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Install containers

dotnet add package Core.ServiceMesh
dotnet add package Core.ServiceMesh.SourceGen

Install shared libraries

dotnet add package Core.ServiceMesh.Abstractions
dotnet add package Core.ServiceMesh.SourceGen

Service Mesh for ASP.NET Core

  • interconnect microservices sync/async with ease
  • service request reponse pattern (sync)
    • strongly typed clients out of the box
  • event streaming via NATS JetStream (async)
    • durable and transient consumers
  • open telemetry support
    • supports local service traces in "AutoTrace" mode

Initialization in ASP.NET Core

builder.AddServiceMesh(options =>
    options.ConfigureNats = opts => opts with
        Url = "nats://localhost:4222"
    options.ConfigureStream = (name, config) =>
        config.MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
    options.InterfaceMode = ServiceInterfaceMode.Auto;
    options.Assemblies = [typeof(ISomeService).Assembly, typeof(SomeService).Assembly];

Service Interface

  • service interfaces go into abstraction libs to be shared among your microservices
  • only ValueTask and ValueTask and IAsyncEnumarable (soon) supported
public interface ISomeService
    ValueTask<string> GetSomeString(int a, string b);
    ValueTask CreateSomeObject();
    ValueTask<T> GenericAdd<T>(T a, T b) where T : INumber<T>;

Service Implementation

public class SomeService(ILogger<SomeService> logger) : ISomeService
    public async ValueTask<string> GetSomeString(int a, string b)
        await Task.Delay(100);
        return b + " " + a;

    public async ValueTask CreateSomeObject()
        await Task.Delay(100);

    public async ValueTask<T> GenericAdd<T>(T a, T b) where T : INumber<T>
        await Task.Delay(100);
        return a + b;

Service Invocation

  • inject service interface into your controllers/services
  • they are automatically proxied over nats when not available in the same container
public class DevController(ISomeService someService) : ControllerBase
    public async Task<ActionResult<int>> CreateIntObject([FromQuery] int a = 3, [FromQuery] int b = 5)
        return await someService.GenericAdd(a, b);

    public async Task<ActionResult<double>> CreateDoubleObject([FromQuery] double a = 3.1, [FromQuery] double b = 5.1)
        return await someService.GenericAdd(a, b);

Events, Streams and Consumers

  • durable consumers need to have a unique name (so you can rename your class later on)
  • PublishAsync will await confirmation by nats broker
  • SendAsync means Fire and Forget
public record SomeCommand(string Name);

[DurableConsumer("SomeCommandHandler", "default")]
public class SomeCommandHandler(ILogger<SomeCommandHandler> logger) : IConsumer<SomeCommand>
    public ValueTask ConsumeAsync(SomeCommand message, CancellationToken token)
        // do stuff
        return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

public class DevController(IServiceMesh mesh) : ControllerBase
    public async Task<IActionResult> Publish([FromQuery] string message)
        await mesh.PublishAsync(new SomeCommand(message));
        await mesh.SendAsync(new SomeCommand(message));
        return Ok();

(Experimental) HTTP Endpoints

  • to lazy to write controllers?
  • services and consumer messages may be exposed directly via http endpoints
    • for services only methods with a single complex parameter are supported
    • no generics
    • no simple types

expose services and messages

  • for this example types ending with ..Command or ..Message will be exposed as endpoints
app.MapServiceMesh(["Command", "Message"]);

customize or filter http endpoints

builder.AddServiceMesh(options =>
  options.MapHttpPublishRoute =
        (app, type, handler) =>
            app.MapPost("/api/publish/" + type.Name, handler)

  options.MapHttpSendRoute =
        (app, type, handler) =>
            // no handlers without nats ack
            //app.MapPost("/api/send/" + type.Name, handler).WithTags("send");

  options.MapHttpRequestRoute = { get; set; } =
        (app, requestType, responseType, service, method, handler) =>
            app.MapPost("/api/" + service + "/" + method.Name, handler)
                .Produces(200, responseType)