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Gitea terraform module

Latest release Verify and release module

Installs Gitea in an Openshift 4.x cluster via the Red Hat GPTE operator. This will NOT install Gitea in a vanilla Kubernetes cluster.

Software dependencies

The module depends on the following software components:

  • terraform v12
  • kubectl

Module dependencies

  • Cluster
  • OLM

Example usage

module "dev_tools_gitea" {
  source = ""

  cluster_config_file = module.dev_cluster.config_file_path
  cluster_type        = module.dev_cluster.type
  olm_namespace       = module.dev_software_olm.olm_namespace
  operator_namespace  = module.dev_software_olm.target_namespace
  instance_namespace  = module.dev_cluster_namespaces.tools_namespace_name
  name                = "gitea"