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Deps: godep

git clone
go get && go build

git clone
godep go build

###启动 ./mqproxy -c ./proxy.cfg


curl -H "X-Kmq-Topic: yanl" -H "X-Kmq-Partition-Key: 8555"  -H "X-Kmq-Logid: 12345" -d "n=8555" http://localhost:9090/produce?format=json

    $ch = curl_init("");

    $headers = array();
    $headers[] = 'X-Kmq-Topic: foo_topic';
    $headers[] = 'X-Kmq-Partition-Key: bar_partition_key';
    $headers[] = 'X-Kmq-Logid: 12345';

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);

    $data = array(
            'uid'     => 123,
            'uname'   => 'crask',
            'content' => 'welcome to crask',

    $post_data = http_build_query($data);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);

    $t1 = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
    $res = curl_exec($ch);
    $t2 = round(microtime(true) * 1000);

    $d = $t2-$t1;
    echo $res . "\ncost: " . $d . "ms\n";

    cost: 1ms


#http server(proxy server)配置
rtimeout=500 #读超时,单位: ms
wtimeout=500 #写超时,单位: ms
maxHeaderBytes=1048576   #http header最大容量,单位: byte
keepAlive=off  # http server是否keep alive

addr=   # kafka依赖的zk server
ctimeout=1   #zk连接超时,单位:sec

ctimeout=50  #proxy和kafka broker的连接超时,单位: ms
rtimeout=500 #proxy和kafka broker的读超时,单位: ms
wtimeout=500 #proxy和kafka broker的写超时,单位: ms
keepAlive=10 #proxy和kafka broker连接保持周琦,单位: ms
maxOpenRequest=5 #How many outstanding requests a connection is allowed to have before sending on it blocks (default 5).
partitioner=Hash #producer的均衡策略,支持Hash,Random, RoundRobin
ackStrategy=WaitForLocal  #数据一致策略, NoRespond: 不做任何保证  WaitForLocal: 保证数据提交到leader   WaitForAll: 保证leader和follower强一致
watAckTimeout=500  #ms The maximum duration the broker will wait the receipt of the number of RequiredAcks(default: 1000)
compress=None  #  数据压缩策略,None: 不压缩  Gzip: Gzip压缩   Snappy: Snappy压缩
maxMessageBytes=1000000 # 支持的最大message, 单位: byte
channelBufferSize=0     # 异步提交时采用到,这里写0
poolSize=1   #producer 实例个数,1个就可以了