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A simplistic version of Twitter with a robust design and rich set of features. Mini-Tweet supports a wide variety of features ranging from basic features like user management to advanced features like user security, notification handling and group chat. Concurrent TCP Server, Stateless Client, etc. are the networking paradigms used.

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Table of Contents

  • Directory Structure

About The Project

A simplistic version of Twitter with a robust design and rich set of features. Mini-Tweet supports a wide variety of features ranging from basic features like user management to advanced features like user security, notification handling and group chat.

Getting Started


The following modules needs to be additionally installed in order to run the files.

  • pip3
    pip3 install colorama sqlite3
  • Mininet

Directory Structure 📂

├── mininet                      - Mininet Scripts + Dependencies
│   ├──        - Mininet Client
│   ├──           - Normal Client
│   ├──          - Followers Table Functions
│   ├──             - Group Chat Table Functions
│   ├── makefile                 - Makefile to run tests
│   ├── minitweet.db             - Database
│   ├──             - Mininet Script Single Topology
│   ├──            - Mininet Script Tree Topology
│   ├──             - Mininet Server
│   ├──                - Normal Server
│   ├──        - Testing Results Display
│   ├── tests                    - Tests
│   │   ├── input                - Input files generated from scripts in mininet_client_py folder
│   │   │   ├── client10.txt     - Chat Client
│   │   │   ├── client11.txt     - Chat Client
│   │   │   ├── client12.txt     - Chat Client
│   │   │   ├── client13.txt     - Pre Requisite Fullfillment Client (Register required users before all clients run)
│   │   │   ├── client1.txt      - No Login Queries Client
│   │   │   ├── client2.txt      - No Login Queries Client
│   │   │   ├── client3.txt      - No Login Queries Client
│   │   │   ├── client4.txt      - Tweet Intensive Client
│   │   │   ├── client5.txt      - Tweet Intensive Client
│   │   │   ├── client6.txt      - Tweet + Updates + Feed Intensive Client
│   │   │   ├── client7.txt      - Tweet + Updates + Feed Intensive Client
│   │   │   ├── client8.txt      - Register+Retweet Intensive Client
│   │   │   └── client9.txt      - Register+Retweet Intensive Client
│   │   ├── mininet_client_py    - Input Generating python scripts
│   │   │   ├──         - No Login Queries Client Generator
│   │   │   ├──         - Tweet Intensive Client Generator
│   │   │   ├──         - Tweet + Updates + Feed Intensive Client Generator
│   │   │   ├──         - Register + Retweet Client Generator
│   │   │   └──         - Chat Client Generator
│   │   └── output               - Output Files
│   ├──             - Tweet Table Functions
│   ├──            - Updates Table Functions
│   ├──                  - Command mapping to functions
│   ├──              - Users Table Functions
│   └──                 - All Main Function that server runs for commands
├──                    - Main Readme
├──                    - Server
├──               - Client
└── src                          - Source for manual mode
    ├──          - Followers Table Functions
    ├──             - Group Chat Table Functions
    ├──             - Tweet Table Functions
    ├──            - Updates Table Functions
    ├──                  - Mapping of commands to functions
    ├──              - Users Table Functions
    └──                 - All Main Function that server runs for commands

Running the Files

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. In the home directory of the project, run the server program.
  3. Run the client program

Running the tests

  1. Change directory to mininet/
    cd mininet
  2. To run the testfiles, run make command.
  3. Real-time server activity can be seen on the screen.
  4. Access the text output files in mininet/tests/output/

Feature Checklist

Basic Features:

✅ Register New User
✅ Login
✅ Get Updates
✅ Logout
✅ Search Registered Users
✅ Follow/Unfollow Any User
✅ Post Tweets
✅ Categorize Tweets with Hashtags

Advanced Features

✅ Search and Display Tweets Under Specific Hashtags
✅ Fetch List of Online Followers
✅ Initiate Chat Session with Followers
✅ Retweet Tweets
✅ Scale Server to Handle Multiple Requests

Security Features

✅ User Authenticate With Server to Access Features
✅ Obscured Password Input

Bonus Features

✅ Pin Tweets To The Profile
✅ Anyone Can View The Profile and The Pinned Tweets
✅ Create Groups
✅ Add/Remove Members From a Group
✅ Check Group Owner/Admin and Members
✅ Broadcast A Message To All The Members Of Group
✅ Delete Group
✅ Attractive Interface

Extra Features

✅ Get Notification

  • If Someone Mentions You In Their Tweet
  • If your Tweet is Retweeted


Login 🔒

Syntax: login <username>
Then the terminal prompts for the password.


Syntax: register <username>
Then the terminal prompts for the password and re-typing the password.


Syntax: logout
Logout the current session of the user that is currently logged in.


Syntax: follow <username_to_follow>
To start following someone with the given username. The tweets posted by that user would appear in our feed.


Syntax: search <username_to_unfollow>
To start unfollowing someone


Syntax: search <username_pattern>
To search the registered usernames which matches with the given pattern as prefix.


Syntax: profile <target_username>
View profile of the given username. In a user's profile, we can see

  • number of followers
  • the number of users he/she is following
  • pinned tweets.


Syntax: tweet Opens a text editor (nano). Once done, save (Ctrl + S) and exit the text editor. Mini-Tweet then asks for a confirmation once done, before finally posting the tweet.


Syntax: posts <tweets_per_page = 5> <page_number = 1>
To view the latest personal tweets posted by the user that is currently logged in.

  • tweets_per_page (default = 5) are the number of tweets that will be visible in a single page.
  • page_number (default = 1) is used to switch to a different page.


Syntax: trending
Get the top 5 trending hashtags in the last 24 hours along with the count of each.


Syntax: hashtag <hashtag_name> <tweets_per_page> <page_number>
To view the latest tweets of a particular hashtag.

  • tweets_per_page (default = 5) are the number of tweets that will be visible in a single page.
  • page_number (default = 1) is used to switch to a different page.


Syntax: feed <tweets_per_page> <page_number> To view the personalised feed which includes the latest tweets of the profiles you are following.

  • tweets_per_page (default = 5) are the number of tweets that will be visible in a single page.
  • page_number (default = 1) is used to switch to a different page.

Updates 🔔

Syntax: updates To view the unread latest updates/notifications. User is posted updates when

  • when he/she is mentioned in a tweet
  • his tweet is retweeted by some user

Mark Read Updates

Syntax: updates mark read Mark all the unread updates as read.


Syntax: pin <tweet_id>
To pin a to your profile, give the tweet_id as an argument to pin that particular tweet. The pinned tweet will be visible in the user's profile.

Retweet 🔁

Syntax: retweet <tweet_id>
To retweet a given tweet, give the tweet_id as an argument and the tweet will be retweeted with your username.


Syntax: online <followers_per_page> <page_number>
To get the list of all online followers.

  • followers_per_page (default = 8) are the number of tweets that will be visible in a single page.
  • page_number (default = 1) is used to switch to a different page.


Syntax: msg <target_user> [message_statement]
Sends the chat message_statement to the target_user from the current online

Manage Group

Create Group

Syntax: group create <group_name> Create a group of group_name with the current online user as the admin/owner.

Add Group Members

Syntax: group add <group_name> <add_member1> [<add_member2> <add_member3> ...] Adds the list of given usernames in the group_name. The current user must be group owner to execute this command.

Remove Group Members

Syntax: group add <group_name> <add_member1> [<add_member2> <add_member3> ...] Removes the list of given usernames from the group_name. The current user must be group owner to execute this command.

Fetch Group Members List

Syntax: group members <group_name> Fetches the list of members for the group_name. The current user must be a member of the group.

Delete Group

Syntax: group delete <group_name> Deletes the entire group_name. The current user must be group owner to execute this command.

Group Chat

Syntax: stream <group_name> [msg_statement] To send the msg_statement to the group members. The current user must be group member to send messages in group chat.

Client and Server Side Logic

Server Side Logic

  • Server is a multi-threaded concurrent server, which can handle around 4500 queries per minute.
  • Whenever server receives a query, it checks the first word of the query.
  • The server creates a new thread per query.
  • The first word is the command which client is asking the server to execute.
  • Server will look into the dictionary of commands and if the command is present in the list, then there will be an entry of a function corresponding to that command.
  • Server will run that function and pass the data from the client as argument.
  • The state maintanance and database design is under the topic, HLD, LLD.

Client Side Logic

  • When client program starts, it sends to server a command named "init".
  • Server will return a token number to that client which will be stored by client for the future use.
  • For every input command from the user, client opens a TCP connection with the server and also sends this token number so that the server can maintain a state of this particular client.
  • The client program also starts a server on its side, so that if the main server receives a chat message that is to be send to the client, then it can connect to the server at client side.
  • Client program gives an input for the user, from where user can enter all the commands that are to be executed by the server.
  • First the user has to enter the credentials and then the server will map the token number of that client to the username of that client after authentication is successful.
  • If a tweet is to be sent, then client program will open nano editor.
  • User types the tweet in this editor and after pressing "Y", the tweet will be posted with the credentials of client.

State Management

  • Client sends init command to server whenever client program starts running.
  • Server will return a unique token number to client.
  • When client sends the login/register credentials, the server will map the logged in client username to the token number that was assigned before to the client program.
  • At the time of sending the credentials, the client program also appended the token id which was given by the server at the time of starting the client program.
  • For every subsequent query, the client will send the token number appended with the query.
  • If no username is mapped to that token id, then server will ask to authenticate and then only the user can ask for data.
  • There is sqlite3 database on the server side which has several tables, eg. tweets_table, users_table, followers_table, updates_table, etc.
  • The information related to the client is stored in this database.
  • Accessing the personal data requires login.
  • This is how, server maintains state of every client.

Security Aspects

  • For user specific commands, the user should be first logged in from the client program.
  • Otherwise the features cannot be accessed.
  • The authentication process is explained in state management section.
  • Apart from trending, profile viewing, every other query requires that the user is authenticated.
  • When user types the password, it is obsured and is not shown on screen.


Database Structure

Users Table

  • username - Username of the user
  • password - Password of the user
  • followers - Number of followers
  • following - Number of following
  • is_online - Is online or not

Users table contains information related to the user, such as username, password, number of followers and number of following.

Followers Table

  • follower - Follower username
  • followed - The username of person who is being followed.

The actual data of who is following whom is stored in this table.

Tweets Table

  • tweet_id - unique tweet number given by database
  • username - username who has tweeted the tweet
  • body of the tweet
  • created_at - time of creation of tweet

All the tweets are stored in this table with each tweet having its unique id.

Pins Table

  • id - unique id given to pinned tweets
  • username - the user who is pinning his tweets
  • tweet_id - Id of the own tweet, which is to be pinned. This id should be of a tweet which is created by the username.

If a user pins a tweet on his/her profile, then this table will store the tweet_id and username for getting the pinned tweets corresponsing to a user.

Tags Table

  • id - unique id given to a tag corresponding to a tweet
  • tag - the name of tag
  • tweet_id - Id of the tweet which has this hashtag.

Tags table stores the tag name and the id of the tweet which contains the tag. This id helps to find the tweets corresponding to a particular tag name if someone asks for tweets with filter as a hashtag.


  • update_id - unique ID of a update
  • username - username whose update is being stored
  • body - body of the update.
  • created_at - Time at which the update was created by the server
  • is_read - update read or not by the user

This table stores the updates of all users. These updates are notifications like, someone mentioned you in the tweet, someone retweeted your tweet, etc. The table is updated as soon as someone posts a tweet or something related to the user.

Group Table

  • group_id - Unique id of the group
  • groupname - groupname at the time of creation of group.
  • members - number of members in the group (Dynamic variable)

This table stores information about all the groups and the number of members in the group.

Group Members Table

  • group_id - Unique id of the group.
  • groupname - groupname at the time of creation of group
  • username - username of the owner/group creator

This table stores information about all the groups members corresponding to different groups. Only the group owner can add or remove members from the group. The group owner can also delete the group.

Flowchart of Login

Flowchart of Tweet

Flowchart of Chat



  • A concurrent server runs at host h0.
  • The topology is a single topology
  • There are 11 clients and the types of the workload queries for client is given below.

Type 1 Clients

  • These are the clients which queries for the commands which does not require login.
  • Client 1,2,3 in the test script have 10000 such queries per client.
  • Queries are given below
  1. search <regex>
  2. profile <username>
  3. trending
  4. hashtag

Type 2 Clients

  • These clients login with a particular username which is already registered.
  • Then they generate tweets with the help of lorem library.
  • After tweets are generated, random words in the tweets are assigned the "#" tags.
  • Some tags which are meant to be trended are also included in these tweets.
  • Client 4,5 are these clients in the tests scripts.
  1. Tweet intensive

Type 3 Clients

  • These are the clients which asks for updates and feed and do some tweets.
  • Client 6,7 are these clients in the tests scripts.
  1. Updates
  2. Tweet
  3. Feed intensive process.

Type 4 Clients

  • These are the clients which register a user, then do some retweets of tweets by the users of other clients.
  • After that they logout and again register a new user and follow this loop for 200 times.
  • Client 8,9 are these clients in the tests scripts.
  1. Register 200 users and then retweet

Type 5 Clients

  • These are the clients which chat with other clients.
  • Client 10,11 are these clients in the tests scripts.
  1. Chat with each other

Server Performance

  • Tweets are limited to 200 characters. There is also some limit in twitter for tweet size.

Number of Queries served by the server.

  • After running make command, a real time update of the number and names of the queries answered by the server is shown on the terminal.
  • The time is shown on the top right corner. Counting the time was started when the server started.


A simplistic version of Twitter with a robust design and rich set of features. Mini-Tweet supports a wide variety of features ranging from basic features like user management to advanced features like user security, notification handling and group chat. Concurrent TCP Server, Stateless Client, etc. are the networking paradigms used.







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