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Fast, scalable and extensible system to deploy and evaluate ML experiments in production


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Turing is a fast, scalable and extensible system that can be used to design, deploy and evaluate ML experiments in production.

Architecture Overview

The following diagram shows the high level overview of the Turing system. Users configure Turing routers from the Turing UI. Turing API creates the required workloads and components to run Turing routers. The Turing router will be accessible from the Router endpoint after a sucessful deployment. Requests to the Turing router will be served in real time. Turing also provides an ensembling job runner that can be run in batches instead of real time.

Turing architecture

Turing contains these main components:

  • API server
  • Router engine
  • Experiment engine
  • Batch ensembler engine
  • UI web application

Refer to the README under the individual directories for getting started with the respective components:

├── api 
├── engines
│   ├── experiment 
│   ├── router
│   └── batch-ensembler
└── ui 

Getting Started

The following guide will help you quickly get started with running Turing. Turing requires these infrastructure dependencies in order to function properly:

  • MLP API server to namespace Turing routers
  • Merlin API server to manage environments where Turing routers are deployed
  • Kubernetes cluster (with Knative Serving and Istio installed and Spark on K8s Operator) to provision and manage Turing router workloads (Note that our local setup does not install Spark on K8s Operator as of writing)
  • Vault to store deployment and user secrets

For ease of setup, we will use Docker compose to install the infrastructure in these getting started guide.

Note that this guide is only suitable for development purpose. For production, you will need to deploy the infrastructure using an approach that ensures the services are scalable and reliable. For instance, using cloud provider services such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) for provisioning the Kubernetes cluster. See "Installing prerequisites on Kubernetes using the init chart" section for a recommended production installation guide.

The following guides are tested on Linux and MacOS.


Download Turing Source Code

Download Turing source code to your local filesystem. From here onwards the environment variable $TURING will refer to the root directory for the Turing source code.

git clone
export TURING=$PWD/turing

Set up Development Tools

Install the necessary pre-commit hooks when cloning the project for the first time. Subsequent changes to to hooks will be synced automatically.

make setup

Setup Local Infrastructure with Docker Compose

Start all the required background services in Docker compose.

cd $TURING/infra/docker-compose/dev
docker-compose up -d

Make sure that all the services in Docker compose are in state Up or Exit 0 as shown below. It may take a few minutes for all services to start sucessfully, depending how fast all the dependencies are downloaded.

docker-compose ps

           Name                         Command               State                Ports            
dev_agent_1                  /bin/k3s agent                   Up                                    
dev_agent_2                  /bin/k3s agent                   Up                                    
dev_agent_3                  /bin/k3s agent                   Up                                    
dev_istio_1                  bash -ec cp /.kube/kubecon ...   Exit 0                                
dev_knative_1                bash -ec cp /.kube/kubecon ...   Exit 0                                
dev_kubeconfig_1             cp /.kube/kubeconfig.yaml  ...   Exit 0                                
dev_local-registry_1         / /etc/docker ...   Up>5000/tcp       
dev_merlin-postgres_1        /opt/bitnami/scripts/postg ...   Up       5432/tcp                     
dev_merlin_1                 merlin_api                       Up>8080/tcp       
dev_mlp-init_1               sh -ec curl \                    Exit 0                                
                               --fail -X  ...                                                       
dev_mlp-postgres-init_1      sh -ec migrate -path=/db-m ...   Exit 0                                
dev_mlp-postgres_1           /opt/bitnami/scripts/postg ...   Up       5432/tcp                     
dev_mlp_1                    mlp                              Up>8080/tcp       
dev_server_1                 /bin/k3s server --disable  ...   Up>6443/tcp,      
dev_turing-postgres-init_1   sh -ec migrate -path=/db-m ...   Exit 0                                
dev_turing-postgres_1        /opt/bitnami/scripts/postg ...   Up>5432/tcp       
dev_vault-init_1             sh -ec wget https://github ...   Exit 0                                

If the service does not start/complete succesfully (for example if the state is stuck at Restarting), check the logs to debug it.

# For example, to check the logs for the Vault service in Docker compose
docker-compose logs vault

The Docker compose includes a helper service that writes the Kubernetes config in /tmp/kubeconfig. This is required to access the Kubernetes cluster. You can verify that Istio and Knative are setup successfully.

export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig
# All should be in "Running" status
kubectl get pod -A

NOTE: In order to stop all the services in Docker compose, run the following docker-compose down -v. You will run this command as well to clean up the infrastructure installed from Docker compose.

Build Turing Router Docker image

In order to deploy Turing router on Kubernetes, we need a Turing router Docker image. We are going to build the Docker image and push it to the local registry (this registry was part of the service started in Docker compose)

cd $TURING/engines/router
go mod vendor
docker build -t localhost:5000/turing-router .
docker push localhost:5000/turing-router

Start Turing API server

Now, we have all the necessary infrastructure and dependencies to start Turing API server. Turing API server handles HTTP requests to manage Turing routers.

cd $TURING/api

The file $TURING/api/config-dev.yaml specifies the configuration for the Turing API server. Notice that we specify the addresses for MLP API server, Merlin API sever and Vault to reference the services started from the Docker compose. Also, Turing router Docker image is set to the image built and push from the previous step.

# config-dev.yaml
  Enabled: true
    DefaultEnvironment: dev
        "spark/spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled": "true"
        DriverCPURequest: "1"
        DriverMemoryRequest: "1Gi"
        ExecutorReplica: 2
        ExecutorCPURequest: "1"
        ExecutorMemoryRequest: "1Gi"
    TimeInterval: 10s
    RecordsToProcessInOneIteration: 10
    MaxRetryCount: 3
    BuildNamespace: default
    BuildTimeoutDuration: 20m
      BuildContextURI: git://
      DockerfileFilePath: engines/pyfunc-ensembler-job/app.Dockerfile
      ImageVersion: v1.15.0
          CPU: "1"
          Memory: 1Gi
          CPU: "1"
          Memory: 1Gi
  User: turing
  Password: turing
  EnvironmentType: dev 
  Environment: dev
  CorePerCPURequest: 1.5
  CPURequestToCPULimit: 1.25
  SparkVersion: 2.4.5
  TolerationName: batch-job
  SubmissionFailureRetries: 3
  SubmissionFailureRetryInterval: 10
  FailureRetries: 3
  FailureRetryInterval: 10
  PythonVersion: "3"
  TTLSecond: 86400
  Image: localhost:5000/turing-router
  InClusterConfig: false
  EnvironmentConfigPath: ""
  EnsemblingServiceK8sConfig: {}
TuringEncryptionKey: password
  MerlinURL: http://localhost:8082/v1
  MLPURL: http://localhost:8081
  MLPEncryptionKey: password
  ServingDirectory: ../ui/build
  ServingPath: /turing
  ValidationEnabled: true
  SpecFile: api/openapi.yaml
    ServingDirectory: api/swagger-ui-dist
    ServingPath: /api-docs/

Before we can start turing, we need to get the credentials of the K3d cluster created in the docker-compose step.

sh ../infra/docker-compose/dev/

This script will create 2 new files containing the credentials required to configure turing with:

  • config-dev-w-creds.yaml
  • environments-dev-w-creds.yaml

These 2 files contain credentials extracted from the K3S container started from the docker-compose file. The fields ClusterConfig.EnsemblingServiceK8sConfig in config-dev-w-creds.yaml and k8s_config field in environments-dev-w-creds.yaml contain cluster certificate information.

Now, start Turing API server with go run command,

go run turing/cmd/main.go -config=config-dev-w-creds.yaml

We will create a new router with name router1. This router specifies httpbin as the router endpoint. No enricher and ensembler are configured in the router.

Run the following in a new terminal to create a new router.

curl --request POST 'localhost:8080/v1/projects/1/routers' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "environment_name": "dev",
    "name": "router1",
    "config": {
        "routes": [
                "id": "control",
                "type": "PROXY",
                "endpoint": "",
                "timeout": "5s"
        "default_route_id": "control",
        "experiment_engine": {"type": "nop"},
        "resource_request": {"min_replica": 1},
        "timeout": "5s",
        "log_config": {"result_logger_type": "nop"}

After a few minutes, check the status of the new Turing router deployed. Make sure the status is deployed. Then, we can try making a request to the Turing router.

# Ensure that it returns "status: deployed"
curl --request GET 'localhost:8080/v1/projects/1/routers/1' | grep status

# Make request to the router endpoint
curl --request GET ''

If everything runs correctly, you should receive a response like so, showing that Turing router succesfully calls the route to httpbin URL.

  "args": {}, 
  "data": "", 
  "...": {},
  "url": ""

If router status is failed, you can check the log from the API server. Also, you can check the error from Kubenetes by creating a new router (with a different name). Then run kubectl get pods and kubectl describe pod <POD_NAME> to check the reason why the workloads failed to start successfully.

Start Turing UI

Turing UI is a React web app that helps end users use Turing easily. Currently it requires Google OAuth2 for setting up user identities. You need to first set up the required Google OAuth2 client ID. Please follow this documentation for more details.

Create .env file for local development. This file will be loaded when you start Turing UI web app in development mode.

cd $TURING/ui
touch .env.development.local

Then, update the config file .env.development.local as shown below.

Replace with your respective Google OAuth2 client ID.


Now we can start Turing UI application. By default, it will listen on port 3001.

yarn install
yarn start

Open http://localhost:3001/turing on your default web browser. Login with the Google account allowed in your Google OAuth2 setup. The web UI allows you list, create, edit and delete your routers from the web browser.

turing ui list router

Installing prerequisites on Kubernetes using the init chart

This is the recommended way to install the prerequisites on a production Kubernetes cluster. The turing-init Helm chart will install the required software needed to run Turing, namely:

  1. Knative Serving
  2. Istio
  3. Spark on K8s Operator

Note that if you are using a cloud provider based Kubernetes, by default for Google Kubernetes Engine, most ports are closed from master to nodes except TCP/443 and TCP/10250. You must allow TCP/8080 for spark operator mutating webhooks and TCP/8443 for Knative Serving mutating webhooks to be reached from the master node or the installion will fail.

To install the required components on your Kubernetes cluster, issue the following command:

helm repo add turing
helm upgrade turing-init turing/turing-init \
    --namespace infrastructure \
    --install \

For it to be completely installed, you should check the init job has run successfully. To check, issue the command kubectl get pod --namespace infrastructure and you should see something like this:

NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
turing-test-spark-operator-8bcb89d5d-nf2bq      1/1     Running     0          3m42s
turing-test-spark-operator-webhook-init-ph8ds   0/1     Completed   0          3m44s
turing-test-turing-init-init-pknvb              0/1     Completed   0          3m44s

Programatically, you could check if the init job has run successfully with the following command:

kubectl wait -n infrastructure --for=condition=complete --timeout=10m job/turing-init-init

The init job will also check if all the components have been installed properly so we can guarantee that if the init job has run successfully, it would also mean that all components are in order. But if you would like to check them, they are installed in the following namespaces:

  1. Istio: istio-system
  2. Knative: knative-serving
  3. Spark Operator: In the same namespace as the Helm chart.

Alternatively, you could install the following components yourself with the following recommended versions:

  • Knative: v1.3.2
  • Knative Istio: v1.3.0
  • Istio: 1.12.5
  • Spark On K8s Operator: 1.1.7 Helm charts

Turing Router Components

Turing router can optionally be configured with enrichers and ensemblers. Enrichers can process and update the request body before they reach the configured router endpoints. Ensemblers can process and update the response body from the router endpoints, before the response is sent to the Turing router client. These allows users to customize the behaviour of Turing routers.

turing router components


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Fast, scalable and extensible system to deploy and evaluate ML experiments in production



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  • Go 48.8%
  • Python 36.3%
  • JavaScript 12.8%
  • Makefile 0.5%
  • Smarty 0.5%
  • Shell 0.5%
  • Other 0.6%