import...
  2. Choose "Existing Gradle Project" under the Gradle wizard
  3. If you're presented with a Welcome window, click next to continue
  4. Click Browse to select the root directory where you cloned the code. Choose the bowling.model folder. Click Next.
  5. Click the "Override workspace settings" and click the "Gradle wrapper" choice.
  6. Click Next, then Finish.

Run Unit Tests

  1. Right-click on the src/test/java folder and select the JUnit option.

Project Structure

The project includes a single model project, called bowler.model. The intent of the bowler.model project is to serve as an API for a future GUI project which displays and manages bowling games (similar to what you would see in a bowling alley).


The project uses Gradle to build and manage its dependencies. When you first open the project in your favorite IDE, invoke gradle refresh (if it doesn't automatically execute) in order to download all dependencies. Gradle will do all the work, including downloading itself.

The build.gradle file has built in support for code quality checks, such as checkstyle, PMD, and FindBugs. It also includes the ability to report on code coverage.

You can run the checks by executing this at the terminal within the bowling-score-keeper/bowling.model folder:

./gradlew clean check

This executes the checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs, and the unit tests. You should see "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" if all is good. The reports are generated within the build/reports folder (checkstyle, findbugs, pmd, tests folders).

You can run the code coverage report by executing this at the terminal within the bowling-score-keeper/bowling.model folder:

./gradlew clean test jacocoTestReport

The report is generated within the build/reports/coverage folder.

You can build the project by executing this at the terminal within the bowling-score-keeper/bowling.model folder:

./gradlew clean build

This builds a JAR file in the build/libs folder called, bowling.model-1.5.jar. (At the time of this writing, the version was 1.5). To change the version number on the JAR, change the "version" property within the build.gradle file.

You can create the java documentation for the API by executing this at the terminal within the bowling-score-keeper/bowling.model folder:

./gradlew clean javadoc

The java documentation is generated within the build/docs/javadoc folder. Open index.html in your browser to view the documentation.


Simple Java API for scoring a bowling game.







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