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Module to create an OpenVPN server in a VPC virtual server instance and connect it with bastion IP(s)

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VSI OpenVPN module

IBM Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) comes with an additional layer of security as your workload can be completely hidden from the public internet. There are times, however, when you will want to get into this private network. A common practice is to use a Bastion host to jump into your VPC from a machine outside of the private network. Another option is to install VPN software inside your VPC to extend the secure VPC network to your local network.

OpenVPN is a popular VPN software solution that can be easily installed on a server and offer a simple way to reach all the servers in your VPC from your local machine.

This module deploys OpenVPN inside a CentOS 7.x VPC Virtual Server Instance (VSI) using Terraform and connects it to a Bastion server (provisioned separately) to use as a jump box. In this case the OpenVPN server IP is exposed to public internet but none of the other servers or resources are only accessible through the VPN tunnel. The OpenVPN instance allows for client-to-site VPN connections.


Name Description Type Required Default value
resource_group_id The id of the IBM Cloud resource group where the resources will be provisioned. string Yes
region The IBM Cloud region where the resources will be provisioned (e.g. us-east, eu-gb). string Yes
ibmcloud_api_key The IBM Cloud api token used to access the account and provision resources. string Yes
vpc_name The name of the existing VPC instance where the OpenVPN instance(s) will be provisioned. string Yes
subnet_count The number of subnets on the vpc instance that will be used for the OpenVPN instance(s). number Yes
subnets The list of subnet objects where OpenVPN instance(s) will be provisioned. list(object({id = string, zone = string, label = string})) Yes
ssh_key_id The id of a key registered with the VPC string Yes
ssh_private_key The private key that is paired with ssh_key_id. string Yes
instance_count The number of Bastion/jump box instances routable by the OpenVPN server number Yes
instance_network_ids The list of network interface ids for the Bastion/jump box servers. list(string) Yes
tags The list of tags that will be applied to the OpenVPN vsi instances. list(string) No []
image_name Name of the image to use for the OpenVPN instance string No ibm-centos-7-9-minimal-amd64-2
profile_name Virtual Server Instance profile to use for the OpenVPN instance string No cx2-2x4
allow_ssh_from An IP address, a CIDR block, or a single security group identifier to allow incoming SSH connection to the OpenVPN instance string No
security_group_rules List of security group rules to set on the OpenVPN security group in addition to inbound SSH and VPC and outbound DNS, ICMP, and HTTP(s) rules list(object({
No []


Software dependencies

The module depends on the following software components:

Command-line tools

  • terraform - v13

Terraform providers

  • IBM Cloud provider >= 1.17

Module dependencies

This module makes use of the output from other modules:

  • Resource group -

    Provides the name and id of the resource group where the OpenVPN instance(s) will be provisioned

  • VPC -

    Provides the name of the vpc where the OpenVPN instance(s) will be provisioned

  • VPC Subnet -

    Provides the subnets where the OpenVPN instance(s) should be provisioned

  • VPC SSH -

    Provides the ssh key pair that should be used to access the OpenVPN instance(s)

  • VSI Bastion -

    Provides the Bastion instances to which the OpenVPN instance(s) should be connected

Example terraform

module "openvpn" {
  resource_group_id   =
  region              = var.region
  ibmcloud_api_key    = var.ibmcloud_api_key
  vpc_name            =
  subnet_count        = module.openvpn-subnets.count
  subnets             = module.openvpn-subnets.subnets
  ssh_key_id          =
  ssh_private_key     = module.vpcssh.private_key
  instance_count      = module.bastion.instance_count
  instance_network_ids = module.bastion.network_interface_ids



When provisioning the OpenVPN instance a number of prerequisites must be met, namely provisioning all of the infrastructure upon which the OpenVPN server will be built. This can be done by hand or, better yet, make use of dependent modules to provision all of the pieces at once. The test/stages folder contains the terraform used to validate this module and provides a good example of how the combination of modules can be used to provide the full automation.

Assuming the submodules are used to provision OpenVPN, one critical remaining component is the SSH keys. These keys should be generated, provided as input to the vpc-ssh module, and saved for future use. The private key will be used to authenticate to the OpenVPN in the future to provide configuration.

Generate SSH keys

SSH keys can be generated using the ssh-keygen command provided as part of OpenSSH. Run the following command to generate the key pair:

ssh-keygen -f openvpn -t rsa -b 3072 -N ""

The result of the command will be two files in the current directory: openvpn and

Provide the contents of these files as input to the private_key and public_key variables in the vpc-ssh module or provide file(./openvpn) and file(./

Getting the public ip of the OpenVPN server

  1. Open the Resources view on the IBM Cloud console -
  2. Expand the VPC Infrastructure section.
  3. Find the OpenVPN virtual server instance in the list and click on it. It will have a suffix of openvpn-00.
  4. In the Network interfaces section at the bottom of the page, take note of the Floating ip. This is the public ip that can be used to access the OpenVPN server.

Adding users to the OpenVPN server

  1. Using the public ip of the OpenVPN server and the private key used to provision OpenVPN, establish a ssh session with the OpenVPN server:

    ssh -i ${private_key_file} root@${openvpn_ip}
  2. Run the script provided to configure the OpenVPN server.
  3. Enter name of the user to whom you are giving access in the "Client Name" and press "Enter"

  4. When prompted to setup password for the client select option 2 - "Use a password for the client".

  5. Enter the VPN password for the user.

  6. The OpenVPN server authentication key file for the user is created and stored under directory /root/{Client Name}.ovpn

  7. Either exit the shell or open another terminal window.

  8. Secure copy (scp) the file to your local machine with the following command:

    scp -i ${private_key_file} root@${openvpn_ip}:/root/{Client Name}.ovpn .
  9. Share the file with the OpenVPN user.

Connecting the VPN client

  1. Install OpenVPN client or Tunnelblick in your Desktop/Laptop as per instruction from the urls
  2. Authenticate to OpenVPN server using OpenVPN client file "{Client Name}.ovpn"

Once the VPN client connection is established then you can access any of the resources available within the vpc network.


Module to create an OpenVPN server in a VPC virtual server instance and connect it with bastion IP(s)






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