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This is a plugin for Contentstack's CLI. This plugin generates TypeScript typings from Content Types. Interfaces and fields are optionally annotated with JSDoc comments.

How to install this plugin

$ csdx plugins:install contentstack-cli-tsgen


Refer to the Migration Guide version 3 if you are migrating from version 2 or older.

How to use this plugin

$ csdx tsgen

generate TypeScript typings from a Stack

  $ csdx tsgen

  -a, --token-alias=token-alias  (required) delivery token alias
  -d, --[no-]doc                 include documentation comments
  -o, --output=output            (required) full path to output
  -p, --prefix=prefix            interface prefix, e.g. "I"

  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts"
  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts" -p "I"
  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts" --no-doc

See code: src/commands/tsgen.ts

Supported Fields

  • Number
  • Text
  • IsoDate
  • Boolean
  • Single Select w/ String and Number Types
  • Multiple Select w/ String and Number Types
  • Modular Block
  • Global Field
  • Group
  • Link
  • File
  • References

Supported Field Options

  • Mandatory
  • Multiple
  • Multiple Max Limit
  • Description (used in JSDoc comment)

Example Output

/** This is a description. */
interface BuiltinExample {
  /** Title */
  title: string;
  /** URL */
  url: string;
  /** Group1 */
  group1?: {
    /** Group2 */
    group2?: {
      /** Group3 */
      group3?: {
        /** Number */
        number?: number;
  /** SEO */
  seo?: Seo;
  /** Single line textbox */
  single_line?: string;
  /** Multi line textbox */
  multi_line?: string;
  /** Rich text editor */
  rich_text_editor?: string;
  /** Multiple Single Line Textbox */
  multiple_single_line_textbox?: string[];
  /** Markdown */
  markdown?: string;
  /** Multiple Choice */
  multiple_choice?: ("Choice 1" | "Choice 2" | "Choice 3")[];
  /** Single Choice */
  single_choice: "Choice 1" | "Choice 2" | "Choice 3";
  /** Modular Blocks */
  /** Number */
  number?: number;
  /** Link */
  link?: Link;
  /** File */
  file?: File;
  /** Boolean */
  boolean?: boolean;
  /** Date */
  date?: string;

interface ModularBlocks {
  block_1: {
    /** Number */
    number?: number;
    /** Single line textbox */
    single_line?: string;
  block_2: {
    /** Boolean */
    boolean?: boolean;
    /** Date */
    date?: string;
  seo_gf: {
    /** Keywords */
    keywords?: string;
    /** Description */
    description?: string;