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Hrequests (human requests) is a simple, configurable, feature-rich, replacement for the Python requests library.

✨ Features

  • Seamless transition between HTTP and headless browsing πŸ’»
  • Integrated fast HTML parser πŸš€
  • High performance network concurrency with goroutines & gevent πŸš€
  • Replication of browser TLS fingerprints πŸš€
  • JavaScript rendering πŸš€
  • Supports HTTP/2 πŸš€
  • Realistic browser header generation πŸš€
  • JSON serializing up to 10x faster than the standard library πŸš€

πŸ’» Browser crawling

  • Simple & uncomplicated browser automation
  • Human-like cursor movement and typing
  • Chrome and Firefox extension support
  • Full page screenshots
  • Proxy support
  • Headless and headful support
  • No CORS restrictions
  • Anti-detect browsing based on Vinyzu's Botright

⚑ More

  • High performance ✨
  • Minimal dependence on the python standard libraries
  • HTTP backend written in Go
  • Automatic gzip & brotli decode
  • Written with type safety
  • 100% threadsafe ❀️


Install via pip:

pip install -U hrequests[all]
python -m hrequests install
Or, install without headless browsing support

Ignore the [all] option if you don't want headless browsing support:

pip install -U hrequests


For the latest stable hrequests documentation, check the Gitbook page.

  1. Simple Usage
  2. Sessions
  3. Concurrent & Lazy Requests
  4. HTML Parsing
  5. Browser Automation

Simple Usage

Here is an example of a simple get request:

>>> resp = hrequests.get('')

Requests are sent through bogdanfinn's tls-client to spoof the TLS client fingerprint. This is done automatically, and is completely transparent to the user.

Other request methods include post, put, delete, head, options, and patch.

The Response object is a near 1:1 replica of the requests.Response object, with some additional attributes.

    url (Union[str, Iterable[str]]): URL or list of URLs to request.
    data (Union[str, bytes, bytearray, dict], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    files (Dict[str, Union[BufferedReader, tuple]], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    params (dict, optional): Dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Dict or CookieJar to send. Defaults to None.
    json (dict, optional): Json to send in the request body. Defaults to None.
    allow_redirects (bool, optional): Allow request to redirect. Defaults to True.
    history (bool, optional): Remember request history. Defaults to False.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    nohup (bool, optional): Run the request in the background. Defaults to False.
    <Additionally includes all parameters from `hrequests.Session` if a session was not specified>

    hrequests.response.Response: Response object


Get the response url:

>>> resp.url: str

Check if the request was successful:

>>> resp.status_code: int
>>> resp.reason: str
>>> resp.ok: bool
>>> bool(resp)

Getting the response body:

>>> resp.text: str
'<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta content="origin" name="referrer"><m...'
>>> resp.content: bytes
b'<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta content="origin" name="referrer"><m...'
>>> resp.encoding: str

Parse the response body as JSON:

>>> resp.json(): Union[dict, list]
{'somedata': True}

Get the elapsed time of the request:

>>> resp.elapsed: datetime.timedelta

Get the response cookies:

>>> resp.cookies: RequestsCookieJar
<RequestsCookieJar[Cookie(version=0, name='1P_JAR', value='2023-07-05-20', port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=True...

Get the response headers:

>>> resp.headers: CaseInsensitiveDict
{'Alt-Svc': 'h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000', 'Cache-Control': 'private, max-age=0', 'Content-Encoding': 'br', 'Content-Length': '51288', 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only': "object-src 'none';base-uri 'se


Creating a new Chrome Session object:

>>> session = hrequests.Session()  # version randomized by default
>>> session = hrequests.Session('chrome', version=120)
    browser (Literal['firefox', 'chrome'], optional): Browser to use. Default is 'chrome'.
    version (int, optional): Version of the browser to use. Browser must be specified. Default is randomized.
    os (Literal['win', 'mac', 'lin'], optional): OS to use in header. Default is randomized.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Default is generated from `browser` and `os`.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Default timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Cookie Jar, or cookie list/dict to send. Defaults to None.
    certificate_pinning (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): Certificate pinning. Defaults to None.
    disable_ipv6 (bool, optional): Disable IPv6. Defaults to False.
    detect_encoding (bool, optional): Detect encoding. Defaults to True.
    ja3_string (str, optional): JA3 string. Defaults to None.
    h2_settings (dict, optional): HTTP/2 settings. Defaults to None.
    additional_decode (str, optional): Decode response body with "gzip" or "br". Defaults to None.
    pseudo_header_order (list, optional): Pseudo header order. Defaults to None.
    priority_frames (list, optional): Priority frames. Defaults to None.
    header_order (list, optional): Header order. Defaults to None.
    force_http1 (bool, optional): Force HTTP/1. Defaults to False.
    catch_panics (bool, optional): Catch panics. Defaults to False.
    debug (bool, optional): Debug mode. Defaults to False.

Browsers can also be created through the firefox and chrome shortcuts:

>>> session = hrequests.firefox.Session()
>>> session =
    version (int, optional): Version of the browser to use. Browser must be specified. Default is randomized.
    os (Literal['win', 'mac', 'lin'], optional): OS to use in header. Default is randomized.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Default is generated from `browser` and `os`.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Default timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Cookie Jar, or cookie list/dict to send. Defaults to None.
    certificate_pinning (Dict[str, List[str]], optional): Certificate pinning. Defaults to None.
    disable_ipv6 (bool, optional): Disable IPv6. Defaults to False.
    detect_encoding (bool, optional): Detect encoding. Defaults to True.
    ja3_string (str, optional): JA3 string. Defaults to None.
    h2_settings (dict, optional): HTTP/2 settings. Defaults to None.
    additional_decode (str, optional): Decode response body with "gzip" or "br". Defaults to None.
    pseudo_header_order (list, optional): Pseudo header order. Defaults to None.
    priority_frames (list, optional): Priority frames. Defaults to None.
    header_order (list, optional): Header order. Defaults to None.
    force_http1 (bool, optional): Force HTTP/1. Defaults to False.
    catch_panics (bool, optional): Catch panics. Defaults to False.
    debug (bool, optional): Debug mode. Defaults to False.

os can be 'win', 'mac', or 'lin'. Default is randomized.

>>> session ='mac')

This will automatically generate headers based on the browser name and OS:

>>> session.headers
{'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4; rv:60.2.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.2.2', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'}
Why is the browser version in the header different than the TLS browser version?

Website bot detection systems typically do not correlate the TLS fingerprint browser version with the browser header.

By adding more randomization to our headers, we can make our requests appear to be coming from a larger number of clients. We can make it seem like our requests are coming from a larger number of clients. This makes it harder for websites to identify and block our requests based on a consistent browser version.


Here is a simple get request. This is a wrapper around hrequests.get. The only difference is that the session cookies are updated with each request. Creating sessions are recommended for making multiple requests to the same domain.

>>> resp = session.get('')

Session cookies update with each request:

>>> session.cookies: RequestsCookieJar
<RequestsCookieJar[Cookie(version=0, name='1P_JAR', value='2023-07-05-20', port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=True...

Regenerate headers for a different OS:

>>> session.os = 'win'
>>> session.headers: CaseInsensitiveDict
{'Accept': '*/*', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.0.3) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0.3', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', 'DNT': '1', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'}

Closing Sessions

Sessions can also be closed to free memory:

>>> session.close()

Alternatively, sessions can be used as context managers:

with hrequests.Session() as session:
    resp = session.get('')

Concurrent & Lazy Requests

Nohup Requests

Similar to Unix's nohup command, nohup requests are sent in the background.

Adding the nohup=True keyword argument will return a LazyTLSRequest object. This will send the request immediately, but doesn't wait for the response to be ready until an attribute of the response is accessed.

resp1 = hrequests.get('', nohup=True)
resp2 = hrequests.get('', nohup=True)

resp1 and resp2 are sent concurrently. They will never pause the current thread, unless an attribute of the response is accessed:

print('Resp 1:', resp1.reason)  # will wait for resp1 to finish, if it hasn't already
print('Resp 2:', resp2.reason)  # will wait for resp2 to finish, if it hasn't already

This is useful for sending requests in the background that aren't needed until later.

Note: In nohup, a new thread is created for each request. For larger scale concurrency, please consider the following:

Easy Concurrency

You can pass an array/iterator of links to the request methods to send them concurrently. This wraps around

>>> hrequests.get(['', ''])
(<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>)

This also works with nohup:

>>> resps = hrequests.get(['', ''], nohup=True)
>>> resps
(<LazyResponse[Pending]>, <LazyResponse[Pending]>)
>>> # Sometime later...
>>> resps
(<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>)

Grequests-style Concurrency

The methods async_get, async_post, etc. will create an unsent request. This levereges gevent, making it blazing fast.

    url (str): URL to send request to
    data (Union[str, bytes, bytearray, dict], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    files (Dict[str, Union[BufferedReader, tuple]], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    params (dict, optional): Dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. Defaults to None.
    cookies (Union[RequestsCookieJar, dict, list], optional): Dict or CookieJar to send. Defaults to None.
    json (dict, optional): Json to send in the request body. Defaults to None.
    allow_redirects (bool, optional): Allow request to redirect. Defaults to True.
    history (bool, optional): Remember request history. Defaults to False.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy URL. Defaults to None.
    <Additionally includes all parameters from `hrequests.Session` if a session was not specified>

    hrequests.response.Response: Response object

Async requests are evaluated on, hrequests.imap, or hrequests.imap_enum.

This functionality is similar to grequests. Unlike grequests, monkey patching is not required because this does not rely on the standard python SSL library.

Create a set of unsent Requests:

>>> reqs = [
...     hrequests.async_get('', browser='firefox'),
...     hrequests.async_get(''),
...     hrequests.async_get('')
... ]


Send them all at the same time using map:

>>>, size=3)
[<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>]
Concurrently converts a list of Requests to Responses.
    requests - a collection of Request objects.
    size - Specifies the number of requests to make at a time. If None, no throttling occurs.
    exception_handler - Callback function, called when exception occurred. Params: Request, Exception
    timeout - Gevent joinall timeout in seconds. (Note: unrelated to requests timeout)

    A list of Response objects.


imap returns a generator that yields responses as they come in:

>>> for resp in hrequests.imap(reqs, size=3):
...    print(resp)
<Response [200]>
<Response [200]>
<Response [200]>
Concurrently converts a generator object of Requests to a generator of Responses.

    requests - a generator or sequence of Request objects.
    size - Specifies the number of requests to make at a time. default is 2
    exception_handler - Callback function, called when exception occurred. Params: Request, Exception

    Response objects.

imap_enum returns a generator that yields a tuple of (index, response) as they come in. The index is the index of the request in the original list:

>>> for index, resp in hrequests.imap_enum(reqs, size=3):
...     print(index, resp)
(1, <Response [200]>)
(0, <Response [200]>)
(2, <Response [200]>)
Like imap, but yields tuple of original request index and response object
Unlike imap, failed results and responses from exception handlers that return None are not ignored. Instead, a
tuple of (index, None) is yielded.
Responses are still in arbitrary order.

    requests - a sequence of Request objects.
    size - Specifies the number of requests to make at a time. default is 2
    exception_handler - Callback function, called when exception occurred. Params: Request, Exception

    (index, Response) tuples.

Exception Handling

To handle timeouts or any other exception during the connection of the request, you can add an optional exception handler that will be called with the request and exception inside the main thread.

>>> def exception_handler(request, exception):
...    return f'Response failed: {exception}'

>>> bad_reqs = [
...     hrequests.async_get('', timeout=1),
...     hrequests.async_get('http://fakedomain/'),
...     hrequests.async_get(''),
... ]
>>>, size=3, exception_handler=exception_handler)
['Response failed: Connection error', 'Response failed: Connection error', <Response [200]>]

The value returned by the exception handler will be used in place of the response in the result list.

If an exception handler isn't specified, the default yield type is hrequests.FailedResponse.

HTML Parsing

HTML scraping is based off selectolax, which is over 25x faster than bs4. This functionality is inspired by requests-html.

Library Time (1e5 trials)
BeautifulSoup4 52.6
PyQuery 7.5
selectolax 1.9

The HTML parser can be accessed through the html attribute of the response object:

>>> resp = session.get('')
>>> resp.html
<HTML url=''>

Parsing page

Grab a list of all links on the page, as-is (anchors excluded):

>>> resp.html.links
{'//', '/about/apps/', '', '/accounts/login/', '/dev/peps/', '/about/legal/',...

Grab a list of all links on the page, in absolute form (anchors excluded):

>>> resp.html.absolute_links
{'', '', '', 'http://feedproxy.g...

Search for text on the page:

>>>'Python is a {} language')[0]

Selecting elements

Select an element using a CSS Selector:

>>> about = resp.html.find('#about')
Given a CSS Selector, returns a list of
:class:`Element <Element>` objects or a single one.

    selector: CSS Selector to use.
    clean: Whether or not to sanitize the found HTML of ``<script>`` and ``<style>``
    containing: If specified, only return elements that contain the provided text.
    first: Whether or not to return just the first result.
    raise_exception: Raise an exception if no elements are found. Default is True.
    _encoding: The encoding format.

    A list of :class:`Element <Element>` objects or a single one.

Example CSS Selectors:
- ``a``
- ``a.someClass``
- ``a#someID``
- ``a[target=_blank]``
See W3School's `CSS Selectors Reference
for more details.
If ``first`` is ``True``, only returns the first
:class:`Element <Element>` found.

Introspecting elements

Grab an Element's text contents:

>>> print(about.text)
Getting Started
Python Brochure

Getting an Element's attributes:

>>> about.attrs
{'id': 'about', 'class': ('tier-1', 'element-1'), 'aria-haspopup': 'true'}

Get an Element's raw HTML:

>>> about.html
'<li aria-haspopup="true" class="tier-1 element-1 " id="about">\n<a class="" href="/about/" title="">About</a>\n<ul aria-hidden="true" class="subnav menu" role="menu">\n<li class="tier-2 element-1" role="treeitem"><a href="/about/apps/" title="">Applications</a></li>\n<li class="tier-2 element-2" role="treeitem"><a href="/about/quotes/" title="">Quotes</a></li>\n<li class="tier-2 element-3" role="treeitem"><a href="/about/gettingstarted/" title="">Getting Started</a></li>\n<li class="tier-2 element-4" role="treeitem"><a href="/about/help/" title="">Help</a></li>\n<li class="tier-2 element-5" role="treeitem"><a href="" title="">Python Brochure</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>'

Select Elements within Elements:

>>> about.find_all('a')
[<Element 'a' href='/about/' title='' class=''>, <Element 'a' href='/about/apps/' title=''>, <Element 'a' href='/about/quotes/' title=''>, <Element 'a' href='/about/gettingstarted/' title=''>, <Element 'a' href='/about/help/' title=''>, <Element 'a' href='' title=''>]
>>> about.find('a')
<Element 'a' href='/about/' title='' class=''>

Searching by HTML attributes:

>>> about.find('il', role='treeitem')
<Element 'li' role='treeitem' class=('tier-2', 'element-1')>

Search for links within an element:

>>> about.absolute_links
{'', '', '', '', '', ''}

Browser Automation

Hrequests supports both Firefox and Chrome browsers, headless and headful sessions, and browser addons/extensions:

Browser support table

Chrome supports both Manifest v2/v3 extensions. Firefox only supports Manifest v2 extensions.

Only Firefox supports CloudFlare WAFs.

Browser MV2 MV3 Cloudfare WAFs
Firefox βœ”οΈ ❌ βœ”οΈ
Chrome βœ”οΈ βœ”οΈ ❌


You can spawn a BrowserSession instance by calling it:

>>> page = hrequests.BrowserSession()  # headless=True by default
    headless (bool, optional): Whether to run the browser in headless mode. Defaults to True.
    session (hrequests.session.TLSSession, optional): Session to use for headers, cookies, etc.
    resp (hrequests.response.Response, optional): Response to update with cookies, headers, etc.
    proxy (str, optional): Proxy to use for the browser. Example:
    mock_human (bool, optional): Whether to emulate human behavior. Defaults to False.
    browser (Literal['firefox', 'chrome'], optional): Generate useragent headers for a specific browser
    os (Literal['win', 'mac', 'lin'], optional): Generate headers for a specific OS
    extensions (Union[str, Iterable[str]], optional): Path to a folder of unpacked extensions, or a list of paths to unpacked extensions

By default, BrowserSession returns a Chrome browser.

To create a Firefox session, use the chrome shortcut instead:

>>> page = hrequests.firefox.BrowserSession()

BrowserSession is entirely safe to use across threads.

Render an existing Response

Responses have a .render() method. This will render the contents of the response in a browser page.

Once the page is closed, the Response content and the Response's session cookies will be updated.

Simple usage

Rendered browser sessions will use the browser set in the initial request.

You can set a request's browser with the browser parameter in the hrequests.get method:

>>> resp = hrequests.get('', browser='chrome')

Or by setting the browser parameter of the hrequests.Session object:

>>> session = hrequests.Session(browser='chrome')
>>> resp = session.get('')

Example - submitting a login form:

>>> session = hrequests.Session(browser='chrome')
>>> resp = session.get('')
>>> with resp.render(mock_human=True) as page:
...     page.type('.input#username', 'myuser')
...     page.type('.input#password', 'p4ssw0rd')
# `session` & `resp` now have updated cookies, content, etc.
Or, without a context manager
>>> session = hrequests.Session(browser='chrome')
>>> resp = session.get('')
>>> page = resp.render(mock_human=True)
>>> page.type('.input#username', 'myuser')
>>> page.type('.input#password', 'p4ssw0rd')
>>> page.close()  # must close the page when done!

The mock_human parameter will emulate human-like behavior. This includes easing and randomizing mouse movements, and randomizing typing speed. This functionality is based on botright.

    headless (bool, optional): Whether to run the browser in headless mode. Defaults to False.
    mock_human (bool, optional): Whether to emulate human behavior. Defaults to False.
    extensions (Union[str, Iterable[str]], optional): Path to a folder of unpacked extensions, or a list of paths to unpacked extensions


Cookies are inherited from the session:

>>> page.cookies: RequestsCookieJar  # cookies are inherited from the session
<RequestsCookieJar[Cookie(version=0, name='1P_JAR', value='2023-07-05-20', port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=True...

Pulling page data

Get current page url:

>>> page.url: str

Get page content:

>>> page.text: str
'<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="en"><head><meta content="Search the world\'s information, including webpag'
>>> page.content: bytes
b'<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="" lang="en"><head><meta content="Search the world\'s information, including webpag'

Get the status of the last navigation:

>>> page.status_code: int
>>> page.reason: str

Parsing HTML from the page content:

>>> page.html.find_all('a')
[<Element 'a' href='/about/' title='' class=''>, <Element 'a' href='/about/apps/' title=''>, ...]
>>> page.html.find('a')
<Element 'a' href='/about/' title='' class=''>, <Element 'a' href='/about/apps/' title=''>

Take a screenshot of the page:

>>> page.screenshot(path='screenshot.png')
Take a screenshot of the page

    selector (str, optional): CSS selector to screenshot
    path (str, optional): Path to save screenshot to. Defaults to None.
    full_page (bool): Whether to take a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Cannot be used with selector. Defaults to False.

    Optional[bytes]: Returns the screenshot buffer, if `path` was not provided

Navigate the browser

Navigate to a url:

>>> page.url = ''
# or use goto
>>> page.goto('')

Navigate through page history:

>>> page.back()
>>> page.forward()

Controlling elements

Click an element:

# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('#my-button').click()
    selector (str): CSS selector to click.
    button (Literal['left', 'right', 'middle'], optional): Mouse button to click. Defaults to 'left'.
    count (int, optional): Number of clicks. Defaults to 1.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    wait_after (bool, optional): Wait for a page event before continuing. Defaults to True.

Hover over an element:

>>> page.hover('.dropbtn')
# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('.dropbtn').hover()
    selector (str): CSS selector to hover over
    modifiers (List[Literal['Alt', 'Control', 'Meta', 'Shift']], optional): Modifier keys to press. Defaults to None.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 90.

Type text into an element:

>>> page.type('#my-input', 'Hello world!')
# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('#my-input').type('Hello world!')
    selector (str): CSS selector to type in
    text (str): Text to type
    delay (int, optional): Delay between keypresses in ms. On mock_human, this is randomized by 50%. Defaults to 50.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.

Drag and drop an element:

>>> page.dragTo('#source-selector', '#target-selector')
# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('#source-selector').dragTo('#target-selector')
    source (str): Source to drag from
    target (str): Target to drop to
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    wait_after (bool, optional): Wait for a page event before continuing. Defaults to False.
    check (bool, optional): Check if an element is draggable before running. Defaults to False.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

Check page elements

Check if a selector is visible and enabled:

>>> page.isVisible('#my-selector'): bool
>>> page.isEnabled('#my-selector'): bool
    selector (str): Selector to check

Evaluate and return a script:

>>> page.evaluate('selector => document.querySelector(selector).checked', '#my-selector')
    script (str): Javascript to evaluate in the page
    arg (str, optional): Argument to pass into the javascript function

Awaiting events

>>> page.awaitNavigation()
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

Wait for a script or function to return a truthy value:

>>> page.awaitScript('selector => document.querySelector(selector).value === 100', '#progress')
    script (str): Script to evaluate
    arg (str, optional): Argument to pass to script
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

Wait for the URL to match:

>>> page.awaitUrl(re.compile(r'https?://www\.google\.com/.*'), timeout=10)
    url (Union[str, Pattern[str], Callable[[str], bool]]) - URL to match for
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

Wait for an element to exist on the page:

>>> page.awaitSelector('#my-selector')
# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('#my-selector').awaitSelector()
    selector (str): Selector to wait for
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

Wait for an element to be enabled:

>>> page.awaitEnabled('#my-selector')
# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('#my-selector').awaitEnabled()
    selector (str): Selector to wait for
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

Screenshot an element:

>>> page.screenshot('#my-selector', path='screenshot.png')
# or through the html parser
>>> page.html.find('#my-selector').screenshot('selector.png')
Screenshot an element

    selector (str, optional): CSS selector to screenshot
    path (str, optional): Path to save screenshot to. Defaults to None.
    full_page (bool): Whether to take a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Cannot be used with selector. Defaults to False.

    Optional[bytes]: Returns the screenshot buffer, if `path` was not provided

Adding Firefox/Chrome extensions

Firefox/Chrome extensions can be easily imported into a browser session. Some potentially useful extensions include:

Note: Firefox extensions are Firefox-only, and Chrome extensions are Chrome-only.

If you plan on using Firefox-specific or Chrome-specific extensions, make sure to set your browser parameter to the correct browser before rendering the page:

# when dealing with captchas, make sure to use firefox
>>> resp = hrequests.get('', browser='firefox')

Extensions are added with the extensions parameter:

  • This can be an list of absolute paths to unpacked extensions:

    with resp.render(extensions=['C:\\extensions\\hektcaptcha', 'C:\\extensions\\ublockorigin']):
  • Or a folder containing the unpacked extensions:

    with resp.render(extensions='C:\\extentions'):

    Note that these need to be unpacked extensions. You can unpack a .crx file by changing the file extension to .zip and extracting the contents.

Here is an usage example of using a captcha solver:

>>> resp = hrequests.get('', browser='firefox')
>>> with resp.render(extensions=['C:\\extensions\\hektcaptcha']) as page:
...     page.awaitSelector('.hcaptcha-success')  # wait for captcha to finish

Requests & Responses

Requests can also be sent within browser sessions. These operate the same as the standard hrequests.request, and will use the browser's cookies and headers. The BrowserSession cookies will be updated with each request.

This returns a normal Response object:

>>> resp = page.get('')
    url (str): URL to send request to
    params (dict, optional): Dictionary of URL parameters to append to the URL. Defaults to None.
    data (Union[str, dict], optional): Data to send to request. Defaults to None.
    headers (dict, optional): Dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    form (dict, optional): Form data to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    multipart (dict, optional): Multipart data to send with the request. Defaults to None.
    timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    verify (bool, optional): Verify the server's TLS certificate. Defaults to True.
    max_redirects (int, optional): Maximum number of redirects to follow. Defaults to None.

    hrequests.exceptions.BrowserTimeoutException: If timeout is reached

    hrequests.response.Response: Response object

Other methods include post, put, delete, head, and patch.

Closing the page

The BrowserSession object must be closed when finished. This will close the browser, update the response data, and merge new cookies with the session cookies.

>>> page.close()

Note that this is automatically done when using a context manager.

Session cookies are updated:

>>> session.cookies: RequestsCookieJar
<RequestsCookieJar[Cookie(version=0, name='MUID', value='123456789', port=None, port_specified=False, domain='', domain_specified=True, domain_initial_dot=True...

Response data is updated:

>>> resp.url: str
>>> resp.content: Union[bytes, str]
'<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" dir="ltr"><head><meta name="theme-color" content="#4F4F4F"><meta name="description" content="Bing helps you turn inform...

Other ways to create a Browser Session

You can use .render to spawn a BrowserSession object directly from a url:

# Using a Session:
>>> page = session.render('')
# Or without a session at all:
>>> page = hrequests.render('')

Make sure to close all BrowserSession objects when done!

>>> page.close()


This project includes code adapted from the following sources: