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killerwife edited this page Jan 10, 2024 · 3 revisions

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The script_texts table DEPRECATED - USE broadcast_text INSTEAD

holds all the texts used by core scripted creatures (ScriptDev). This table handles the actual text, display type (say/yell/emote) and corresponding sounds or emote (if any).


Field Type Attributes Null Default Comments
entry int(11) signed NO 0 Text Entry
content_default text YES NULL Default Locale Text
content_loc1 text YES NULL Locale 1 Text
content_loc2 text YES NULL Locale 2 Text
content_loc3 text YES NULL Locale 3 Text
content_loc4 text YES NULL Locale 4 Text
content_loc5 text YES NULL Locale 5 Text
content_loc6 text YES NULL Locale 6 Text
content_loc7 text YES NULL Locale 7 Text
content_loc8 text YES NULL Locale 8 Text
sound int(11) unsigned NO 0 Sound Id
type int(11) unsigned NO 0 Text Type
language int(11) unsigned NO 0 Text Language
emote int(11) unsigned NO 0 Emote Id
comment text YES NULL Comment

Description of the fields


This is the entry of the text. It corresponds to a cpp script using DoScriptText(); to display the text. This number is always negative.


This is the actual text presented in the default language (English).


This is the actual text presented in the Localization #(1-8) Clients

Value Localization
1 Korean
2 French
3 German
4 Chinese
5 Taiwanese
6 Spanish
7 Spanish Mexico
8 Russian


This is the sound Id that will play with along with the corresponding text. All sounds are from SoundEntries.dbc.


This is the method the text is displayed.

Value Type Original Value Example
0 Say 12 (MonsterSay)
1 Yell 14 (MonsterYell)
2 Text Emote 16 (MonsterEmote)
3 Boss Emote 41 (RaidBossEmote)
4 Whisper 15 (MonsterWhisper)
5 Boss Whisper 42 (RaidBossWhisper)
6 Zone Yell 14 (MonsterYell) with zone wide visibility
7 Zone Text Emote 16 (MonsterEmote) with zone wide visibility


This is the ingame language of the text. Languages are from Languages.dbc.

ID Name Description
0 UNIVERSAL Text in this language is understood by ALL Races.
1 ORCISH Text in this language is understood ONLY by Horde Races.
2 DARNASSIAN Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Night Elf Race.
3 TAURAHE Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Tauren Race.
6 DWARVISH Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Dwarf Race.
7 COMMON Text in this language is understood ONLY by Alliance Races.
8 DEMONIC Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Demon Race (Not Implemented).
9 TITAN This language was used by Sargeras to speak with other Titians (Not Implemented).
10 THALASSIAN Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Blood Elf Race.
11 DRACONIC Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Dragon Race.
12 KALIMAG Text will display as Kalimag (not readable by players, language of all elementals)
13 GNOMISH Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Gnome Race.
14 TROLL Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Troll Race.
33 GUTTERSPEAK Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Undead Race.
35 DRAENEI Text in this language is understood ONLY by the Draenai Race.
36 ZOMBIE (not currently used?)
37 GNOMISH BINARY Binary language used by Alliance when drinking Binary Brew
38 GOBLIN BINARY Binary language used by Horce when drinking Binary Brew


This is the emote that the creature performs along with the corresponding text.


This field allows you to label a text entry.

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