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tilboerner edited this page Dec 7, 2013 · 1 revision

it's a bit messy, needs to be split into fronend and backend i guess

├── audioread ------>           A little library we bundled to read basic audio file information
│   ├── ... 
├── audiotranscode ->           A rather ugly library I (devsnd) have coded. It can transcode just
│   │                           about any file when the appropriate codecs are installed.
│   ├── ... 
├── backport ------->           This is an interesting part. In backport we keep all the code that has
│   │                             to be different between python3 and python2. It is kept in a separate
│   │                             library, so we don't pollute our main code base.
│   ├── ...
├── ->   Script to build a package for arch linux and test it.
├── CHANGES -------->           The changelog
├── cherrymusic ---->           The main application. There's not much going on but command line
│                                 parsing etc. It mainly imports the cherrymusicserver module
├── cherrymusicd --->           A script that can daemonize cherrymusic.
├── cherrymusicserver ->        The main module. This is all the backend stuff.
│   ├── ->   Fetches album art based on folder names and the like from
    │   │                         different webservices, like amazon or bestbuy.
│   ├── ->      This contains all the logic for the first-run in-browser setup,
    │   │                         checks what optional dependencies are installed and so on.
│   ├── ->       This is the abstraction layer that is used by the front-end API 
│   │                             to access the database or the file-system.
│   ├── ->     Contains all configuration defaults and doc-strings
│   ├── database --->           The database module which indexes your files and so on.
│   │   ├── ->       Connect to a database
│   │   ├── defs --->           Database schema definition and migration definitions
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── ->           Takes care of DB creation and migration
│   ├── ext -------->           Small external libraries we bundle with cherrymusic
│   │   └── ->     A library create zip-files on the fly. Has been ported to python3
│   ├── ->       The API used from the Frontend. There is a lot going on there.
│   │                             This is the part where everything else comes together.
│   │                             Authentification, user management, user options, searching...
│   │                             Well, just about anything you can do with CM. Might be a good
│   │                             place to start.
│   ├── ->          The whole configure and setup the server with nice messages dance.
│   ├── ->               Our logging module
│   ├── ->          A module to abstract different audio meta info libraries.
│   │                             It's somewhat useless at the moment.
│   ├── ->      A central point to get file-system paths for anything.
│   │                             This makes it easier to stay X-Platform compatible
│   ├── ->        Module to save and restore playlists in a database
│   ├── ->          Some classes to give a nice progress report for file database 
│   │                             updates. Works fine, probably over-engineered.
│   ├── ->       CM sorts search results in two stages. The first stage is in the
│   │                             directly in the database. This module contains the second stage
│   │                             which sorts the files with some funky heuristics.
│   ├── ->           The service module implements a way to loosly couple different parts
│   │                             of CM. Modules can turn themselves into services which can be 
│   │                             referenced by name.
│   ├── ->       Database logic for file indexing and search
│   ├── test ->                   We have written a lot of tests for all this stuff, but not enough to cover
│   │                             all our code. The tests might provide a good example for talking to the modules
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── ->             Contains some variables that can be tweaked during runtime (they are
│   │                             automatically reloaded into the running server)
│   ├── ->            All the user management
│   ├── ->      All the options chosen by the user
│   └── ->              A lot of utility functions, like the funky search logger
├── cmbootstrap ->              Starts the server without cherrymusic for the in-browser setup.
├── COPYING ->                  The GPL. Read it, it's super cool.
├── ->                The deployment script that compiles res/devel.html into res/main.html
├── doc
│   ├── man ->                  The man pages. We should generate them from the wiki somehow...
│   └── sphinx ->               We don't use sphinx yet, but will be in the future.
├── ->              I don't know what this file does. something something debian?
├── pre-commit ->               The pre-commit hook script. runs all the tests and coverage reports.
├── res ->                      This folder contains all the assets (everything that's not backend code) for CM 
│   ├── bootstrap3 ->           Bootstrap 3. yes. it contains 3 custom less files
│   │   ├── ... a lotta stuff ...
│   │   ├── gen 
│   │   │   └── cherrymusic.css -> this is the less-css file compiled by
│   │   └── less
│   │       ├── ... a lotta files again, but:
│   │       ├── bootstrap.less -> the entrance file. we've imported ours at the bottom
│   │       ├── cherrymusic.less -> general stuff (queue, playlist) this and that.
│   │       ├── jplayer.less -> everything about the jPlayer on the bottom
│   │       ├── mediabrowser.less -> everything about the mediaplayer (file browser)
│   │       ├── variables.less -> general bootstrap variables
│   │       └── ... a lot more stuff we'll probably never change.
│   ├── cherrymusic.dist.js ->  This is all jsvascript files concatenated and compressed
│   ├── cherrymusic.js ->       The main js file. This is the entrance for UI developement
│   ├── ... some images ...     They should go in img ... later...
│   ├── devel.html ->           The main HTML template. This is where you want to change stuff.
│   ├── firstrun.html ->        HTML shown on first run (create admin user etc.)
│   ├── img
│   │   └── ...                 This is where the images _should_ be...
│   ├── js ->                   All the used js libraries
│   │   ├── jplayer.playlist.js -> heavily modified version of original by happyworm
│   │   ├── Jplayer.swf -> flash fallback
│   │   ├── jquery.jplayer.min.js -> jplayer itself
│   │   ├── jquery.jplayer.inspector.js -> and jplayers debugger.
│   │   ├── jquery-... a lot of jquery stuff. mostly not used any more.
│   │   ├── json2.min.js -> provides some way to build json on older browsers or something
│   │   └── mustache-0.7.0.js -> client side template engine
│   ├── login.html ->           login page
│   ├── login.css ->            style of login page
│   ├── main.html ->            compiled version of devel.html
│   ├── mediabrowser.js ->      media/file browser
│   ├── playlistmanager.js ->   manages playlists, adds tracks, makes sure the track can be
│   │                             played (decides about transcoding), talks to jplayer and so on
│   ├── setup.html -->          file used for first in-browser setup
│   └── templates -->           all the mustache templates
│       └── ...
├── runtests -->                makes the tests go round and round.
└── -->                distutils with all kinds of parameters to work hopefully anywhere
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