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A Postgres backed STAC API.

sat-api-pg OpenAPI Docs

Built on the foundation of the excellent

PostgREST - Postgres REST API backends.

PostgREST Starter Kit - Starter Kit and tooling for authoring REST API backends with PostgREST.


To provide the community a Postgres backed reference implementation of the STAC API specification. Postgres's flexibility and ecosystem of geospatial functionality provide a great foundation for building spatial APIs and we hope the community can expand on this work to drive STAC development forward.

Project Layout

├── db                        # Database schema source files and tests
│   └── src                   # Schema definition
│       ├── api               # Api entities avaiable as REST endpoints
│       ├── data              # Definition of source tables that hold the data
│       ├── libs              # A collection modules of used throughout the code
│       ├── authorization     # Application level roles and their privileges
│       ├── sample_data       # A few sample rows
│       └── init.sql          # Schema definition entry point
├── openresty                 # Reverse proxy configurations and Lua code
│   ├── lualib
│   │   └── user_code         # Application Lua code
│   ├── nginx                 # Nginx files
│   │   ├── conf              # Configuration files
│   │   └── html              # Static frontend files
│   ├── Dockerfile            # Dockerfile definition for production
│   └──         # Custom entrypoint
├── tests                     # Tests for all the components
│   ├── db                    # pgTap tests for the db
│   └── rest                  # REST interface tests
├── docker-compose.yml        # Defines Docker services, networks and volumes
└── .env                      # Project configurations



In the root folder of the application, install the necessary js libs.

$ yarn

The root folder of the application contains .sample_env with development environment settings. Rename this file by running

$ cp .sample_env .env

In the root folder of application, run the docker-compose command

$ docker-compose up -d

The API server will become available at the following endpoint:

Try a simple request

$ curl http://localhost:8080/collections/landsat-8-l1/items

To remove the docker compose stack run

$ docker-compose stop

Followed by

$ docker-compose rm

Development workflow and debugging

In the root of your project run.

$ yarn subzero dashboard

After this step you can view the logs of all the stack components (SQL queries will also be logged) and if you edit a sql / conf / lua file in your project, the changes will immediately be applied.


Conformance with the STAC API specification and extensions can be understood by reviewing the integration tests available at /tests/rest. To run tests, the docker-compose stack must be running.

yarn test                   # Run all tests (db, rest)
yarn test_db                # Run pgTAP tests
yarn test_rest               # Run integration tests


For AWS deployment steps see deployment/


This project was initiated as part of Development Seed's wider work in helping to build the STAC API specification and open sourced to to the community to help drive contributions and new functionality. New contributions are welcomed and you can contact @sharkinsspatial or for additional support or assistance with customization. Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.

STAC alignment

This API implementation closely follows the STAC API specification. Becase the STAC API specifcation is under active development there are some current differences between the STAC specification v0.8.0. For more details on capabilities see sat-api-pg OpenAPI Docs. Notable differences

  • Though the search extension is not currently implemented much of the same behavior can be acheived via the use of http headers. When using the next and limit parameters, responses will contain a Content-Range header which shows the current range of the response. To obtain the total number of items found the request can specify the Prefer: count=exact header and the full count will be available in the Content-Range response header. Be aware that this exact count can be slow for very large tables. For increased performance we will soon release support for the Prefer: count=planned header to provide an estimated count. Note that the accuracy of this count depends on how up-to-date are the PostgreSQL statistics tables.

  • The API contains a generic /items endpoint which supports access to items across parent collections. The rationale for this is tied to the insert extension described below.

  • The transaction is not currently implemented but insert behavior using http POST is enabled for items and collections. Authentication for insert operations is handled via the Authorization header with JWT tokens. To make an authenticated request the client must include an Authorization HTTP header with the value Bearer <jwt>. Tokens can be generated using the JWT_SECRET from the .env file by running

$ node generateToken.js 

Due to permissions on the base table where records are stored insert requests must also set the header Prefer: return=minimal.