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A widget for Volto to have a block with subblocks

To be used with mrs-developer, see Volto docs for further usage informations.

If you are using Volto < 16, then use v1.2.3.


This is meant to edit blocks with sub-blocks, where the sub-blocks are all of the same type.


The edit component of the parent block must extend the class SubblocksEdit. If you want to enable drag&drop to reorder subblocks, you have to use the HOC 'withDNDContext'.

export default withDNDContext(Edit);

In the render() function of this component, you have to:

  • wrap all content with 'SubblocksWrapper' component:
<SubblocksWrapper node={this.node}>...</SubblocksWrapper>
  • iterate on this.state.subblocks to draw subblocks.
  • render each subblock passing this props:


  • You could insert the add button simply writing {this.renderAddBlockButton()}
  • this.state.subblocks: contains subblocks. Used to iterate on subblocks
  • this.state.subIndexSelected: contains the index of the current selected subblock
  • this.onChangeSubblocks(subblockIndex, subblock): function to call when a subblock value is changed.
    • subblockIndex: is the index of the subblock in subblocks array
    • subblock: is the subblock object with new value/values.
  • this.onMoveSubblock(dragIndex, hoverIndex): function to call when a subblock changes his position / order in subblock list.
    • dragIndex: initial index of the item
    • hoverIndex: destination index of the item.
  • this.onSubblockChangeFocus(index): called when the focus on subblocks changes.
    • index: is the index of the focused subblock.
  • this.deleteSubblock(index): function to call to delete subblock at index position.
  • this.isSubblockSelected(index): return true if subblock ad index position is selected.
  • this.renderAddBlockButton(title): renders the add block button.
    • title: if given, the title is displayed on button. Default the title is 'Add block'.
  • this.subblockProps: it's an object that contains default props for edit each subblock.


import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'volto-subblocks';
import EditBlock from './EditBlock';

class Edit extends SubblocksEdit {
  render() {
    if (__SERVER__) {
      return <div />;

    return (
      <SubblocksWrapper node={this.node}>
        {, subindex) => (
        {this.props.selected && this.renderAddBlockButton()}

export default React.memo(withDNDContext(Edit));


The edit component of the subblock must extend the class SubblockEdit

If you want to enable drag&drop to reorder subblocks, you have to compose with injectDNDSubblocks.

export default compose(injectDNDSubblocks)(EditBlock);

In the render() function of this component, you have to:

  • wrap all content with 'Subblock' component. By default Subblock component is draggable. If you prefer not to make subblocks draggable, you could add the prop draggable={false}:
<Subblock subblock={this}>...</Subblock>


import React from 'react';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import { injectDNDSubblocks, SubblockEdit, Subblock } from 'volto-subblocks';

class EditBlock extends SubblockEdit {
  render() {
    if (__SERVER__) {
      return <div />;

    return <Subblock subblock={this}>...</Subblock>;

export default React.memo(compose(injectDNDSubblocks)(EditBlock));


It's the wrapper to use in parent component. Properties:

  • node: the 'node' var that will contain ref for this node.
  • className: to add class or classes to the wrapper.


<SubblocksWrapper node={this.node} className="additional_class">


It's the wrapper for each subblock. Use it in subblock edit component. Properties:

  • subblock: the current class instance of subblock
  • className: to add class or classes to the wrapper.
  • draggable: default true. If you don't want to make your subblock sortable with drag&drop, you can pass false.


<Subblock subblock={this} className="additional_class" draggable={false}>


This product was developed by RedTurtle Technology team.

RedTurtle Technology Site