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Ian Paul edited this page Aug 14, 2021 · 22 revisions

Flashbake is a tool that uses git to make version control easier for writers.

All of the documentation is now located here and maintained as a wiki so hopefully it can be collaboratively maintained.

The current version is 0.30 (updated August 1, 2021) and can be downloaded from the Releases page.

Email me if you have a question or problem that the documentation doesn’t help resolve. I am also looking for a good, free mailing list service to set up a way for users to discuss flashbake with me and some of the other hackers working on it.

You can view the history and motivation on the original page from my main site. In a nutshell, this project started as a set of custom scripts for Cory Doctorow to help him use version control for understanding his writing process. The main focus of the scripts is to generate a rich but automated commit message for git. Secondarily, it automates managing a git project so a single, invariant call to flashbake takes care of the most common git workflow: adding and committing files.

The docs are broken out into the following pages:

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