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A multiplayer territory conquest game.

The server is over at conquest-server. The level designer is over at conquest-ld.

How to Play

  • The purpose of the game is to conquer the entire map with the starting tile and troops.
  • Every tile has a set production. (Player owned tiles produce more than unowned tiles)
  • Cities are spread around the map, that is, if the map loaded has cities anywhere.
  • Cities produce significantly more than tiles without cities.
    • Gold-tier cities are better than silver-tier cities.
  • Troops can be transferred from tile to tile.
    • Paths can only be created from what is player owned.
  • Troops can attack foreign tiles.
  • Every ten seconds, all tiles produce new troops.


  • WASD or the Arrow Keys to move across the screen accordingly.
  • Scroll to zoom in or out
  • Tile selection:
    • To select just one tile, click on it
    • To select multiple tiles, click and drag on a point to create a selection rectangle.
  • After tiles are selected, just click on any visible target tile and the tile manager will pop up.
  • Manager controls:
    • The left field is for partial troop transfers. This sends the requested number of troops, or the maximum possible if incapable.
      • Q is the macro defined.
      • The number field can be edited directly, or can be doubled/halved via the mini buttons on the side.
    • The right field is for maximum troop transfers. This sends all of the troops that the tiles selected own.
      • E and Enter are the macro defined.


  • Tile base production is 2 troops every refresh.
  • Every ten seconds, a:
    • Gold-tier city produces 5 extra troops.
    • Silver-tier city produces 2 extra troops.
    • Player owned tile produces 1 extra troop.
  • To conquer a tile with x troops, it is required to have at least x + 1 troops to seize control of it.
  • The larger the troop, the more time is required for a troop to sucessfully travel.
    • The time required has a minimum of 1 second, and a maximum of 5 seconds.