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An Image Intervention library wrapper to serve image files against URL params

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Intervention Request

A Intervention Image wrapper to use simple resample features over urls.



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Intervention Request is based on symfony/http-foundation component for handling HTTP request, response and basic file operations. It wraps Intervention/image feature with a simple file cache managing.


Intervention request use a dedicated class to configure your image request parameters. Before creating InterventionRequest object, you must instanciate a new AM\InterventionRequest\Configuration object and set cache and images paths.


This code will create a configuration with cache and images folders in the same folder as your PHP script (APP_ROOT). Notice that in the default index.php file, images path is defined to /test folder in order to use the testing images. You should always set this path against your website images folder to prevent processing other files.

You can edit each configuration parameters using their corresponding setters:

  • setCaching(true|false): use or not request cache to store generated images on filesystem (default: true);
  • setCachePath(string): image cache folder path;
  • setDefaultQuality(int): default 90, set the quality amount when user does not specify it;
  • setImagesPath(string): requested images root path;
  • setTtl(integer): cache images time to live;
  • setDriver('gd'|'imagick'): choose an available Image Intervention driver;
  • setTimezone(string): PHP timezone to build \DateTime object used for caching. Set it here if you have not set it in your php.ini file;
  • setGcProbability(integer): Garbage collector probability divisor. Garbage collection launch probability is 1/$gcProbability where a probability of 1/1 will launch GC at every request.
  • setUseFileChecksum(true|false): Use file checksum to test if file is different even if its name does not change. This option can be greedy on large files. (default: false).
  • setJpegoptimPath(string): Optional — Tells where jpegoptim binary is for JPEG post-processing (not useful unless you need to stick to 100 quality).
  • setPngquantPath(string): Optional — Tells where pngquant binary is for PNG post-processing. This post-processing tool is highly recommended as PNG won’t be optimized without it.

Available operations

Query attribute Description Usage
image Native image path relative to your configuration imagePath ?image=path/to/image.jpg
fit Crop and resize combined It needs a width and a height in pixels …&fit=300x300
crop Crop an image It needs a width and a height in pixels …&crop=300x300
width Resize image proportionally to given width It needs a width in pixels …&width=300
height Resize image proportionally to given height It needs a height in pixels …&height=300
crop + height/width Do the same as fit using width or height as final size …&crop=300x300&width=200: This will output a 200 x 200px image
background Matte a png file with a background color …&background=ff0000
greyscale/grayscale Turn an image into a greyscale version …&greyscale=1
blur Blurs an image …&blur=20
quality Set the exporting quality (1 - 100), default to 90 …&quality=95
progressive Toggle progressive mode …&progressive=1
interlace Toggle interlaced mode …&interlace=1
sharpen Sharpen image (1 - 100) …&sharpen=10
contrast Change image contrast (-100 to 100, 0 means no changes) …&contrast=10

Using standalone entry point

An index.php file enables you to use this tool as a standalone app. You can adjust your configuration to set your native images folder or enable/disable cache.

Setup it on your webserver root, in a intervention-request folder and call this url (for example using MAMP/LAMP on your computer with included test images): http://localhost:8888/intervention-request/?image=images/testPNG.png&fit=100x100

Using as a library inside your projects

InterventionRequest class works seamlessly with Symfony Request and Response. It’s very easy to integrate it in your Symfony controller scheme:

use AM\InterventionRequest\Configuration;
use AM\InterventionRequest\InterventionRequest;

 * A test configuration
$conf = new Configuration();
// Comment this line if jpegoptim is not available on your server
// Comment this line if pngquant is not available on your server

 * InterventionRequest constructor asks 2 objects:
 * - AM\InterventionRequest\Configuration
 * - Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
$intRequest = new InterventionRequest($conf, $request);
// Handle request and process image

// getResponse returns a Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response object
// with image mime-type and data. All you need is to send it!
return $intRequest->getResponse();

Use URL rewriting

If you want to use clean URL. You can add ShortUrlExpander class to listen to shorten URL like: http://localhost:8888/intervention-request/f100x100-g/images/testPNG.png.

First, add an .htaccess file (or its Nginx equivalent) to activate rewriting:

# .htaccess
# Pretty URLs
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [S=40]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

Then add these lines to your application before handling InterventionRequest. ShortUrlExpander will work on your existing $request object.

use AM\InterventionRequest\ShortUrlExpander;
 * Handle short url with Url rewriting
$expander = new ShortUrlExpander($request);
$params = $expander->parsePathInfo();
if (null !== $params) {
    // this will convert rewritten path to request with query params
    $expander->injectParamsToRequest($params['queryString'], $params['filename']);


URL shortcuts can be combined using - (dash) character. For example f100x100-q50-g1-p0 stands for fit=100x100&quality=50&greyscale=1&progressive=0.

Query attribute Shortcut letter
fit f
crop c
width w
height h
background b
greyscale g
blur l
quality q
progressive p
interlace i
sharpen s
contrast (only from 0 to 100) k

## Force garbage collection

### Using command-line

bin/intervention gc:launch /path/to/my/cache/folder --log /path/to/my/log/file.log

Extend Intervention Request

Intervention Request uses Processors to alter original images. By default, each available operation is handled by one AbstractProcessor inheriting class (look at the src/Processor folder).

You can create your own Processors and override default ones by injecting an array to your InterventionRequest object.

 * Handle main image request with a
 * custom list of Processors.
$iRequest = new InterventionRequest(
        new Processor\WidenProcessor($request),
        // add or replace with your own Processors

Be careful, Processors position in this array is very important, please look at the default one in InterventionRequest.php class. Resizing processors should be the first, and quality processors should be the last as image operations will be done following your processors ordering.


If your Intervention-request throws errors like that one:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 5184 bytes).

It’s because you are trying to process a too large image. The solution is too increase your memory_limit PHP setting over 256M. You can edit this file in your server php.ini file.

You can use ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); in your index.php file if your hosting plan allows you to dynamically change PHP configuration.

In general, we encourage to always downscale your native images before using them with Intervention-request. Raw jpeg images coming from your DSLR camera will give your PHP server a very hard time to process.

## License

Intervention Request is handcrafted by Ambroise Maupate under MIT license.

Have fun!


An Image Intervention library wrapper to serve image files against URL params






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